APP - Racism on APP

It is fascinating to see how hard it is for lefties to post a simple example of racism in our current political landscape, considering how often they claim it is happening.

Point of order... nothing in the OP states that this question is directed at lefties only.

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist

In 1995, [Don] Black founded Stormfront, which was the internet's first major racial hate site. To date, it remains one of the most popular online resources for those drawn to racial ideologies.[SUP][30][/SUP] The site featured the writings of William Luther Pierce and David Duke as well as works by the Institute for Historical Review and the Culture of Critique series. Initially, along with these articles, Stormfront housed a library of white pride, neo-Nazi and white power skinhead graphics for downloading, and a number of links to other white nationalist websites.

2. Current event, within the last few years

"Gregory A. Bush, 51, was indicted today by a federal grand jury on hate crime and firearm charges arising out of the racially motivated murder of two African-American patrons at a Kroger grocery store, and the attempted murder of a third, on Oct. 24 in Jeffersontown, Kentucky. The indictment was announced by Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division, U.S. Attorney Russell Coleman, and FBI Louisville Special Agent in Charge James Robert Brown, Jr.

Today’s indictment charges Bush with hate crimes for shooting and killing two victims because of their race and color; and for shooting at a third man because of his race and color. The indictment also charges Bush for using and discharging a firearm during and in relation to those crimes of violence. The indictment alleges that Bush committed the offenses after substantial planning and premeditation, that he killed more than one person in a single criminal episode, and that he knowingly created a grave risk of death to others on the scene."

3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.

See above.

4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.

See above.

5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.

Not applicable to the above.

6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.

Gregory A. Bush, Caucasian, racially-motivated killing of two African-Americans in October 2018.


7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links

Bush’s Facebook page indicates he has a history of posting racially charged opinions.
“They cast a black Human Torch, why not a white Static-Shock? You know why,” Bush said in a 2015 post linking to an article about actor Jaden Smith being confirmed to play the superhero.

8. No gish gallop

Not applicable.
Hello Evmetro,

I am interested in seeing some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape. Since racism is one of the hottest topics in politics right now, there should be several examples to list. I have started dozens of threads on the regular forum that seek such an example, but have not been able to get one yet.

Since nobody has been able to produce a single example of racism then the logical conclusion is that it doesn't even exist, right? All imaginary?

Well if it doesn't exist, then there must not be any real victims of actual racism, correct?

... the one word that real victims of actual racism have to describe ...

OK, now you're confusing me. If there are no examples of racism we wouldn't know what words victims of it use to describe anything.


Does racism exist or not?
Hello EVmetro,

I am not aware of any examples, but I hear non stop talk about racism coming from the left.

Wrong on both accounts/

There is widespread acknowledgement of racism from Republicans. Discussion of racism does not come solely from the left.

And if 'the left' were talking non-stop around racism, they would not have time to talk of anything else. But the left has shown concern about many issues, besides racism, such as climate change. So it must be that the left is not actually talking non stop about racism.
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Hello Evmetro,

56 posts so far, and no lefty has been able to post a simple example of racism as described in the opening post. Lefties would love to have some examples of real racism to post, but no lefties have any examples that are not allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, propaganda, gish gallop, speculations, or emotionally based assertions.

Ahh, but you did not acknowledge post #28.

Michael Slager, pleaded guilty to racism (violating civil rights) and was sentenced in federal court. 20 years.

The Fatal Shooting of Black Walter Scott In The Back as he ran AWAY from A White Cop unarmed.
Since there is only one human race, the basic notion behind racism is that people are divided up according to whatever fantasy fills the racist's head. In all countries the extreme right exists mainly by stirring up nonsensical fantasies, and in the United States, as a result of its justifications for land-theft, ethnic cleansing and kidnapping people to enslave, racism is particularly wide-spread, which is why right-wingers like it best of all: it can, of course, be redirected at will, at Jews, for instance until Nazi 'israel' appeared, then at Arabs ('Muslims' to the racists to avoid honesty) as an easy replacement. Give up the whole silly nonsense if you want to avoid this fatuity!
Point of order... nothing in the OP states that this question is directed at lefties only.

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist

In 1995, [Don] Black founded Stormfront, which was the internet's first major racial hate site. To date, it remains one of the most popular online resources for those drawn to racial ideologies.[SUP][30][/SUP] The site featured the writings of William Luther Pierce and David Duke as well as works by the Institute for Historical Review and the Culture of Critique series. Initially, along with these articles, Stormfront housed a library of white pride, neo-Nazi and white power skinhead graphics for downloading, and a number of links to other white nationalist websites.

2. Current event, within the last few years

"Gregory A. Bush, 51, was indicted today by a federal grand jury on hate crime and firearm charges arising out of the racially motivated murder of two African-American patrons at a Kroger grocery store, and the attempted murder of a third, on Oct. 24 in Jeffersontown, Kentucky. The indictment was announced by Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband for the Civil Rights Division, U.S. Attorney Russell Coleman, and FBI Louisville Special Agent in Charge James Robert Brown, Jr.

Today’s indictment charges Bush with hate crimes for shooting and killing two victims because of their race and color; and for shooting at a third man because of his race and color. The indictment also charges Bush for using and discharging a firearm during and in relation to those crimes of violence. The indictment alleges that Bush committed the offenses after substantial planning and premeditation, that he killed more than one person in a single criminal episode, and that he knowingly created a grave risk of death to others on the scene."

3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.

See above.

4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.

See above.

5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.

Not applicable to the above.

6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.

Gregory A. Bush, Caucasian, racially-motivated killing of two African-Americans in October 2018.


7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links

Bush’s Facebook page indicates he has a history of posting racially charged opinions.
“They cast a black Human Torch, why not a white Static-Shock? You know why,” Bush said in a 2015 post linking to an article about actor Jaden Smith being confirmed to play the superhero.

8. No gish gallop

Not applicable.

This is what I have been waiting for. While item 1 is weak with the generalized concept and 1995 thing, but it looks like you were able to cover all 8 items with the second one. I was able to follow your link, and it took me right to this:

On or about October 24, 2018, in Jefferson County, in the Western District of Kentucky,
the defendant, GREGORY A. BUSH, willfully caused bodily injury to M.S., by shooting M.S.
multiple times in the head and body, because of M.S.'s actual and perceived race and color. The
offense resulted in the death of M.S .

Not only did you post a legitimate example of a specific act of racism, but you were also able to demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post. You went through each of the 8 items and compared them to what you were posting. You have earned the Evmetro award video below:

Congrats to Evmetro for finally admitting that racism exists.

And congrats to christiefan915 for managing to successfully satisfy all of Evmetro's many stringently designed and quite ridiculous 'conditions for acknowledgement of racism.'

I swear. Passing that test was like trying to vote while black in 1950's Mississippi.

Simply estimate the number of jelly beans in this giant jar and we will let you vote.
This is what I have been waiting for. While item 1 is weak with the generalized concept and 1995 thing, but it looks like you were able to cover all 8 items with the second one. I was able to follow your link, and it took me right to this:

Not only did you post a legitimate example of a specific act of racism, but you were also able to demonstrate that you read and understood the opening post. You went through each of the 8 items and compared them to what you were posting. You have earned the Evmetro award video below:

Since you think #1 was weak, here is another link that's a little...stronger. For obvious reasons I'm hiding it in a spoiler.

Congrats to Evmetro for finally admitting that racism exists.

And congrats to christiefan915 for managing to successfully satisfy all of Evmetro's many stringently designed and quite ridiculous 'conditions for acknowledgement of racism.'

I swear. Passing that test was like trying to vote while black in 1950's Mississippi.

Simply estimate the number of jelly beans in this giant jar and we will let you vote.

Which condition was unreasonable? When was this ever about acknowledging racism? I have only asked for examples of racism on this forum.
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Since you think #1 was weak, here is another link that's a little...stronger. For obvious reasons I'm hiding it in a spoiler.

This is kinda weak as well, since it is not a specific act. I would bet that if one were to venture down that rabbit hole, there would likely be some racists statements that would qualify on this thread. I also suspect that many gang related crimes would qualify.
Hello Evmetro,

Unsupported conjecture. Not fact. Purely opinion.

I still haven't seen you produce a legitimate example of racism as described in the opening post and as christiefan illustrated. Once you demonstrate that you can isolate an actual racist incident, I'll take you more seriously. At this point, I can't even tell if you are able to differentiate an act or example of racism from the concept or existence of racism.
This is kinda weak as well, since it is not a specific act. I would bet that if one were to venture down that rabbit hole, there would likely be some racists statements that would qualify on this thread. I also suspect that many gang related crimes would qualify.

You wanted an act or statement. I think it qualifies as a statement.
I still haven't seen you produce a legitimate example of racism as described in the opening post and as christiefan illustrated. Once you demonstrate that you can isolate an actual racist incident, I'll take you more seriously. At this point, I can't even tell if you are able to differentiate an act or example of racism from the concept or existence of racism.

You still have not acknowledged post 28.

And I couldn't give a flying fig about your conditions.

Racism is racism.

It doesn't matter if you acknowledge examples given by anybody or not.

Racism is still with us.
Michael Slager, pleaded guilty to racism (violating civil rights) and was sentenced in federal court. 20 years.

The Fatal Shooting of Black Walter Scott In The Back as he ran AWAY from A White Cop unarmed.

Post 28 is worthless because of what wiki has to say:

The race difference led many to believe that the shooting was racially motivated, generating a widespread controversy.

"Led many to believe" and "controversy " are absolutely worthless as evidence.