APP - Racism on APP

I suspect that no matter how many examples are posted it wouldn't be enough.

You have posted what I am looking for, but I do hope that you are also able to isolate these examples on your own, and not just with the help of the list you are using. If you are able to isolate examples of real incidents or statements that can be proven instead of allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, propaganda, gish gallop, birtherism, or emotional assertions, you will be the only lefty here who can do such a thing. You have satisfied the request of the opening post with several correct examples, I just hope you can do this without the aid of the list you found.
Request denied. See post #119

You have successfully exploited the APP section rules, congrats. I am not surprised when I see lefties derailing threads, and I am not surprised that a lefty would do it in a section where the rules forbid derailing threads. I was curious to see if things would be different with the rule about derailing threads, but your denial of my request to have you do this clears all that up.
You have posted what I am looking for, but I do hope that you are also able to isolate these examples on your own, and not just with the help of the list you are using. If you are able to isolate examples of real incidents or statements that can be proven instead of allegations, accusations, dismissed cases, propaganda, gish gallop, birtherism, or emotional assertions, you will be the only lefty here who can do such a thing. You have satisfied the request of the opening post with several correct examples, I just hope you can do this without the aid of the list you found.

Please expand on your comment about being able to isolate these examples without the help of a list. Your opening post suggests that you are looking for racist crimes, not just racism per se.

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist

2. Current event, within the last few years.

5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.

It's not a crime to make racist statements and most racists aren't criminals. Garden variety racism isn't newsworthy. You will have to further define what you're looking for if what I already
provided isn't enough.

Read the posts from this banned individual. He wasn't banned for racism but was IMO the worst one on the forum.
You have successfully exploited the APP section rules, congrats. I am not surprised when I see lefties derailing threads, and I am not surprised that a lefty would do it in a section where the rules forbid derailing threads. I was curious to see if things would be different with the rule about derailing threads, but your denial of my request to have you do this clears all that up.

Please see post #119.

Oh, and birtherism is a perfect example of racism that's been generated from something so inconsequential as US politics. Obama is an American citizen with heritage that dates back to before the European inrush. Would you like to have a discussion on that fact? It would suit this thread because it's directly related to racism! Have a lovely day!
Please expand on your comment about being able to isolate these examples without the help of a list. Your opening post suggests that you are looking for racist crimes, not just racism per se.

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist

2. Current event, within the last few years.

5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.

It's not a crime to make racist statements and most racists aren't criminals. Garden variety racism isn't newsworthy. You will have to further define what you're looking for if what I already
provided isn't enough.

Read the posts from this banned individual. He wasn't banned for racism but was IMO the worst one on the forum.

I am interested most interested in seeing a lefty being able isolate examples of racist statements or acts that can be proven racist from alleged racism, crime or no crime. I recognize that you have demonstrated the ability to do this, but I am now curious if you can still do it without that list that you linked to a few posts back. I suspect that you have this ability, even though you resist demonstrating it any further. You are the only lefty on the forum who has been able to provide an actual example of an incident or statement that can be proven racist, so I am very interested in what you post.

Can you, as a lefty, describe how the birtherism example that our friend montgomery posted as his example fits the opening post of the thread? I suspect that you have an ability to momentarily step outside of your ideology to make evaluations from an objective point of view, which would put you in a completely different category of lefties.
Please see post #119.

Oh, and birtherism is a perfect example of racism that's been generated from something so inconsequential as US politics. Obama is an American citizen with heritage that dates back to before the European inrush. Would you like to have a discussion on that fact? It would suit this thread because it's directly related to racism! Have a lovely day!

I do not care about Obama's heritage, and I don't care what shade of black he might be. What I want you to post is the evidence that Trump's diligent vetting was because he thinks his race is superior to Obama's. Since Trump applied similar vetting standards to Ted Cruz for the same office as Obama, I would also like to see why you only called it racist when it was about Obama. If you use the 8 standards that were listed in the opening post to present how birtherism is an act or statement that can be proven racist, and you would not be derailing the thread.
........ racist statements or acts that can be proven racist from alleged racism,........

In the perverted minds of the racists, no such proof could ever exist. A much more interesting discussion that relates directly to racism is exploring the reasons for racism. I can think of a few, but can you think of some more?

White people's feelings of physical inferiority to black people. The white man often sees individual black men as reprsentative of all black men and that's a racist mistake.

White people's fear of black men. Again, the whitey sees one black man who is uppity as representing all black men. That's racism.

The Nazi example in which a politician creates a hate for others which plays well in the minds of extreme rightists. Hitler did it with the Jews and Trump is doing it with other races.

The latter is pure racist tactics, pure and evil racism, and meets all the requirements of your nastily concocted prerequisites.

3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.

What a sham! How is racism anything other than emotional prejudice against a race, but based on personal experiences with individuals of another race? Politics aside and of no significance to the issue. It's not just American rightists who are racists, even though it's them that froth at the mouth continually over their problem, it's also a few immature leftists who are still precocious teens experiencing emotional problems due to over active hormones. The trouble is, the leftists grow up while the rightists make it a lifelong obsession. And so sooner or later adults must move on and let them be racists to stew in their own juices.
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In the perverted minds of the racists, no such proof could ever exist. A much more interesting discussion that relates directly to racism is exploring the reasons for racism. I can think of a few, but can you think of some more?

White people's feelings of physical inferiority to black people. The white man often sees individual black men as reprsentative of all black men and that's a racist mistake.

White people's fear of black men. Again, the whitey sees one black man who is uppity as representing all black men. That's racism.

The Nazi example in which a politician creates a hate for others which plays well in the minds of extreme rightists. Hitler did it with the Jews and Trump is doing it with other races.

The latter is pure racist tactics, pure and evil racism, and meets all the requirements of your nastily concocted prerequisites.

What a sham! How is racism anything other than emotional prejudice against a race, but based on personal experiences with individuals of another race? Politics aside and of no significance to the issue. It's not just American rightists who are racists, even though it's them that froth at the mouth continually over their problem, it's also a few immature leftists who are still precocious teens experiencing emotional problems due to over active hormones. The trouble is, the leftists grow up while the rightists make it a lifelong obsession. And so sooner or later adults must move on and let them be racists to stew in their own juices.

Christiefan had no trouble posting examples that fit the 8 items of the opening post.
I do not care about Obama's heritage, and I don't care what shade of black he might be. What I want you to post is the evidence that Trump's diligent vetting was because he thinks his race is superior to Obama's. Since Trump applied similar vetting standards to Ted Cruz for the same office as Obama, I would also like to see why you only called it racist when it was about Obama. If you use the 8 standards that were listed in the opening post to present how birtherism is an act or statement that can be proven racist, and you would not be derailing the thread.

Trump's diligent vetting? What was that? His vetting of Obama's credentials that said he was an American? An American born in Hawaii?

If that's what you're referring to then it's something that I can't talk to you about and the reason is because anyone who won't admit to Obama being an American born American is a racist. And as I've told you, racists can't be convinced of logic that requires decency to understand.

I have to ask you now, are you a racist or not? You can answer that question very easily by just saying that you accept Obama as an American born American. Trump is a racist of the worst kind and he was eventually forced to admit it. Will you , or will you be the last holdout?

I maintain that all rightists are racist to some degree because that is the definition of being a rightist. Righist policy is nothing without the racist element. I can go on to prove that to you if you can set aside your hate for people of other races for a while. Can you translate your hate for blacks, for instance, to an incident in which a black man destroyed your manhood by lording his physical power over you? Or was he making it too obvious to you that he was looking at your wife or a female loved one in a way that made you feel deeply uncomfortable. Or some other way a black man acted toward you?

The point is, it was only one black man and not the entire black race that made you feel so badly.

Or do you have a perception that it 'is' the entire black race that is physically superior to you?

I think we must try to get to the bottom of your bad feelings before we can entertain your little contrive questionairre more thoroughly. I suspect the majority of the problem is in your head. Can we begin?