Reagan was the gold standard

Cancel 2018.1

New member
Was talking with my wife last night about how the office of the presidency has degenerated since Bush I.
Bush I was competent, honest and congenial.
Clinton was Arkansas white trash who didn't even know who his real daddy was. I give him credit for trying to better himself but you can take white trash out of the trailer park but can't the trailer park out of the white trash.
Bush II was stupid. He also tried to better himself but was probably brain damaged from earlier cocaine and alcohol abuse.
Obama was abandoned at an early age by both parents and raised by communists during the cold war. No doubt he had a deep hatred for America confirmed by his consideration of Jeremiah Wright as his second father. Then as president he tried impose San Fransisco values on the rest of America.
And now we have Trump. Even if you agree with his politics there's no denying he is crass and uncouth.

Which brings me to Reagan.
Even if you don't agree with his politics you have to admit he had class, style, charm and wit. He knew how to handle the press and a hostile congress.

What the fuck happened? The office of president has become a bad joke.
liberals hated reagan at the time.

I don't like his politics, but I think he was a good person. He was better than the Trust Fund Babies the Republicans have put up since... (not including McCain, who is the only Republican nominated since 84' that was not a trust fund baby.)

Was talking with my wife last night about how the office of the presidency has degenerated since Bush I.
Bush I was competent, honest and congenial.
Clinton was Arkansas white trash who didn't even know who his real daddy was. I give him credit for trying to better himself but you can take white trash out of the trailer park but can't the trailer park out of the white trash.
Bush II was stupid. He also tried to better himself but was probably brain damaged from earlier cocaine and alcohol abuse.
Obama was abandoned at an early age by both parents and raised by communists during the cold war. No doubt he had a deep hatred for America confirmed by his consideration of Jeremiah Wright as his second father. Then as president he tried impose San Fransisco values on the rest of America.
And now we have Trump. Even if you agree with his politics there's no denying he is crass and uncouth.

Which brings me to Reagan.
Even if you don't agree with his politics you have to admit he had class, style, charm and wit. He knew how to handle the press and a hostile congress.

What the fuck happened? The office of president has become a bad joke.


[FONT=q_serif]Why is Ronald Reagan, who took the USA from the greatest creditor nation to greatest debtor nation, considered a great or outstanding president?
Obama, not born rich.
Clinton, not born rich.
Carter, not born rich.
Johnson, not born rich.

You have to go all the way back to John F. Kennedy to find a Democrat who was born with a trust fund. And even so, Kennedy served in the Navy.
Obama, not born rich.
Clinton, not born rich.
Carter, not born rich.
Johnson, not born rich.

You have to go all the way back to John F. Kennedy to find a Democrat who was born with a trust fund. And even so, Kennedy served in the Navy.
Your point is?
Clever double meaning there!
I did note that those he mentioned were exceptionally poor presidents except Clinton who didn't really do anything of note - an X-rated Ike.

I like your thoughts on Reagan. He truly was the last statesman President this country has had.
I think that even if Clinton had class, Bush had brains, and Obama wasn't a far leftist, Trump would still be Trump. I do see some good in the way he is reversing some trends in the GOP that were brought about by Goldwater and Reagan. Especially given how many hardliners always would complain about people wanting to take the party back to moderate rule by Nixon and Ike, but who now embrace Douchebag Donald as a necessary agent of change, who happens to be more in the older tradition.
I think that even if Clinton had class, Bush had brains, and Obama wasn't a far leftist, Trump would still be Trump.
No doubt but he wouldn't be president. It's gotten to be where the left and right retaliate the other each election , escalating into more extremism. I would not be surprised to see Al Sharpton to be the next dim presidential nominee.
I do see some good in the way he is reversing some trends in the GOP that were brought about by Goldwater and Reagan. Especially given how many hardliners always would complain about people wanting to take the party back to moderate rule by Nixon and Ike, but who now embrace Douchebag Donald as a necessary agent of change, who happens to be more in the older tradition.
Trump in the older tradition of what? I see no precedent.
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"Even if you don't agree with his politics you have to admit he had class, style, charm and wit. He knew how to handle the press and a hostile congress." You really couldn't comprehend the OP, could you?

That's your opinion. He was an actor playing the greatest role of his life. He was mentally going downhill quickly by his second term. He was a traitor who hid behind some disingenuous phrasing to absolve himself of Iran-Contra, and suckers bought into it hook, line and sinker. I'm not surprised that many repubs pick style over substance.