Rats Of A Feather Nest Together

and the southern Poverty law center says they are still fucking racists

so why are you defending fucking racists shit brick?

because the republicans party is the racists party

Who gives a fuck what the SPLC says? Why would racists employ so many people of color? Answer the question.
so you going to apologize for your lie that I didnt give facts ?

You have presented no facts. Until you link to the actual racist material on Breitbart. You can't because it doesn't exist. Why does Breitbart employ so many people of color, and broadcast in Spanish if they are racist? Answer the question liar.

Me posting the information from HATE WATCH is not me making something up you fucking proven liar

go to hate watch and tell me why you believe you should TRASH THEM????

Because they are leftist loons just like you. They lie and make allegations without actually sourcing anything. Just like you. You have nothing.
You have presented no facts. Until you link to the actual racist material on Breitbart. You can't because it doesn't exist. Why does Breitbart employ so many people of color, and broadcast in Spanish if they are racist? Answer the question liar.

yes the Southern Poverty Law Center take on it presents things the racists at Breitfart say

you just ignored those facts because you are an idiot racist

Why would the Southern Poverty Law Center lie about it?
Answer the question. Why does a Jewish run company employ so many people of color if they are racist? Quit dodging.

so they can claim they are not racists you stupid fucking racist

tell us all what percent of their employees are of color
The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded in 1921. The U.S. Senate became a nest of traitors in 1945. Congress created the National Security Council (NSC) in 1947. The NSC became an unapologetic nest of New World Order rats on June 5, 2010 when:

. . . President Barack Obama nominated Clapper to replace Dennis C. Blair as United States Director of National Intelligence. Clapper was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position on August 5, 2010.


Bottom line: The United Nations is Rodent Headquarters for every rat in the federal government who betrays this country for a one government world administered by an ORGANIZATION:

Appearing Thursday on the Fox News Channel’s Hannity, conservative radio host Mark Levin slammed the alleged so-called “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella and called the National Security Council a “rat’s nest.”

SEAN HANNITY: You know this law backward and forwards. I’m turning this over to you because I talked to you before the show and I know you have a lot to say.

MARK LEVIN: We have found the rat’s nest. It’s in the National Security Council. The whistleblower, according to a number of reports, comes off the National Security Council. An Obama holdover. A Democrat. Somebody who worked with Biden. Somebody who worked with Brennan. An Obama holdover who didn’t like Trump, who met with one of the active figures in the Ukraine effort to undermine the president of the United States in 2016. We have two others, who now were hired by Schiff, Obama holdovers who worked in the Trump National Security Council. Now they work for Schiff. How much do you want to bet that he colluded with? And of course, Schiff doesn’t know anything about it. Do you want to know why the president of the United States has had trouble bringing his own people in the National Security Council? Now you know why — it was a rat’s nest!

Mark Levin on Alleged ‘Whistleblower’: National Security Council Was Exposed as ‘A Rat’s Nest’
by Joshua Caplan
1 Nov 2019



Please move the cursor to 1:10 in the next video and and listen to Rich Lowry reject everything rats have been doing to this country since 1921:



Put it all together:

In my analyses of WWII the addition of three important factors would make Pat Buchanan’s informative article perfection:

1. The New World Order’s influence —— not Hitler’s, nor Stalin’s New World Order, but the most insidious New World Order integrating the worst elements of both.

2. The world would be better off today had the U.S. concentrated on defeating Japan and let Germany win the war in Europe. Communism would be dead and forgotten in defeat. Fascism would have collapsed of it own weight without the Soviet Union’s victory feeding on Communism’s counterpoint.

3. WWII was the inevitable result of a conspiracy engineered by world bankers on Jekyll Island in 1910. If you watch the video you will hear G. Edward Griffin say:

“Number five. It encourages war.”




Because they are leftist loons just like you. They lie and make allegations without actually sourcing anything. Just like you. You have nothing.

and there you have it folks

they HATE anyone who points out their racism

because racists are so fucking lame even they hate racists
yes the Southern Poverty Law Center take on it presents things the racists at Breitfart say

you just ignored those facts because you are an idiot racist

Why would the Southern Poverty Law Center lie about it?

You have still sourced no actual evidence. Because you have none. Which only goes to show SPLC is full of shit. We already knew you were full of shit.

this is your Sonnie Johnson

she herself says when she brings other black people to conservative venues the republicans want them to change everything about themselves
so they can claim they are not racists you stupid fucking racist

tell us all what percent of their employees are of color

Lol, is that really all you've got? So, a supposed racist company hires people of color, just so they can claim they aren't racist? Do you really expect anyone to believe that? Is that why they broadcast in Spanish too? You realize Andrew Breitbart was Jewish, right? That probably galls and anti Semite like you.

Check for yourself. You won't though, because it destroys your argument. https://www.breitbart.com/people/
and there you have it folks

they HATE anyone who points out their racism

because racists are so fucking lame even they hate racists

Except you have pointed out no racism other than your own. You can't link to a single racist comment, article, or anything from Breitbart. Not one.
"I not going to direct them to the republican party that wont accept them"

she is told to stop being an angry black woman she says

she says they trash all hip hop even when they back republicans ideas
"I not going to direct them to the republican party that wont accept them"

she is told to stop being an angry black woman she says

she says they trash all hip hop even when they back republicans ideas

Lol, again, no source to your fantasy. Who is that supposed to be a quote of?
Except you have pointed out no racism other than your own. You can't link to a single racist comment, article, or anything from Breitbart. Not one.

when someone shines a flash light In your face and you deny there is any light you are showing that YOU are a fucking idiot

thanks for helping asshole