APP - Racism on APP

Hello Evmetro,

I referred you to post 28, which here-to-fore you have pretended did not exist, as if it were never even posted.

Finally, after my mentioning it several times, you addressed it.

Here is post 28:

Michael Slager, pleaded guilty to racism (violating civil rights) and was sentenced in federal court. 20 years.

The Fatal Shooting of Black Walter Scott In The Back as he ran AWAY from A White Cop unarmed.

White cop Michael Slager, who had a history of hating blacks, pulled over black Walter Scott for a busted tail light. Unarmed Walter Scott tried to run away, so Slager shot him in the back at about 18', and then claimed it was self defense. He was charged with the federal offense of violating Scott's civil rights, judged guilty, and sentenced to 20 years for the crime.

Post 28 is worthless because of what wiki has to say:

"Led many to believe" and "controversy " are absolutely worthless as evidence.

The fact that you don't think that was racism doesn't show that there is no racism. It shows that where it exists, you refuse to recognize it. The many conditions you impose are yours alone. Those conditions are NOT universally accepted as 'conditions of racism,' but something you cooked up to support your denial.
Hello Evmetro,

I referred you to post 28, which here-to-fore you have pretended did not exist, as if it were never even posted.

Finally, after my mentioning it several times, you addressed it.

Here is post 28:

White cop Michael Slager, who had a history of hating blacks, pulled over black Walter Scott for a busted tail light. Unarmed Walter Scott tried to run away, so Slager shot him in the back at about 18', and then claimed it was self defense. He was charged with the federal offense of violating Scott's civil rights, judged guilty, and sentenced to 20 years for the crime.

The fact that you don't think that was racism doesn't show that there is no racism. It shows that where it exists, you refuse to recognize it. The many conditions you impose are yours alone. Those conditions are NOT universally accepted as 'conditions of racism,' but something you cooked up to support your denial.

Poli, there is a good reason why the opening post specified to "exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions." Opinions and emotional assertions are not established and proven facts. You asserted that the cop plead guilty of racism, but your link only led me to where he was found guilty of violating the victim's civil rights. You asserted that the cop had a long history of hating blacks, but you did not show any links or any way to substantiate your opinion. You provided plenty to show that the cop was convicted for the kill, and that he violated the victim's civil rights, but you have not provided evidence that the cop did it because he felt his race was superior.

You have claimed that it is "fact" that I don't think that it was racism, but have not quoted me saying that.
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The fact that you don't think that was racism doesn't show that there is no racism. It shows that where it exists, you refuse to recognize it. The many conditions you impose are yours alone. Those conditions are NOT universally accepted as 'conditions of racism,' but something you cooked up to support your denial.

This thread is specifically about incidents or statements of racism that can be proven. It is not about what our personal opinions might be in regard to controversial or unproven incidents that could potentially be racially motivated. I have not specified that I do not believe your example was racism, so you cannot claim this as fact. I have only specified that you have not substantiated your example with the proper evidence. The cop may very well have shot the guy for being black, but you have not provided the evidence to prove that this notion is anything more than your personal opinion.
Are you actually saying the N*****mania people haven't spoken out loud and clear about their racism?

If you have to ask this instead of quoting me, then I am probably not saying that.

If you can quote somebody from that site saying something racist, and provide the link to it, it would likely be another legitimate example of a specific act or statement that is racist. A link to a site that may contain racists statements is not the same thing as an actual racist statement..
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Why is it that racism is much more prevalent with the right. It's true in Canada too of course but it's nowhere near the level that's being demonstrated here by a certain extemem rightist who is literally frothing at the mouth with his racist ranting about Obama! Politalker, we need to show him some desperately needed social loving.

Seasons greetings to all my atheist friends on jPP.

To the kristyuns, a happy rapture up if baby jesus comes back before we talk again.

To the Muslims amongst uss, Allahu Akbar!

And all the others, Dog is great!
It is interesting how lefties want to paint their political opponents as racists, yet they cannot post a single example of real racism. Lefties google for a recent example of racism that has occurred, maybe a news story of a recent incident, but all they can find are articles about racism statistics, racism training, how bad racism is, descriptions of what racism is, or politically motivated allegations or accusations about racism. No actual stories of specific incidents that are occurring. It is interesting how racism is the meat and potatoes of lefty ideology, yet lefties cannot seem to isolate an actual example of it that can be proven.

Trump's birther ploy was pure racism and your support of it pretty well proves that you're just as racist as the rest of the extreme rabid right. Why the right wears the label so clearly now? It has to be the Trump factor. What else could it be?

Not so surprising when we know that the rabid right alabamans like you think marrying their sisters is 21st. century behaviour that shows how they don't care about the norms of society.

Now that an 'all in the family' close relationship ain't it good ol boy!
Why is it that racism is much more prevalent with the right. It's true in Canada too of course but it's nowhere near the level that's being demonstrated here by a certain extemem rightist who is literally frothing at the mouth with his racist ranting about Obama! Politalker, we need to show him some desperately needed social loving.

Seasons greetings to all my atheist friends on jPP.

To the kristyuns, a happy rapture up if baby jesus comes back before we talk again.

To the Muslims amongst uss, Allahu Akbar!

And all the others, Dog is great!

I don't believe the right is more racist, I just think the right is more honest. Plenty of white women will clutch their purses when a black person walks by. They also have a condescending attitude and will talk down to other races. They assume black people are too dumb to do things like get a valid ID. watch this video for example:

Rotten systems need to divide their opponents. Slavery, for instance, stank so obviously that even the Normans abolished it, but it was worth money to work stolen land in America, so the mugs were taught to chatter about 'States' Rights' and 'race'. By and large, those who support the status quo are less educated and stupider than normal people, so they inevitably believe ludicrously outmoded concepts like 'race' or Creationism themselves, and the need to find more mugs to defend their position means they grab at any footling bilge other mugs may believe. A few extreme-rightists are clever-clevers manipulating the rest, but few are fit to vote or deal with normal living.
Rotten systems need to divide their opponents. Slavery, for instance, stank so obviously that even the Normans abolished it, but it was worth money to work stolen land in America, so the mugs were taught to chatter about 'States' Rights' and 'race'. By and large, those who support the status quo are less educated and stupider than normal people, so they inevitably believe ludicrously outmoded concepts like 'race' or Creationism themselves, and the need to find more mugs to defend their position means they grab at any footling bilge other mugs may believe. A few extreme-rightists are clever-clevers manipulating the rest, but few are fit to vote or deal with normal living.

You should start a thread about this. If you start it over on the APP forum, you might even get lucky enough to have some people respond to your opening post instead of derailing it. I started a thread over there requesting an example of racism in our current political landscape, but lefties post everything but an answer that demonstrates that they have read and understand the opening post, let alone an answer to it. Only one lefty, Christifan, was able to post such an example, and it appears that his was probably just an accident.
Rotten systems need to divide their opponents. Slavery, for instance, stank so obviously that even the Normans abolished it, but it was worth money to work stolen land in America, so the mugs were taught to chatter about 'States' Rights' and 'race'. By and large, those who support the status quo are less educated and stupider than normal people, so they inevitably believe ludicrously outmoded concepts like 'race' or Creationism themselves, and the need to find more mugs to defend their position means they grab at any footling bilge other mugs may believe. A few extreme-rightists are clever-clevers manipulating the rest, but few are fit to vote or deal with normal living.

I've mentioned to PoliTalker that I perceive racism in the US to be on the rise, and I think it's the perception of many people outside the US. Would you agree? And I'm suggesting that it was brought on when Obama became president. From that minute on they haven't stopped spewing their racism and Trump has encouraged it.

What kind of wicked people would still trying to play on the birtherism and say Obama wasn't born an American?
I don't believe the right is more racist, I just think the right is more honest. Plenty of white women will clutch their purses when a black person walks by.

The clutching of the purse is racism. You've spelt out a great example of identifying anyone with black skin as somebody who will snatch your purse. Perhaps it's because you were raised immersed in it and you never did learn to regard all people as just people, regardless of skin colour. That's racism!

And it's what Americans have created in their country, if I'm to take your word for what you've said. In Canada, we haven't created that kind of situation and reaction to black people walking by. If you're interested in learning more from me on the topic and more about why we in Canada don't have the same problem and don't feel the need to react in such a racially biased way to black men, I think I can help you understand.

You said the right isn't more racist, they're more honest. You have definitely been very honest about your racist feelings toward black men! And I as a leftist am being very honest about my lack of racist feeling when a black man passes by.

And that all forms the basis for a good discussion Cornelius!

For the sake of conversation, can you tell me if you are an adult over the age of your teens? Your avatar speaks differently and I would like to know just how much sophistication I should try to bring into our discussions. For now I've kept it at a medium level that is understandable by anyone.

They also have a condescending attitude and will talk down to other races. They assume black people are too dumb to do things like get a valid ID. watch this video for example:

Sorry but I don't partake in videos that I suspect could be used to express a condescending opinion on some races. I prefer that you express yourself in your own words.
The clutching of the purse is racism. You've spelt out a great example of identifying anyone with black skin as somebody who will snatch your purse. Perhaps it's because you were raised immersed in it and you never did learn to regard all people as just people, regardless of skin colour. That's racism!

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

― Jesse Jackson

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

― Jesse Jackson


That's it! That is what Americans have created for themselves which is not the same in other countries. That is your racism problem being expressed by a black man too.

But that was years ago and now the situation has grown to be much, much worse. As 'you' people continuously remind us every day!
I've mentioned to PoliTalker that I perceive racism in the US to be on the rise, and I think it's the perception of many people outside the US. Would you agree? And I'm suggesting that it was brought on when Obama became president. From that minute on they haven't stopped spewing their racism and Trump has encouraged it.

What kind of wicked people would still trying to play on the birtherism and say Obama wasn't born an American?

I think the racism was there already, but the election of a President who was only half Irish set off the KKK in the nasties. I think to see the evident superiority to most of them of a person with a darker skin was deep agony, shaking the very weak foundations of their sanity.
I think the racism was there already, but the election of a President who was only half Irish set off the KKK in the nasties. I think to see the evident superiority to most of them of a person with a darker skin was deep agony, shaking the very weak foundations of their sanity.

I think you've nailed it again Iolo! The racism was always there but it was moldering away in the closets of the south, along with the pointy hats and bedsheets. Then Obama being elected as president just became too much for them to bear any longer in silence. Indeed, they were shaken to their core when a black man presumed to be so uppity to be their president. And fwiw, many never did accept Obama as a legitimate American born president. People who aren't Americans find this to be a very sick attitude for the 21st. century. As sick as religion in my opiniion!
So, kudos to Christiefan for properly responding to the opening post. Christiefan probably stumbled on the correct answer by accident, but we do have a single example of racism logged on the thread by a lefty. No other lefty was able to present an actual example of real racism that can be proven, and that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or emotional assertion.

It is pretty interesting how lefties put so much into painting their political opponents as racists, yet they cannot come up with an actual provable example of a racist statement or action.
So, kudos to Christiefan for properly responding to the opening post. Christiefan probably stumbled on the correct answer by accident, but we do have a single example of racism logged on the thread by a lefty. No other lefty was able to present an actual example of real racism that can be proven, and that is not an allegation, accusation, dismissed case, gish gallop, or emotional assertion.

It is pretty interesting how lefties put so much into painting their political opponents as racists, yet they cannot come up with an actual provable example of a racist statement or action.

Birtherism is racism and it's not against the rules to call it that. What could be more ridiculous than the denial? And Trump's entire beginning gambit was propelled by racism. If you can't accept and understand that then it's probably because you're an American. I assure you, the rest of the world find it to be no mystery.

This is an apolitical issure with me. Granted, I'm right of likely both of your political parties but racism isn't necessarily the property of either of those two. It's a sickness that has inflicted American on both sides of the aisle and it's being propelled by Trump.

Do some studying on Hitler's tactics and you will quickly be able to come to the understanding that Trump is copying Hitler's success with the Jews.