APP - Racism on APP

We will be using the normal definition of racism, that MLK and other normal people used for centuries, i.e. don't call people names or explicitly impugn their character/or discriminate because of the color of ones skin. Judge the person as an individual.

The definition often cited by sjw's (racism = discrimination+nebulous privilege power points) is categorically rejected here.

Don't over think it. If you find yourself stuck or wondering if something is racist, then probably best not to post it.
You can consider my replies to Evmetro as replies to you too. And you can explain how the birther tactics of Trump were something other than racism. Or you can just follow along with your finger and take cheap shots at me as long as they're limited to what is acceptable for the APP section.

As far as APP is concerned birtherism is not racism.
As far as APP is concerned birtherism is not racism.

I disagree! Birtherism is racism no matter when and where it's spewed by ignorant people.

And fwiw, I'm a Canadian and I have no dog in your political fight. I just call a spade a spade and on that I will stand my ground!
I disagree! Birtherism is racism no matter when and where it's spewed by ignorant people.

And fwiw, I'm a Canadian and I have no dog in your political fight. I just call a spade a spade and on that I will stand my ground!

you are welcome to disagree but ultimately that's the interesting thing about "Racism" and it's varying definitions, it's open to interpretation. I have no doubt that some on the left think birtherism is racism. Some on the left may also think being against immigration is racist, or that being against affirmative action is racist. But we don't use those nebulous definitions here.

We keep it simple, treat people for the content of their character.

birtherism is not racist because it could be any of the following (or none):

anti-foreigner (not exclusive to race)
anti-religion (obama is a muslim?)
distrust of a liberal politician because they are liberal
good faith belief that they are not an american citizen, and race isn't even the issue

There could be many more reasons as well.

Ultimately though, many people will have varying definitions of what racism is. In APP, we use the most simple, universal, most accepted, most objective definition.
We will be using the normal definition of racism, that MLK and other normal people used for centuries, i.e. don't call people names or explicitly impugn their character/or discriminate because of the color of ones skin. Judge the person as an individual.

The definition often cited by sjw's (racism = discrimination+nebulous privilege power points) is categorically rejected here.

Don't over think it. If you find yourself stuck or wondering if something is racist, then probably best not to post it.

I'm not stuck or wondering about anything. Birtherism as is spewed by Trump or anyone else is in my opinion a racist tactic that is being used to generate hate. I'll discuss that and argue for it until the cows come home.

And if it's on this section of the forum, it will be argued in a respectable manner and on equal footing with any and all staff members of the forum.

That's my prerequisite with you and everybody else and it's not negotiable.

Thanks for your interest in this section of the forum. Let's all help it grow to become the new face of respectability on JPP!
I'm not stuck or wondering about anything. Birtherism as is spewed by Trump or anyone else is in my opinion a racist tactic that is being used to generate hate. I'll discuss that and argue for it until the cows come home.

And if it's on this section of the forum, it will be argued in a respectable manner and on equal footing with any and all staff members of the forum.

That's my prerequisite with you and everybody else and it's not negotiable.

Thanks for your interest in this section of the forum. Let's all help it grow to become the new face of respectability on JPP!

you can argue all you wish, but no one is going to be removed from APP for saying obama wasn't born in america.
you are welcome to disagree but ultimately that's the interesting thing about "Racism" and it's varying definitions, it's open to interpretation. I have no doubt that some on the left think birtherism is racism. Some on the left may also think being against immigration is racist, or that being against affirmative action is racist. But we don't use those nebulous definitions here.

We keep it simple, treat people for the content of their character.

birtherism is not racist because it could be any of the following (or none):

anti-foreigner (not exclusive to race)
anti-religion (obama is a muslim?)
distrust of a liberal politician because they are liberal
good faith belief that they are not an american citizen, and race isn't even the issue

There could be many more reasons as well.

Ultimately though, many people will have varying definitions of what racism is. In APP, we use the most simple, universal, most accepted, most objective definition.

On the APP section of the forum I refer to birtherism as racism. What's your point? Do you have one or did you come to pick a fight? If a fight is what you want then let's get it over with quickly.

I don't accept any punishment from any moderator for non-violations of the rules. And between you and me and the gatepostl, I don't accept anything other than lifetime bans. When you feel you have found a reason to move on me, if you do, you won't make any mistake on how you will have to do it.

Do I make myself clear? Be a part of trying to make the APP section of the forum a better place or pick your fight or disagree respectfully on my definition of what I consider racism.

If your intent is not to threaten me then you can just ignore everything I've told you. Or not. whatever?
you are welcome to disagree but ultimately that's the interesting thing about "Racism" and it's varying definitions, it's open to interpretation. I have no doubt that some on the left think birtherism is racism. Some on the left may also think being against immigration is racist, or that being against affirmative action is racist. But we don't use those nebulous definitions here.

We keep it simple, treat people for the content of their character.

birtherism is not racist because it could be any of the following (or none):

anti-foreigner (not exclusive to race)
anti-religion (obama is a muslim?)
distrust of a liberal politician because they are liberal
good faith belief that they are not an american citizen, and race isn't even the issue

There could be many more reasons as well.

Ultimately though, many people will have varying definitions of what racism is. In APP, we use the most simple, universal, most accepted, most objective definition.
It hurts victims of real racism when racism is used by lefties to describe their political opponents. It takes away the one word that real victims of real racism have to describe what is happening.
There must be race involved for there to be racism. Ever notice how you can hear the word "race" when you say racism? That's why I asked for the affected race in the opening post.

For the extreme rightists, there must be racism and a discussion on racism, or they feel like something is missing in their lives. It's mostly because they can't get over losing their civil war, but it's also got something to do with inbreeding with their sisters I suspect?
On the APP section of the forum I refer to birtherism as racism. What's your point? Do you have one or did you come to pick a fight? If a fight is what you want then let's get it over with quickly.

I don't accept any punishment from any moderator for non-violations of the rules. And between you and me and the gatepostl, I don't accept anything other than lifetime bans. When you feel you have found a reason to move on me, if you do, you won't make any mistake on how you will have to do it.

Do I make myself clear? Be a part of trying to make the APP section of the forum a better place or pick your fight or disagree respectfully on my definition of what I consider racism.

If your intent is not to threaten me then you can just ignore everything I've told you. Or not. whatever?

who is threatening you? nobody is. relax.

with re: to violations of the rules, ultimately that is the mods decision, not yours. op has asked clarification on one of these rules and I have responded for that clarification. you are welcome to call birtherism racism, but as far as the rules are concerned, it's not, and that's what is ultimately relevant as far as this thread is concerned.
who is threatening you? nobody is. relax.

with re: to violations of the rules, ultimately that is the mods decision, not yours. op has asked clarification on one of these rules and I have responded for that clarification. you are welcome to call birtherism racism, but as far as the rules are concerned, it's not, and that's what is ultimately relevant as far as this thread is concerned.

Birtherism is racism. That's my position and that therefore becomes my rule. My position is not negotiable! If it's a fight you want then fill your boots! Otherwise, I'm done with it!
Birtherism is racism. That's my position and that therefore becomes my rule. My position is not negotiable! If it's a fight you want then fill your boots! Otherwise, I'm done with it!

I am not sure what your position is. You are allowed to believe whatever you want, no one has suggested otherwise, but when it comes to rule enforcement, your position is meaningless.
I disagree! Birtherism is racism
There are three posters on this board who are absolutely adamant I'm a racist because I once advocated a healthy diet on a thread. Just sayin'.
Would you like for me to explain why they think advocating a healthy diet is racist? Or maybe as a lefty you already know ;)
If one thinks that believing Obama wasn’t born in this country is racist, one must ask what race of his is it racist against?

After all, Obama is half white and half Kenyan.

Is it racist against his half white heritage? If not then why not?
I disagree! Birtherism is racism
Here is Merriam-Webster's def. :

racism noun
rac·​ism | \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi- \
Definition of racism
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2a : a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b : a political or social system founded on racism
3 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Which of these definitions do you consider birtherism to fall under?
Your premise is faulty. It is a continuous theme with you.

Look up the definition of racism and then get back to us

Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t meet the definition of racism if you believe words mean things as I do.

Now if you are a person with no moral compass or guiding principles then words are interchangeable to serve a political goal. I find this is often the case with leftists.

There were legitimate questions about Obama’s birth certificate first raised by Crooked Hillary (leftists always conveniently forget this).

He never produced an actual birth certificate. What was produced was a certificate of live birth. I can understand why the uninformed among us think they are interchangeable but they are not.

Again words mean things.

Obama’s certificate of live birth that was presented was proven to be a forgery.

Any criticism of B. Hussein Obama was considered “racist”. Not because it was, but it was used as a weapon to stifle dissent against the first half white President.

It wasn’t racist because it doesn’t meet the true definition of racism which essentially is that you believe a race is inferior BECAUSE of their race.

As it pertains to B. Hussein’s certificate of live birth the definition is not met so therefore it is not racism definitionally.

It is ok. I don’t expect you to change your mind. I never expect committed leftists to change their minds. I am here to show why you are wrong so others aren’t easily duped by leftist tropes and euphemisms

Obama's COLB was never proven to be a forgery. Even a conservative computer expert, John Woodman, wrote a book debunking every argument that it was faked.