Rape: Do victims of rape share any responsibility?

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I'm pretty sure I responded on the Polanski thread but will have to pull it up and check. And as a pre-emptive strike, yes it is absolutely fucked up to say the 13-year old had any responsibility whatsoever for her rape, in fact I have to ask why the mother wasn't charged for a crime and the daughter taken from her.

For as much as you criticize me for not responding to Tom, let me remind you that I haven't jumped on you for your comments to him either. I've worked around your posts just as you've accused me of doing with Tom's. I've known him longer than you, have talked to him in the past via email, and have gotten to know him in more depth than just forum opinions. So I have a fuller picture of the man and of course all of that weighs into how I approach him here. And I'm curious as to why you think a word from me would get Tom or anybody to shut up or change their mind about their opinions. .

Precisely because of how long you've known him. If you had ever said anything to him about his remarks, IMO he wouldn't have doubled, even tripled down on them over the past year. You're not responsible for anything he or anyone else says, but I have always wondered...but I figured that ( a long standing close personal relationship) was why. I couldn't think of any other reason.
It was not I that said it is just a word, you are, once again, mistaken, Tom. I believe it was evince that made that statement. It doesn't matter who you refer to using the word, it is still a word used to demean women and I do not use words such as dick, wanker or any male body part to insult people. If I did in the past, I have discontinued because I do not want to use gender related insults. Your use of the word twat is also disgusting and if you truly respected women you wouldn't use derogatory terms to insult. It is just that simple.
Precisely because of how long you've known him. If you had ever said anything to him about his remarks, IMO he wouldn't have doubled, even tripled down on them over the past year. You're not responsible for anything he or anyone else says, but I have always wondered...but I figured that ( a long standing close personal relationship) was why. I couldn't think of any other reason.

Fuck you, you are a nasty and vicious excuse for a human being. You are totally incapable of seeing any other point of view, it terrifies me that people with your mindset are allowed to get near the levers of power.
I don't care what Grind or the other guys think. I said it before, their comments about babies dying for the Second Amendment trumps everything else in my book. The crap about Adam Lanza, the pictures etc. were as ugly to me as the rape threads are to you. This doesn't mean I'm downplaying rape, just that you and I have different opinions on what's the worst of the worst. I still talk to Grind and Billy besides Tom, and try to navigate through the minefield of their conflicts and opinions that differ from mine.

You said "if it posts like a rapist, if it talks like a rapist, it will always be a rapist to me'', does that apply to the 2nd Amendment supporters and will those guys always be baby killers to you? Call me crazy but if I'm going to accuse somebody of a felony I want solid proof before making such an accusation.

I brought up what Grind has said, along with what pretty much every man on this board has said at one time or the other - that tom is fucked up about rape, because you asked who decides what is egregious. And my answer is that when even most of the men smell something wrong, then you kinda know...it's egregious.

As for the baby stuff, I told grind numerous times to stfu and that what he said was inhuman, so again, no comparison. Even though Grind and I are tight, I say something...that's the difference. Also, the shooting babies thing is a distraction. Grind says fucked up things about Sandy Hook and that has nothing to do with Tom's continuing pro-rape campaign...it's a diversion and one that Tom has played repeatedly. I don't find it that distracting, but again, our opinions differ on this.

Finally, most importantly about the rape accusation Christie: too bad.

Tom posts like a rapist. Tom talks like a rapist. Tom sounds like a rapist. Tom has repeatedly and over a period of years demonstrated he DOES NOT KNOW what consent is, that he lacks any respect for women, that he does not take rape seriously, that unless it involves a stranger, a knife, and a fight to the death with a sober women, he doesn't even recognize rape. Tom is really a microcosm of rape culture, of why women get raped, of why rapists get away with it, of why women's lives sometimes get ruined when they are raped. I'm sorry if that offends your sensibilities, but I can assure you of two things, mine are as well and have been for some time, and neither your sensibilities or mine matter at all.

Standing up to rape culture and the animals who enforce is what is important. I don't give a shit for your hurt feelings or delicate sensibilities about Tommy, anymore than I do about mine. Even when I feel sick and dirty and like I can't shower enough, I come back. I come back Christie. My sensibilities don't matter.
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