APP - Racism on APP

It hurts victims of real racism when racism is used by lefties to describe their political opponents. It takes away the one word that real victims of real racism have to describe what is happening.

Will you give an example of what you consider to be real racism?
Can you provide proof that determines the COLB is phony?

Have already done so on this forum. Go search

And it isn’t like you are open minded enough to actually consider anything I would present so why bother

It was forged. Not because he was born in Kenya, but to hide who his real daddy is
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Have already done so on this forum. Go search

And it isn’t like you are open minded enough to actually consider anything I would present so go fuck yourself

It was forged. Not because he was born in Kenya, but to hide who his real daddy is

Perhaps "Cornelius" will notice you broke one of the rules for posting on this forum.
Birtherism is racism. That's my position and that therefore becomes my rule. My position is not negotiable! If it's a fight you want then fill your boots! Otherwise, I'm done with it!

You are hijacking the one word that real victims of actual racism have to describe, and then using it to describe a movement in the United States of America that doubts or denies that the 44th President, Barack Obama, is a natural-born U.S. citizen, thus implying that he is ineligible to be President. Birtherism is not racism, please stop marginalizing what victims of racism have to endure.
If one thinks that believing Obama wasn’t born in this country is racist, one must ask what race of his is it racist against?

After all, Obama is half white and half Kenyan.

Is it racist against his half white heritage? If not then why not?

Don't forget that Trump went after Ted Cruz for his birth certificate as well.
Here is Merriam-Webster's def. :

Which of these definitions do you consider birtherism to fall under?

3 : racial prejudice or discrimination

But I don't want to debate it because the whole thing puts a bad taste in my mouth and it makes me feel like I need to have a shower.

I'm a Canadian and I really do think racism in America is quite disgusting. I think the rest of the first world modern countries feel much the same. Except for Izrael and they even practice apartheid against a people that are the rightful owners of the land from which they are excluded. That's the sort of racism that needs to be pushed into the sea and held under the water until they stop bubbling. I hope I've conveyed to you my revulsion against racist evil.
You are hijacking the one word that real victims of actual racism have to describe, and then using it to describe a movement in the United States of America that doubts or denies that the 44th President, Barack Obama, is a natural-born U.S. citizen, thus implying that he is ineligible to be President. Birtherism is not racism, please stop marginalizing what victims of racism have to endure.

Your sentence doesn't make any sense. What word do you think I'm hijacking?

You are hijacking the one word that real victims of actual racism have to describe,...........

Not only does it not make any sense, it doesn't tell me what word you are imagining victims have to describe...... (something?)

You will learn to write proper sentences and you will learn to be polite, or you will be denied my attention from here on in! My tolerance of your behaviour has expired!
Cyril Ramaphosa, the South Africa Presisent, recently announced that the African National Congress will move forward in amending their constitution to permit the seizure of white farmers’ lands without compensation.

Whites are affected.

When you wrote "current political landscape" I understood it to mean in the US. "some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape..."

I don't believe we can make an apples to apples comparison between two such different countries.
When you wrote "current political landscape" I understood it to mean in the US. "some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape..."

I don't believe we can make an apples to apples comparison between two such different countries.

I am not aware of any examples, but I hear non stop talk about racism coming from the left. This is one of the reasons why I am asking for an example. I remembered reading about the racism in S Africa recently, but I agree with you that "current political landscape" is most relevant to the USA. We have members from other countries here, but most of what I read about is USA specific. Do you know of any examples? I'm guessing that there are many racist killings and beatings done by gangs, and that activist groups who are exclusively of one race have probably said racist things about other races. I have not done any googling yet, so I'm not sure.
Your sentence doesn't make any sense. What word do you think I'm hijacking?

Not only does it not make any sense, it doesn't tell me what word you are imagining victims have to describe...... (something?)

You will learn to write proper sentences and you will learn to be polite, or you will be denied my attention from here on in! My tolerance of your behaviour has expired!

56 posts so far, and no lefty has been able to post a simple example of racism as described in the opening post. Lefties would love to have some examples of real racism to post, but no lefties have any examples that are not allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, propaganda, gish gallop, speculations, or emotionally based assertions.
It is interesting how lefties want to paint their political opponents as racists, yet they cannot post a single example of real racism. Lefties google for a recent example of racism that has occurred, maybe a news story of a recent incident, but all they can find are articles about racism statistics, racism training, how bad racism is, descriptions of what racism is, or politically motivated allegations or accusations about racism. No actual stories of specific incidents that are occurring. It is interesting how racism is the meat and potatoes of lefty ideology, yet lefties cannot seem to isolate an actual example of it that can be proven.
Any American who refers to black people as monkeys, leftist or rightist, is a racist. And any American who fails to understand that must have become mentally unstable for some reason. I find the reason quite clear. America has a huge and growing racism problem and joking about it proves that for those who think they're funny repeating it.

No wonder Obama was given such a bad time. America wasn't anywhere near racially mature enough for a black president. And all it took was the birther racist comments of Trump to bring the racism of the south out of the closets with their bedsheets and pointy hats.

People of decency won't be able to embarrass them but so far at least we can at least attach the label to them.

They're proud of being racists; it's actually deteriorated that far and so it's as easy as placing the bait just outside their closet doors and they'll sniff it out.

Who is proud to be a racist? And who wants to deny they are? And if it matters, tell us if you're a rightist or a leftist? At least in your own head?

We need to know the answers to set the parameters for this discussion.
Any American who refers to black people as monkeys, leftist or rightist, is a racist. And any American who fails to understand that must have become mentally unstable for some reason. I find the reason quite clear. America has a huge and growing racism problem and joking about it proves that for those who think they're funny repeating it.

No wonder Obama was given such a bad time. America wasn't anywhere near racially mature enough for a black president. And all it took was the birther racist comments of Trump to bring the racism of the south out of the closets with their bedsheets and pointy hats.

People of decency won't be able to embarrass them but so far at least we can at least attach the label to them.

They're proud of being racists; it's actually deteriorated that far and so it's as easy as placing the bait just outside their closet doors and they'll sniff it out.

Who is proud to be a racist? And who wants to deny they are? And if it matters, tell us if you're a rightist or a leftist? At least in your own head?

We need to know the answers to set the parameters for this discussion.

It is interesting how lefties want to paint their political opponents as racists, yet they cannot post a single example of real racism. Lefties google for a recent example of racism that has occurred, maybe a news story of a recent incident, but all they can find are articles about racism statistics, racism training, how bad racism is, descriptions of what racism is, or politically motivated allegations or accusations about racism. No actual stories of specific incidents that are occurring. It is interesting how racism is the meat and potatoes of lefty ideology, yet lefties cannot seem to isolate an actual example of it that can be proven.