Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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That is one mighty fine hair you continue to split in your desperate need to justify rape.

You are the one calling it rape, I am not because it isn't. I know you don't like that but I would suggest that is your problem not mine.

You only have to see the disdain and venom that come out of Darla's mouth when she talks about white men to see how consumed she is with hate. Her radical feminist friends want to call everything rape as it is part of a wider agenda to marginalise men. You are too much of a sap to realise that but it may dawn on you eventually.
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Like the above I have last thApparently apologies are in order from me. First I want to publically apologize to Darla for making an offensive thread and despite my intent, I made a mistake. Because of that mistake and the subsequent comments I wont continue to participate in this thread. If the mods are reading out of kindness I would implore them to lock this thread.

Look, rape is wrong no matter how you spin it. I do not condone it, or advocate it regardless of the circumstances.
Like the above I have last thApparently apologies are in order from me. First I want to publically apologize to Darla for making an offensive thread and despite my intent, I made a mistake. Because of that mistake and the subsequent comments I wont continue to participate in this thread. If the mods are reading out of kindness I would implore them to lock this thread.

Look, rape is wrong no matter how you spin it. I do not condone it, or advocate it regardless of the circumstances.

So you have a great night and you have what you thought was consensual sex yet next day you are told that you've been accused of rape, you are ok with that? Are you happy to be subject to the whims and caprice of somebody who has taken against you? Let's hope that never happens to you.
So you have a great night and you have what you thought was consensual sex yet next day you are told that you've been accused of rape, you are ok with that? Are you happy to be subject to the whims and caprice of somebody who has taken against you? Let's hope that never happens to you.

No, I'm not ok with that, and that has happened to me, but in that particular circumstance what saved me was a magnum, not a gun but a condom.
You are the one calling it rape, I am not because it isn't. I know you don't like that but I would suggest that is your problem not mine.

You only have to see the disdain and venom that come out of Darla's mouth when she talks about white men to see how consumed she is with hate. Her radical feminist friends want to call everything rape as it is part of a wider agenda to marginalise men. You are too much of a sap to realise that but it may dawn on you eventually.

Over and over now I've watched you continue to narrow the parameters that determine what is and isn't rape in order to continue to justify rape.

You make excuse after excuse for men who should be able to control their urges, yet you expect women to be on guard 24/7/365.

And your claim about Darla is just plain bunkum...I am a white male and she's NEVER spoken of me in the way you describe.
Over and over now I've watched you continue to narrow the parameters that determine what is and isn't rape in order to continue to justify rape.

You make excuse after excuse for men who should be able to control their urges, yet you expect women to be on guard 24/7/365.

And your claim about Darla is just plain bunkum...I am a white male and she's NEVER spoken of me in the way you describe.

Well actually I haven't, what has happened is that people choose to ignore what I actually say. Just as you are doing now, as a matter of fact. What I have also said is that there is a huge amount of rape hysteria which is politically motivated, I don't expect you to agree with that either.
I apologized because what I said was offensive. If I felt it wasn't I wouldn't have.

It wasn't offensive, what was offensive was her totally irrational reaction. Anyway what's done is done, but at least you know now what a nasty piece of work she is. Still as the song says that is the nature of the snake.

Like the above I have last thApparently apologies are in order from me. First I want to publically apologize to Darla for making an offensive thread and despite my intent, I made a mistake. Because of that mistake and the subsequent comments I wont continue to participate in this thread. If the mods are reading out of kindness I would implore them to lock this thread.

Look, rape is wrong no matter how you spin it. I do not condone it, or advocate it regardless of the circumstances.

Before it gets locked I wanted you to know I don't have a problem with the thread. I looked at it as a survey of attitudes where people got a chance to speak about their thoughts of rape, why it occurs, what contributes to it, etc., sorta like the JPP version of a CDC poll. I've said this about other hot button issues, that I'd rather see people show themselves because it spares me the effort of trying to figure out where they're really coming from. I also don't think you're a rape apologist for taking the position of devil's advocate. What would be the point of debate and discussion if only one side was presented? I'm just sorry your thread deteriorated the way it did because I know your intentions were good when you started it.
Before it gets locked I wanted you to know I don't have a problem with the thread. I looked at it as a survey of attitudes where people got a chance to speak about their thoughts of rape, why it occurs, what contributes to it, etc., sorta like the JPP version of a CDC poll. I've said this about other hot button issues, that I'd rather see people show themselves because it spares me the effort of trying to figure out where they're really coming from. I also don't think you're a rape apologist for taking the position of devil's advocate. What would be the point of debate and discussion if only one side was presented? I'm just sorry your thread deteriorated the way it did because I know your intentions were good when you started it.

I couldn't possibly disagree with you anymore than I do. I also think you have a very strange way of looking at rape and how men speak about it. For the life of me I can't figure out why you jump on every righty who says things far less egregious than some liberal men do while giving them a pass. I want to be clear about that, since I feel your post is about my reaction. Which. I. Stand. By.
Before it gets locked I wanted you to know I don't have a problem with the thread. I looked at it as a survey of attitudes where people got a chance to speak about their thoughts of rape, why it occurs, what contributes to it, etc., sorta like the JPP version of a CDC poll. I've said this about other hot button issues, that I'd rather see people show themselves because it spares me the effort of trying to figure out where they're really coming from. I also don't think you're a rape apologist for taking the position of devil's advocate. What would be the point of debate and discussion if only one side was presented? I'm just sorry your thread deteriorated the way it did because I know your intentions were good when you started it.

Seriously, you need "two sides" of rape presented to you? The rapist is the criminal, period.

The guy who robs the drunk male with 100 dollar bills hanging out of his pocket is the only criminal in that scenario. Same thing with rape.

I have often jested that the MSM fetishization of "both sides of the story" would eventually lead to a "Hitler; the other side of the story" report. But it hasn't. I guess we drew the line after rape. Not before rape. But after. Because you know, there's another side to that story.

I think if Tom and SD's posts had been posted by Dominator your reaction would be very different. Frankly, your reaction was very different. I think that when it comes to some issues, rape being one of the, it's good to respond to the point being made, not the poster making it. That is what I strive to do, and I will keep doing it. I don't care whose feathers get ruffled or how many weepy PM's Tom sends defending the animal things he says about rape. Frankly anyone who would leave a woman alone with that guy, needs a head check up.
Seriously, you need "two sides" of rape presented to you? The rapist is the criminal, period.

The guy who robs the drunk male with 100 dollar bills hanging out of his pocket is the only criminal in that scenario. Same thing with rape.

I have often jested that the MSM fetishization of "both sides of the story" would eventually lead to a "Hitler; the other side of the story" report. But it hasn't. I guess we drew the line after rape. Not before rape. But after. Because you know, there's another side to that story.

I think if Tom and SD's posts had been posted by Dominator your reaction would be very different. Frankly, your reaction was very different. I think that when it comes to some issues, rape being one of the, it's good to respond to the point being made, not the poster making it. That is what I strive to do, and I will keep doing it. I don't care whose feathers get ruffled or how many weepy PM's Tom sends defending the animal things he says about rape. Frankly anyone who would leave a woman alone with that guy, needs a head check up.

thanked for your comments re: rape....nothing else
I couldn't possibly disagree with you anymore than I do. I also think you have a very strange way of looking at rape and how men speak about it. For the life of me I can't figure out why you jump on every righty who says things far less egregious than some liberal men do while giving them a pass. I want to be clear about that, since I feel your post is about my reaction. Which. I. Stand. By.

Who decides what's more egregious? The most egregious thing I've read here is that it doesn't matter how many babies are martyred for the Second Amendment and that opinion didn't get anywhere near the anger this thread got. You made some pointed comments about people giving SD a pass for his opinion because he's black, maybe I was included in the people, but that was 100% unfair. I for one don't give anyone's comments a pass based on their race if I don't agree with them. And, I certainly don't understand why you think I have a strange way of looking at rape. I think and have always thought rape is a crime and nothing justifies it, not clothing, not drunkenness, not being out at night on the wrong side of town, not Andrea Dworkin, nothing. Do I think there's been a woman or two who falsely cried "rape", yes obviously, but not anywhere near the number of times real rape occurs. This isn't opinion, it's fact. But I still reserve all my animosity for real rape victims.

I feel your post is about the fact that I don't jump on Tom for his opinions. Both you and Tom know I don't agree with everything he says on this subject. When I read Tom's articles and cites I can't relate to them because it's not the experience here, at least where I live. It seems to me that British feminists are still fighting a battle that we in the US have already settled and relegated to the past.

Tom and I went back and forth on this just a few months ago when he posted about British girls binge drinking and acting like men, and these actions were given a special term which I can't remember now. In response I posted info showing that here both genders binge drink and act out, both genders are condemned for this behaviour, and women aren't singled out for special disdain like they are in the UK. I see a sexist cultural difference in the way binge drinking etc. is treated in the UK media v. the US media.

Finally you're going to have to give me an example of not jumping on liberal men, unless you're only talking about Tom. For the record I don't think Tom's liberal in the sense we use here.
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