APP - Racism on APP

Your premise is faulty. It is a continuous theme with you.

Look up the definition of racism and then get back to us

Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t meet the definition of racism if you believe words mean things as I do.

Now if you are a person with no moral compass or guiding principles then words are interchangeable to serve a political goal. I find this is often the case with leftists.

There were legitimate questions about Obama’s birth certificate first raised by Crooked Hillary (leftists always conveniently forget this).

He never produced an actual birth certificate. What was produced was a certificate of live birth. I can understand why the uninformed among us think they are interchangeable but they are not.

Again words mean things.

Obama’s certificate of live birth that was presented was proven to be a forgery.

Any criticism of B. Hussein Obama was considered “racist”. Not because it was, but it was used as a weapon to stifle dissent against the first half white President.

It wasn’t racist because it doesn’t meet the true definition of racism which essentially is that you believe a race is inferior BECAUSE of their race.

As it pertains to B. Hussein’s certificate of live birth the definition is not met so therefore it is not racism definitionally.

It is ok. I don’t expect you to change your mind. I never expect committed leftists to change their minds. I am here to show why you are wrong so others aren’t easily duped by leftist tropes and euphemisms

Your posts are always full of not so cleverly disguised insults and I've already heard them all. As well as your silly talking points that aren't meant to convince others but to only please yourself. I don't want to ban you from any of my threads but please don't push me!

Have a nice day!
Your posts are always full of not so cleverly disguised insults and I've already heard them all. As well as your silly talking points that aren't meant to convince others but to only please yourself. I don't want to ban you from any of my threads but please don't push me!

Have a nice day!

It is not surprising that one who imagines nonexistent racism would also imagine nonexistent insults.

You will have to do what you have to do. You won’t be the first to thread ban me and most definitely wot be the last.

Did you know that thread banning was created due to incessant whining from JPP leftists about me? True story bro. Ain’t the irony awesome that nobody has maximized the use of thread bans more than I have?
It is not surprising that one who imagines nonexistent racism would also imagine nonexistent insults.

You will have to do what you have to do. You won’t be the first to thread ban me and most definitely wot be the last.

Did you know that thread banning was created due to incessant whining from JPP leftists about me? True story bro. Ain’t the irony awesome that nobody has maximized the use of thread bans more than I have?

Your entire country is awash in a racist sewer. I don't expect that you will be able to understand that from the POV of an American.

And again, have a nice day!
You should start a thread about this. If you start it over on the APP forum, you might even get lucky enough to have some people respond to your opening post instead of derailing it. I started a thread over there requesting an example of racism in our current political landscape, but lefties post everything but an answer that demonstrates that they have read and understand the opening post, let alone an answer to it. Only one lefty, Christifan, was able to post such an example, and it appears that his was probably just an accident.
^ Is this what you've sunk to? I suspect that no matter how many examples are posted it wouldn't be enough.

"Roland J. Bourgeois, Jr., 55, of New Orleans, LA, appeared yesterday before Senior U.S. District Court Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon and pleaded guilty to charges that, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he shot at three young African-American men because of their race as the men attempted to evacuate New Orleans, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division John Gore; U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana Peter G. Strasser; and FBI New Orleans Division Special Agent in Charge Eric J. Rommal.

According to documents filed in connection with the plea, shortly after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Bourgeois and other white male residents of the Algiers Point neighborhood agreed that they would use force to keep out African Americans from their neighborhood. They moved fallen trees to barricade the streets near their homes and started armed patrols of the neighborhood."

"A Kansas man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the February 2017 killing of an Indian national and for the shooting of two other men. Earlier this year, the defendant plead guilty to hate crimes, firearm offenses, attempted murder, and murder charges related to the death and injuries of the three victims. According to the plea agreement, the defendant approached the victims, demanding to know how they entered the country, and called one victim a “terrorist.” The defendant later returned to the bar with a gun and shot two victims, killing one and injuring the other. At the defendant’s guilty-plea hearing, he admitted that he targeted and shot two of the Indian National victims because of their race, color, and national origin and that he shot the third victim in an attempt to flee the crime scene."

"Three men from Los Angeles, California, pled guilty to federal civil rights and racketeering charges for participating in a firebombing of African-American residences in a public housing development on May 11, 2014. The defendants, who were members of a Hispanic street gang, threw Molotov cocktails into apartments occupied by African-American families. The defendants admitted that they targeted the apartments because of the occupants’ race and color with the intent to force the victims to move away."
^ Is this what you've sunk to? I suspect that no matter how many examples are posted it wouldn't be enough.

"Roland J. Bourgeois, Jr., 55, of New Orleans, LA, appeared yesterday before Senior U.S. District Court Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon and pleaded guilty to charges that, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he shot at three young African-American men because of their race as the men attempted to evacuate New Orleans, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division John Gore; U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana Peter G. Strasser; and FBI New Orleans Division Special Agent in Charge Eric J. Rommal.

According to documents filed in connection with the plea, shortly after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Bourgeois and other white male residents of the Algiers Point neighborhood agreed that they would use force to keep out African Americans from their neighborhood. They moved fallen trees to barricade the streets near their homes and started armed patrols of the neighborhood."

"A Kansas man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the February 2017 killing of an Indian national and for the shooting of two other men. Earlier this year, the defendant plead guilty to hate crimes, firearm offenses, attempted murder, and murder charges related to the death and injuries of the three victims. According to the plea agreement, the defendant approached the victims, demanding to know how they entered the country, and called one victim a “terrorist.” The defendant later returned to the bar with a gun and shot two victims, killing one and injuring the other. At the defendant’s guilty-plea hearing, he admitted that he targeted and shot two of the Indian National victims because of their race, color, and national origin and that he shot the third victim in an attempt to flee the crime scene."

"Three men from Los Angeles, California, pled guilty to federal civil rights and racketeering charges for participating in a firebombing of African-American residences in a public housing development on May 11, 2014. The defendants, who were members of a Hispanic street gang, threw Molotov cocktails into apartments occupied by African-American families. The defendants admitted that they targeted the apartments because of the occupants’ race and color with the intent to force the victims to move away."

Four examples of obvious racism and I'm sure you could find a few more if you looked.
Unfortunately you have degenerate pieces of shit like the asshole who posted directly above your post who accuses others of racism when there is no proof.
^ Is this what you've sunk to? I suspect that no matter how many examples are posted it wouldn't be enough.

"Roland J. Bourgeois, Jr., 55, of New Orleans, LA, appeared yesterday before Senior U.S. District Court Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon and pleaded guilty to charges that, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he shot at three young African-American men because of their race as the men attempted to evacuate New Orleans, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division John Gore; U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana Peter G. Strasser; and FBI New Orleans Division Special Agent in Charge Eric J. Rommal.

According to documents filed in connection with the plea, shortly after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Bourgeois and other white male residents of the Algiers Point neighborhood agreed that they would use force to keep out African Americans from their neighborhood. They moved fallen trees to barricade the streets near their homes and started armed patrols of the neighborhood."

"A Kansas man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the February 2017 killing of an Indian national and for the shooting of two other men. Earlier this year, the defendant plead guilty to hate crimes, firearm offenses, attempted murder, and murder charges related to the death and injuries of the three victims. According to the plea agreement, the defendant approached the victims, demanding to know how they entered the country, and called one victim a “terrorist.” The defendant later returned to the bar with a gun and shot two victims, killing one and injuring the other. At the defendant’s guilty-plea hearing, he admitted that he targeted and shot two of the Indian National victims because of their race, color, and national origin and that he shot the third victim in an attempt to flee the crime scene."

"Three men from Los Angeles, California, pled guilty to federal civil rights and racketeering charges for participating in a firebombing of African-American residences in a public housing development on May 11, 2014. The defendants, who were members of a Hispanic street gang, threw Molotov cocktails into apartments occupied by African-American families. The defendants admitted that they targeted the apartments because of the occupants’ race and color with the intent to force the victims to move away."

My example of Obama birtherism is a much more far-reaching and egregious example of racism than any individual cases. But frankly, the whole US is awash in racism now and it's approaching the level of the 60's. This has always been Trump's intention and sadly the American people bought into it.

I think the rabid, frothing at the mouth right always die yearn for a reason to express their hate and now it's been let loose.

A black man being a president, and fwiw, seen as perhaps the best president the US has ever had, was the perfect situation the psychopathic Trump needed. Seriously, I say this to help because most Americans are taking too long to come back to their senses!
^ Is this what you've sunk to? I suspect that no matter how many examples are posted it wouldn't be enough.

The one example was followed up by examples that were not right.

"Roland J. Bourgeois, Jr., 55, of New Orleans, LA, appeared yesterday before Senior U.S. District Court Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon and pleaded guilty to charges that, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, he shot at three young African-American men because of their race as the men attempted to evacuate New Orleans, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division John Gore; U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Louisiana Peter G. Strasser; and FBI New Orleans Division Special Agent in Charge Eric J. Rommal.

According to documents filed in connection with the plea, shortly after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Bourgeois and other white male residents of the Algiers Point neighborhood agreed that they would use force to keep out African Americans from their neighborhood. They moved fallen trees to barricade the streets near their homes and started armed patrols of the neighborhood."

I was unable to navigate via a link to the evidence that this was a racist incident. All I could find were articles about it that were heavily laced with the words "alleged, accused, indictment", but I could not find what the guy was found guilty of in his trial. Please provide the link to what he was actually found guilty of at his trial.

"A Kansas man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the February 2017 killing of an Indian national and for the shooting of two other men. Earlier this year, the defendant plead guilty to hate crimes, firearm offenses, attempted murder, and murder charges related to the death and injuries of the three victims. According to the plea agreement, the defendant approached the victims, demanding to know how they entered the country, and called one victim a “terrorist.” The defendant later returned to the bar with a gun and shot two victims, killing one and injuring the other. At the defendant’s guilty-plea hearing, he admitted that he targeted and shot two of the Indian National victims because of their race, color, and national origin and that he shot the third victim in an attempt to flee the crime scene."

I added bold to what I was able to verify. You have successfully posted another example. I did have to do some homework on this to verify that it was legit, but I was delighted to be researching a promising lead. This was more than allegations, accusations, propaganda, gish gallop, or dodging. Christiefan, this is twice now that you were able to isolate a legitimate example of a racist act or statement from all of the stuff on the internet about racism allegations, accusations, propaganda, or gish gallop, you have an ability to come up with what no other lefty on the forum can.

"Three men from Los Angeles, California, pled guilty to federal civil rights and racketeering charges for participating in a firebombing of African-American residences in a public housing development on May 11, 2014. The defendants, who were members of a Hispanic street gang, threw Molotov cocktails into apartments occupied by African-American families. The defendants admitted that they targeted the apartments because of the occupants’ race and color with the intent to force the victims to move away."

The bolded print checks out!

Can you still find examples like this on your own, without that list that you linked? Can you see the difference between cases that are dismissed, vs cases where somebody was found guilty of a race related incident? Christie, I am really excited that a lefty is able to differentiate real provable racism from allegations, accusations, propaganda, and dismissed cases.
The one example was followed up by examples that were not right.

I was unable to navigate via a link to the evidence that this was a racist incident. All I could find were articles about it that were heavily laced with the words "alleged, accused, indictment", but I could not find what the guy was found guilty of in his trial. Please provide the link to what he was actually found guilty of at his trial.

"The last open case involving civil rights abuses in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina culminated Wednesday in a guilty plea and a white man's admission that he shot three black men walking through his neighborhood because he regarded them as potential looters whom he referred to by racist epithets.

Roland Bourgeois, 55, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to a hate crime and illegal weapons usage for firing a shotgun at and striking three black men in Algiers Point three days after Katrina devastated the city 13 years ago. The men were seeking to evacuate the flooded city."

I added bold to what I was able to verify. You have successfully posted another example. I did have to do some homework on this to verify that it was legit, but I was delighted to be researching a promising lead. This was more than allegations, accusations, propaganda, gish gallop, or dodging. Christiefan, this is twice now that you were able to isolate a legitimate example of a racist act or statement from all of the stuff on the internet about racism allegations, accusations, propaganda, or gish gallop, you have an ability to come up with what no other lefty on the forum can.

The bolded print checks out!

Can you still find examples like this on your own, without that list that you linked? Can you see the difference between cases that are dismissed, vs cases where somebody was found guilty of a race related incident? Christie, I am really excited that a lefty is able to differentiate real provable racism from allegations, accusations, propaganda, and dismissed cases.
My example of Obama birtherism is a much more far-reaching and egregious example of racism than any individual cases.

Christiefan can apparently see much further than the average commie jpp lefty. He has provided more than one example of racism incidents or statements that fit neatly into the simple but essential 8 check point check mate that was in my opening post. Your notion that birtherism is racism is based upon faith, opinion, and emotion, so it is nothing even close to being an example of racism that can be proven and checkmated.

If you really do care about racism beyond the dogma of your ideology, be aware that the victims of real racism, like in the examples Christiefan posted, often rely on the word "racism" to describe what they are victims of. When that word is used, it is important to victims of real racism that people know when they hear the word "racist" that it is not just anybody who is the enemy of the left, but rather somebody who really is doing harm because of race.

Criminals will always impose crime upon victims of other races, but this does not mean that the crimes are racially motivated. Before assuming that crime or apparent discrimination between races is racially motivated, be sure to have enough facts that prove it is racially motivated.
"The last open case involving civil rights abuses in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina culminated Wednesday in a guilty plea and a white man's admission that he shot three black men walking through his neighborhood because he regarded them as potential looters whom he referred to by racist epithets.

Roland Bourgeois, 55, pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to a hate crime and illegal weapons usage for firing a shotgun at and striking three black men in Algiers Point three days after Katrina devastated the city 13 years ago. The men were seeking to evacuate the flooded city."

It says plead guilty to a hate crime and illegal weapons charge. This is not narrowed down to race. Hate crime is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.

My heart tells me to sign off on this, and that there is little doubt that this was anything other than a race related crime. This still does not mean that it is proven racially motivated. Your other examples were race specific and undeniable check mates.
It says plead guilty to a hate crime and illegal weapons charge. This is not narrowed down to race. Hate crime is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group or race.

My heart tells me to sign off on this, and that there is little doubt that this was anything other than a race related crime. This still does not mean that it is proven racially motivated. Your other examples were race specific and undeniable check mates.

This thread had a bad smell about it and sure enough, the smell is coming off of it is more racism.

Have fun with your favourite topic!
This thread had a bad smell about it and sure enough, the smell is coming off of you.

Have fun with your favourite topic!

I would be honored if you would put me on ignore. I work very hard to reach the top of most-hated-by-lefties lists, so I love to hear when I have finally made it. Usually, lefties alert me of my status as I climb the list, by labeling me a racist or placing me on ignore, but I prefer to have both. This will give you the opportunity to step away from a lost debate by claiming that circumstances made it impossible to finish the race. This is a win-win for both of us! so
I would be honored if you would put me on ignore. I work very hard to reach the top of most-hated-by-lefties lists, so I love to hear when I have finally made it. Usually, lefties alert me of my status as I climb the list, by labeling me a racist or placing me on ignore, but I prefer to have both. This will give you the opportunity to step away from a lost debate by claiming that circumstances made it impossible to finish the race. This is a win-win for both of us! so

I never make any attempts to honor extreme rightists and racists. And I never hate rightists, I pity them for their bad feelings. In fairness, I pity all Americans, but that's just me.

Losing a debate to an American racist is something that I consider impossible. Are you a racist? Why don't you try to tell me in your own words whether you are or not. Most indications of your behaviour so far is telling me that I'm onto the truth. No accusations here on what that is though. P.m. me or go off on one of your racism threads in the main section. I'll catch up to you there.

But your explanation would be useful, and it would be consistent with the rules of this section of the forum!
Are you a racist? Why don't you try to tell me in your own words whether you are or not. Most indications of your behaviour so far is telling me that I'm onto the truth.

You invited me here to the APP, and challenged me to debate with you under the rules of this section. Here we are, and you are derailing this thread after failing to demonstrate that you have read and understand the opening post, and failing to post what the opening post asks for.

We can debate if I am a racist or not, or if I have ever suggested that I am one, or if you can quote anything I have ever said on this forum that shows that I am racist. This is not the correct thread for such a discussion, but I am willing to do it on a different thread in the APP section or the regular section. Keep in mind what it means though, that you have failed to actually post an example of an incident or statement of real racism. You might call me a racist for supporting Trump when he insisted on seeing Ted Cruz's birth certificate and validating that he was eligible to run for president after being born in Canada. If you can correctly answer the opening post like Christiefan did, it would show that we could get somewhere in the proposed new thread.
You invited me here to the APP, and challenged me to debate with you under the rules of this section. Here we are, and you are derailing this thread after failing to demonstrate that you have read and understand the opening post, and failing to post what the opening post asks for.

We can debate if I am a racist or not, or if I have ever suggested that I am one, or if you can quote anything I have ever said on this forum that shows that I am racist. This is not the correct thread for such a discussion, but I am willing to do it on a different thread in the APP section or the regular section. Keep in mind what it means though, that you have failed to actually post an example of an incident or statement of real racism. You might call me a racist for supporting Trump when he insisted on seeing Ted Cruz's birth certificate and validating that he was eligible to run for president after being born in Canada. If you can correctly answer the opening post like Christiefan did, it would show that we could get somewhere in the proposed new thread.

I don't wast undue time talking to neo-nazis, fascists, or racists. You were asked politely to prove you're not one.

The correct answer to your OP is that birtherism against Obama is filthy racism at it's worst. But that's only thousands of example that meet the challenge for decent and respectable to prove you wrong.

And speaking of wrong, what is it with you that you're so preoccupied with your racism test?

I think that's all I'll have to do with this topic now until you can admit that birtherism is RACISM. Do I make myseld clear?
I don't wast undue time talking to neo-nazis, fascists, or racists. You were asked politely to prove you're not one.

The correct answer to your OP is that birtherism against Obama is filthy racism at it's worst. But that's only thousands of example that meet the challenge for decent and respectable to prove you wrong.

And speaking of wrong, what is it with you that you're so preoccupied with your racism test?

I think that's all I'll have to do with this topic now until you can admit that birtherism is RACISM. Do I make myseld clear?

I can't make out what you have posted, it came out like Evince posted it. Can you go back through and clean it up enough to where I can see what you tried to say?
I can't make out what you have posted, it came out like Evince posted it. Can you go back through and clean it up enough to where I can see what you tried to say?

Follow along with your nose-picking finger:

I don't wast undue time talking to neo-nazis, fascists, or racists. You were asked politely to prove you're not one.

The correct answer to your OP is that birtherism against Obama is filthy racism at it's worst. But that's only thousands of example that meet the challenge for decent and respectable to prove you wrong.

And speaking of wrong, what is it with you that you're so preoccupied with your racism test?

I think that's all I'll have to do with this topic now until you can admit that birtherism is RACISM. Do I make myseld clear?
You were asked politely to prove you're not one.

Does the opening post suggest that this is what we are debating? I took you up on the APP thing because I was interested in the rule that forbids derailing the thread. You have not demonstrated that you have read or understand the opening post, and you have failed to post what the opening post asks for. Your posts are about derailing the opening post, which is something that can be done in the regular section of the forum.
Does the opening post suggest that this is what we are debating? I took you up on the APP thing because I was interested in the rule that forbids derailing the thread. You have not demonstrated that you have read or understand the opening post, and you have failed to post what the opening post asks for. Your posts are about derailing the opening post, which is something that can be done in the regular section of the forum.

None of my replies to you are derailing anything. They're all my answers to your racebaiting attempts. But if you insist on telling me what I can and cannot say on racism then I'll not reply at all to you. Is that what you want? Maybe you should start a thread on the rules of this section of the forum, to explain your interpretation of them. It seems to be all your personal bias and frustration on not having others respond to you the way you have decided they should?

Let me know. I'm finished with you until you give us all an interpretation of the rules. Or go cry to a mod but leave me out because I'm not going to take part with you until you come up with an explanation of what your rules have to be.

And thanks for taking part on this section of the forum.


For the benefit of others: The name of this thread is Racism on APP Please don't anybody be so presumptious to think that can be interpreted to soothe the minds of the KKK'ers.
But if you insist on telling me what I can and cannot say on racism then I'll not reply at all to you.

I do not care what you say on racism, but I do ask that you contain what you have to say about it to what my opening post is about if it is on this thread. The title may be broad, but the opening post is very specific. This is why I started this thread in the APP section.