Rats Of A Feather Nest Together

when someone shines a flash light In your face and you deny there is any light you are showing that YOU are a fucking idiot

thanks for helping asshole

You still haven't presented any evidence. If Breitbart was the blatant racist entity you claim it is, it would be easy. You should be able to go to their home page and click on anything. But you won't, because you are a liar.

this is your Sonnie Johnson

she herself says when she brings other black people to conservative venues the republicans want them to change everything about themselves

listen to her trash the republican party

brietfart USED her to claim he wasn't racist

she was too duped to accept what she supports is right wing racists attitudes about black voters by believing the economic lies they spew
You still haven't presented any evidence. If Breitbart was the blatant racist entity you claim it is, it would be easy. You should be able to go to their home page and click on anything. But you won't, because you are a liar.

why don't you read the Southern Poverty Laws centers report I gave you idiot
why don't you read the Southern Poverty Laws centers report I gave you idiot

Why should I? If Breitbart is racist, there should be evidence on their site, and in their broadcasts. There's not. You are taking someone else's word for it because you wish with all your heart it were true. It's not, and you damn well know it.

Link to a single racist comment, article, or broadcast from Breitbart, or shut the fuck up.
listen to her trash the republican party

brietfart USED her to claim he wasn't racist

she was too duped to accept what she supports is right wing racists attitudes about black voters by believing the economic lies they spew

Yup, another uppity black person you hate. And you are calling other's racist? Please.

Miller Turned to Breitbart to Promote Political Agenda
November 19, 2019 Michael Edison Hayden
Before the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller frequently gave editorial instructions to Breitbart News, a Hatewatch review of his emails determined.

Emails Confirm Miller’s Twin Obsessions: Immigrants and Crime
November 25, 2019 Michael Edison Hayden
Stephen Miller linked immigration to violence in emails to Breitbart News – writing of crimes committed by nonwhites that “each one [is] more disturbing than the next.”

Miller Turned to Breitbart to Promote Political Agenda
November 19, 2019 Michael Edison Hayden
Before the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller frequently gave editorial instructions to Breitbart News, a Hatewatch review of his emails determined.

Miller Turned to Breitbart to Promote Political Agenda
November 19, 2019

Michael Edison Hayden

In this article
Finding the right words on immigration
Negative coverage of Rubio
‘Let’s go buck wild on this’
Before the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller frequently gave editorial instructions to Breitbart News, a Hatewatch review of his emails determined.
Miller emailed then-Breitbart News editor Katie McHugh a post from conservative pundit Mickey Kaus criticizing Marco Rubio’s GOP presidential run on Feb. 6, 2016, a little less than two weeks after joining Donald Trump’s campaign, saying someone needed to aggregate the piece for the site.

Aggregation in journalism happens when writers turn other outlets’ stories, opinion pieces or social media posts into new stories for their publications. Hours later, Breitbart published an article headlined “Mickey Kaus: Marco Rubio Hides Pro-Donor Amnesty Behind Anti-ISIS Bluster.”
Miller viewed the highly trafficked Breitbart as a way to promote his nativist, anti-immigration policies and to attack political enemies before millions of readers. And, while politicians and their staff commonly seek to influence news coverage, the dynamic on display in Miller’s emails to Breitbart suggests the conservative outlet was “not playing by the same rules that legitimate news organizations play by,” said Kyle Pope, editor-in-chief of the Columbia Journalism Review.

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller (center) is seen during a June congressional picnic on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
“This is not remotely how a professional news organization functions,” Pope told Hatewatch, regarding Miller’s often-direct editorial instructions. “What is scary here is Trump, and his team, and also Trump supporters – hold up this kind of cheerleading news organization as an example of how journalism should be done, and it’s clearly not.”
The emails examined by Hatewatch demonstrate a pattern of influence by Miller. On April 10, 2016, he sent an email with the subject line “aggregate?” to Breitbart with a tweet by conservative commentator Matt Drudge. In his tweet, Drudge questioned the integrity of Colorado’s Republican caucus system in which Ted Cruz won a majority of delegates and which Trump had criticized as being “rigged.” Breitbart soon turned Drudge’s tweet into the story Miller apparently envisioned, “Matt Drudge: ‘Hello Colorado Republicans, even Iraqis get a vote.’”
Breitbart editors introduced Miller to McHugh in early 2015 to help shape her journalistic output, she told Hatewatch. At the time, Miller was an aide to then-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama. McHugh leaked to Hatewatch more than 900 of her previously private email conversations with the current White House senior adviser. In them, Miller appears to behave like an uncredited editor – periodically suggesting where stories should be placed on Breitbart’s homepage.
Miller suggested such a placement on the Hillary Clinton-focused story, “Donald Trump Slams ‘Heartless Hillary’ Clinton’s Soft-On-Crime Plans” in May 2016:
Miller, May 21, 2016, 12:11 a.m. ET: “Make sure this is put in lede.”
McHugh, May 21, 2016, 12:12 a.m. ET: “It’s top right.”
McHugh told Hatewatch that by “the lede,” Miller meant the story on Breitbart’s website most prominently showcased to readers. McHugh told Hatewatch that Breitbart management knowingly allowed her to defer to Miller.
Miller Turned to Breitbart to Promote Political Agenda
November 19, 2019

Michael Edison Hayden

In this article
Finding the right words on immigration
Negative coverage of Rubio
‘Let’s go buck wild on this’
Before the 2016 election, White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller frequently gave editorial instructions to Breitbart News, a Hatewatch review of his emails determined.
Miller emailed then-Breitbart News editor Katie McHugh a post from conservative pundit Mickey Kaus criticizing Marco Rubio’s GOP presidential run on Feb. 6, 2016, a little less than two weeks after joining Donald Trump’s campaign, saying someone needed to aggregate the piece for the site.

Aggregation in journalism happens when writers turn other outlets’ stories, opinion pieces or social media posts into new stories for their publications. Hours later, Breitbart published an article headlined “Mickey Kaus: Marco Rubio Hides Pro-Donor Amnesty Behind Anti-ISIS Bluster.”
Miller viewed the highly trafficked Breitbart as a way to promote his nativist, anti-immigration policies and to attack political enemies before millions of readers. And, while politicians and their staff commonly seek to influence news coverage, the dynamic on display in Miller’s emails to Breitbart suggests the conservative outlet was “not playing by the same rules that legitimate news organizations play by,” said Kyle Pope, editor-in-chief of the Columbia Journalism Review.

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller (center) is seen during a June congressional picnic on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
“This is not remotely how a professional news organization functions,” Pope told Hatewatch, regarding Miller’s often-direct editorial instructions. “What is scary here is Trump, and his team, and also Trump supporters – hold up this kind of cheerleading news organization as an example of how journalism should be done, and it’s clearly not.”
The emails examined by Hatewatch demonstrate a pattern of influence by Miller. On April 10, 2016, he sent an email with the subject line “aggregate?” to Breitbart with a tweet by conservative commentator Matt Drudge. In his tweet, Drudge questioned the integrity of Colorado’s Republican caucus system in which Ted Cruz won a majority of delegates and which Trump had criticized as being “rigged.” Breitbart soon turned Drudge’s tweet into the story Miller apparently envisioned, “Matt Drudge: ‘Hello Colorado Republicans, even Iraqis get a vote.’”
Breitbart editors introduced Miller to McHugh in early 2015 to help shape her journalistic output, she told Hatewatch. At the time, Miller was an aide to then-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama. McHugh leaked to Hatewatch more than 900 of her previously private email conversations with the current White House senior adviser. In them, Miller appears to behave like an uncredited editor – periodically suggesting where stories should be placed on Breitbart’s homepage.
Miller suggested such a placement on the Hillary Clinton-focused story, “Donald Trump Slams ‘Heartless Hillary’ Clinton’s Soft-On-Crime Plans” in May 2016:
Miller, May 21, 2016, 12:11 a.m. ET: “Make sure this is put in lede.”
McHugh, May 21, 2016, 12:12 a.m. ET: “It’s top right.”
McHugh told Hatewatch that by “the lede,” Miller meant the story on Breitbart’s website most prominently showcased to readers. McHugh told Hatewatch that Breitbart management knowingly allowed her to defer to Miller.

Still nothing from Breitbart, yawn. You've got nothing but lies.
Former Breitbart Editor Katie McHugh: 5 Fast Facts You ...

Author: Stephanie Gaskell

The Leaked Emails Written By Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s Top …
Katie McHugh Was Fired From Breitbart in 2017 When She Posted an Anti-Muslim …
Katie McHugh Was Known for Racist Remarks on Twitter and Has Since Made …
Katie McHugh Tweeted That ‘Slaves Built the Country As Much As Cows Built …
See all full list on heavy.com
1. The Leaked Emails Written By Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s Top Immigration Advisor, Show He Promoted White Nationalism and Anti-Immigration to Breitbart Editors
Former Breitbart Editor Katie McHugh: 5 Fast Facts You ...

Author: Stephanie Gaskell

The Leaked Emails Written By Stephen Miller, President Donald Trump’s Top …
Katie McHugh Was Fired From Breitbart in 2017 When She Posted an Anti-Muslim …
Katie McHugh Was Known for Racist Remarks on Twitter and Has Since Made …
Katie McHugh Tweeted That ‘Slaves Built the Country As Much As Cows Built …
See all full list on heavy.com

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center wrote an article about Breitbart’s increasing shift towards extremist ideology. “The outlet has undergone a noticeable shift toward embracing ideas on the extremist fringe of the conservative right. Racist ideas. Anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant ideas –– all key tenets making up an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘Alt-Right.'”
Emails Confirm Miller’s Twin Obsessions: Immigrants and Crime
November 25, 2019

Michael Edison Hayden

In this article
Tying refugees to terror
A different view of crimes by whites
White House response
Stephen Miller linked immigration to violence in emails to Breitbart News – writing of crimes committed by nonwhites that “each one [is] more disturbing than the next.”
“It has never been easier in American history for illegal aliens to commit crimes of violence against Americans,” Miller, now White House senior policy adviser, argued in a Jan. 5, 2016, email with the subject line “off-the-record observation.”

In a Nov. 12 report, Hatewatch published emails that President Donald Trump’s de facto immigration czar sent to editors and reporters at Breitbart News while he was an aide to then-U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Former Breitbart editor Katie McHugh leaked Miller’s emails to Hatewatch.

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller listens as President Donald Trump speaks in March 2018 at the White House in Washington. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
Miller was referring to “convicted criminal aliens” he said the Obama administration was releasing from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Months earlier, Miller read an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal that debunked a connection between immigration and crime, the emails show, but he chose to ignore it.
Jason L. Riley, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, noted in the op-ed that “numerous studies going back more than a century have shown that immigrants – regardless of nationality or legal status – are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or to be incarcerated.”
In a July 15, 2015, email to Breitbart, Miller dismissed Riley’s writing as being “more lies about new [A]merica,” borrowing language found in white nationalist writing about evolving demographics. Hatewatch reached out to Riley for a comment about Miller’s email, but the think tank analyst did not respond.
Findings from the libertarian Cato Institute also back up Riley’s conclusions. The advocacy group American Immigration Council asserts there is no correlation between immigration and crime. The Marshall Project, a nonprofit group focusing on criminal justice issues, also found “no sign of a link” between undocumented immigration and crime. To find arguments of a connection between immigration and crime, one typically must turn to white nationalist websites or hate groups.