ready for the bloodbath? vp debate discussion

While trance lied about everything else and jumped on any opportunity to cheap shot Kamala Harris.

Then refused to answer the question about whether or not he'd have the fucking spine to disobey trump if trump ordered him to break the law for him.

But then again, trance didn't have to because we all know the answer is no.

Craven spineless couch fucker can't even truthfully explain why he went from calling trump Hitler to licking his ass.

You people value the shittiest qualities in others.

Walz is going to get destroyed tonight. I don't see how the media can protect this train wreck

This is not narcists low IQ Trump - Vance is skilled at hostile attacks and turning ridiculous questions around on the moderators.

Walz has a bad track record to defend. His many scandals are breaking left and right.

And all the media can do is attack Vance for sharing what voters in Ohio told him were happening....and abortion questions. it won't work

this is going to be one sided and ugly for the democrats. Fortunately for you all, nobody cares much abut the VP debates....but in a close election every little thing can become a big thing

You called it again!
If Vance fell on his face, said the stupidest things imagined, walked out, or even lost it and physically attacked Waltz, you and your fellow Trumpkins would proclaim he was the winner

But the reality is by Friday regardless of what was to happen the VP debate will be totally forgotten. Those that do watch will do so for twenty minutes or so just to see the demur and presence of each candidate and then switch over to something else, baseball playoffs start today. It is a media promoted nonevent
^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Dumbest Partisan Hack award goes to Arachnid...
Vance destroyed Walz. It was hysterical to watch him tried to talk around his lie about being in China when reporters say he was not the at the time.

Even See-BS called out Tampon Timmy on his lies: Stolen Valor Walz LIED that he was in Tiananmen Square when his close allies in the CCP murdered a thousand pro-democracy protesters.

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Fun going back and reading all the dire predictions of Vance falling on his face.

Last night Vance improved his image with all Americans, Walz looked like a Cabbage Patch doll that spent his night taking notes. As much as I would have liked to hear Vance rip Walz a new one for his many lies about Minnesota, he helped himself immensely by holding his tongue.
the reality of the debate - Vance knocked it out of the park

The shit stain party has tried to paint this ticket as extreme, but Walz - the self described knucklehead - spent most of the night agreeing with much of what Vance was saying and the same in reverse. America saw it too.

Over and over Harris was hammered for not doing anything now. We want real change - not joy and nonsense. that is a losing position for her, and polls will be showing that over the coming weeks

on abortion - he came off as sincere and genuine. It will never be a winning issue in this election cycle, but that was as good as any republican could hope.

on the lame ass January 6th stuff - his point on censorship is the perfect antidote - and right on the money. I would of pivoted to the Hunter laptop, but the overall point was the right direction. The shit stains have tried to make this a campaign issue for 4 years, it won't work.

immigration, inflation, likeability - all great for Vance.
Yup, overall a very good night for Vance. While Walz didn't do or say anything too terrible, he didn't have the night that he needed to have. All of the Walz pictures that will be turned into memes will be a loss for Dems (Dems lost on optics).

One "missed moment" that I thought of on the spot while watching the debate that I thought could've been a good moment for Vance was, during his 'censorship' pivot (which was a brilliant move btw), if he would've mentioned how, right during that very debate, he was censored when his mic was muted while he was telling people the truth about the Springfield Ohio situation and the state-controlled media didn't want people to hear it. They first tried talking over him, and when that didn't work, they resorted to muting him.

Would've been a good opportunity to tie his censorship argument into the current moment that he was in.