Raise your own Chilckens!

Good beans.

I've been on various parrot groups/list serves since the late 1990s. There have been periodic outbreaks of disease among America's poultry flocks -- West Nile, influenzas, Exotic New Castle Disease. People with parrots who live in climates where they can be kept outside in nice weather worry greatly about these outbreaks. During the END contagion, there was a lot of talk about "the authorities" going house to house in California and confiscating pet birds kept indoors. I never heard that this actually happened though.

These outbreaks always cause the mass slaughter of flocks with resulting higher prices until things stabilize again. Eventually all avians that survive will develop a measure of herd immunity like they have with the West Nile. Unfortunately for us the transmission to non-avian species gives the flu virus more opportunity to mutate and thus negate immunity -- and vaccines.
There's a vaccine for birds. What do your discussion groups say about vaccinating your birds?

Many European nations vaccinate their chickens. The US doesn't because we're an egg exporter. Like GMO foods, some nations don't accept eggs from vaccinated chickens.

A growing number of countries are turning to vaccinations against avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, to stem one of the world’s worst outbreaks of the deadly virus.

More than 30 countries have resorted to the use of vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since 2005, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said, based on the data reported by its members.

Here are some examples of countries that have started vaccinating against bird flu, are in the process of allowing farmers to do so, or are still opposed to using bird flu vaccines in poultry.

International standards drawn up by WOAH allow for vaccinations against bird flu and with no trade restrictions, if adequate surveillance of vaccinated flocks shows there is no virus in circulation.

Vaccination on its own is not sufficient and must be used as part of a comprehensive strategy, providing for preventive health measures and other disease control such as culling, movement restrictions and surveillance, WOAH said.
She pretends to love it so she can virtue-signal about her pretend donations. In reality we know the truth -- she's JPP's most unpopular troll next to Lesion and every down vote cuts like a knife. :rofl2:
Agreed. It's feeble-minded reverse psychology. Best, IMO, to simply downgrade her posts and ignore her comments until she relents.
There's a vaccine for birds. What do your discussion groups say about vaccinating your birds?

Many European nations vaccinate their chickens. The US doesn't because we're an egg exporter. Like GMO foods, some nations don't accept eggs from vaccinated chickens.

A growing number of countries are turning to vaccinations against avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, to stem one of the world’s worst outbreaks of the deadly virus.

More than 30 countries have resorted to the use of vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) since 2005, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) said, based on the data reported by its members.

Here are some examples of countries that have started vaccinating against bird flu, are in the process of allowing farmers to do so, or are still opposed to using bird flu vaccines in poultry.

International standards drawn up by WOAH allow for vaccinations against bird flu and with no trade restrictions, if adequate surveillance of vaccinated flocks shows there is no virus in circulation.

Vaccination on its own is not sufficient and must be used as part of a comprehensive strategy, providing for preventive health measures and other disease control such as culling, movement restrictions and surveillance, WOAH said.

I haven't seen it discussed yet. The vaccine may only be effective for poultry species.
Is that what she told you?
Ex-Captain Earl tends to only believe what he likes and disbelieve what he doesn't AKA confirmation bias. It's like those who only watch Fox News or MSNBC and consider all the rest to be flawed or fake.

In ex-Captain Earl's case, along with most JPP MAGAts, the egg price problem was caused by the Marxist, socialist, fascist, Satanist Joe Biden who, according to them, ordered the mass slaughter of healthy chickens for unspecified, nefarious reasons. Yeah, it's cray-cray conspiracy theory but that's what they believe.

The confirmation bias is a cognitive bias that causes people to search for, interpret, and recall information in a way that confirms their preexisting beliefs. For example, if someone is presented with a lot of information on a certain topic, the confirmation bias can cause them to only remember the bits of information that confirm what they already thought.

The confirmation bias influences people’s judgment and decision-making in many areas of life, so it’s important to understand it. As such, in the following article you will first learn more about the confirmation bias, and then see how you can reduce its influence, both in other people’s thought process as well as in your own.
Is this your Debbie Doxer outfit, or your charming attention whore hat? lol
Definitely the doxer outfit. She is doing it here also to the same person.
Definitely the doxer outfit. She is doing it here also to the same person.

She gloms onto individuals and follows them around trying to provoke reactions, like she did when you first arrived here. Jarod toys with her but she's too fucking stupid to see that. She thinks he really likes her. LOLOLOLOL
Same image weather his

biden did not have millions of hens murdered. Dip shit!
It's a fact jack. You probably didn't hear it from Rachel Maddow so you don't know.

Hell, you didn't know about the 250% tariffs on dairy products imposed by Canada which apparently you love. Maybe you should move to Canada traitor
I bet you never even considered the cost-benefit analysis of raising chickens in your own backyard.

I raised chickens for a time, mostly because they are great as a natural insecticide by eating bugs and turning that into eggs. It was a twofer. The bad news was that they are stupid. Letting them run around free to eat bugs made them vulnerable to stray dogs, going out into the road and getting hit by a speeding truck and, among the bugs were grasshoppers which would cause them to choke to death. I must have gone through 15 of them on batches of 3 to 5 before I switched to ducks as bug killers. They were smarter, but no eggs except in season. I also had a goose which was a great natural alarm system for intruders. I had her for several years before she disappeared, which indicates a coyote got her. She'd lay eggs every few days around Easter.
I raised chickens for a time, mostly because they are great as a natural insecticide by eating bugs and turning that into eggs. It was a twofer. The bad news was that they are stupid. Letting them run around free to eat bugs made them vulnerable to stray dogs, going out into the road and getting hit by a speeding truck and, among the bugs were grasshoppers which would cause them to choke to death. I must have gone through 15 of them on batches of 3 to 5 before I switched to ducks as bug killers. They were smarter, but no eggs except in season. I also had a goose which was a great natural alarm system for intruders. I had her for several years before she disappeared, which indicates a coyote got her. She'd lay eggs every few days around Easter.
It sounds like you had free-range chickens. Where did they go at night, and did you also have to buy feed for them?