Reagan was the gold standard

No doubt but he wouldn't be president. It's gotten to be where the left and right retaliate the other each election , escalating into more extremism. I would not be surprised to see Al Sharpton to be the next dim presidential nominee. Trump in the older tradition of what? I see no precedent.

Keep in mind that until he started running for the Republican nomination, Douchebag Donald was a lifelong leftist. Pro partial-birth abortion, pro Carter/Mondale/Clinton, pro single-payer healthcare, pro welfare state, and a yuuuuge contributor to leftist candidates. This means he's going to trend more moderate on social and fiscal policy. Much like the party from Hoover and Landon through Ike and Nixon.
which again begs the question, why do liberals hate him so much? he's literally the most liberal republican even in office and that's not enough for them.
I don't like his politics, but I think he was a good person. He was better than the Trust Fund Babies the Republicans have put up since... (not including McCain, who is the only Republican nominated since 84' that was not a trust fund baby.)

Yes but the libs said he was 'crazy', remember?
Was talking with my wife last night about how the office of the presidency has degenerated since Bush I.
Bush I was competent, honest and congenial.
Clinton was Arkansas white trash who didn't even know who his real daddy was. I give him credit for trying to better himself but you can take white trash out of the trailer park but can't the trailer park out of the white trash.
Bush II was stupid. He also tried to better himself but was probably brain damaged from earlier cocaine and alcohol abuse.
Obama was abandoned at an early age by both parents and raised by communists during the cold war. No doubt he had a deep hatred for America confirmed by his consideration of Jeremiah Wright as his second father. Then as president he tried impose San Fransisco values on the rest of America.
And now we have Trump. Even if you agree with his politics there's no denying he is crass and uncouth.

Which brings me to Reagan.
Even if you don't agree with his politics you have to admit he had class, style, charm and wit. He knew how to handle the press and a hostile congress.

What the fuck happened? The office of president has become a bad joke.
Bullshit. I hate when people mythologize Dutch.

Reagan had some very good qualities. He was an extremely disciplined communicator, stayed on message, was very optimistic, was relatively principled, for a politician, was willing to admit he made mistakes and could be persuaded to change his mind and could compromise to get things done and was very likeable.

He also had some pretty major flaws. He was ideological, made some of the most asinine appointments to major positions, was a serious intellectual lightweight, was frustratingly ignorant and careless about the law, which got him into major trouble multiple times, supported lala land economic policies, delegated excessively, which led to major issues with corruption in his administration the likes that had not been seen since Harding, could be tone deaf to the point of abject immorality as he was on the AIDS epidemic and it became clear to the public early on in his second term that he had issues with senile dementia.

So spare me the a Holy Saint Ronny crock of shit. On the whole he was a good and very popular President and I don't regret voting for him but spare me the mythical horse shit about him. It makes me want to puke.
liberals hated reagan at the time.

You don't know what you're talking about. The extreme left hated him but Reagan got along famously with liberal Democrats when he was in office. He held regular lunches with Tip O'Neal and compromised with the Democraticly controlled congress to get a lot of legislation passed, some of which was very progressive. Ever hear the term Reagan Democrats? Trust me they were not yellow dog Southerners.

You don't win landslide victories like Reagan did unless people of all stripes like you. That shit that liberals loathed and hated Reagan is more Reagan mythology bullshit. Back in the 80's it drove the Democratic Party establishment nuts that such a large percentage of their base liked Reagan. That was Reagans political magic. He was so damned like-able.
That's your opinion. He was an actor playing the greatest role of his life. He was mentally going downhill quickly by his second term. He was a traitor who hid behind some disingenuous phrasing to absolve himself of Iran-Contra, and suckers bought into it hook, line and sinker. I'm not surprised that many repubs pick style over substance.
So you admit he had style. That's what the OP is about. And he had it better than any I can think of.
which again begs the question, why do liberals hate him so much? he's literally the most liberal republican even in office and that's not enough for them.
Easy answer. He ran as a republican. He could be pro abortion up until birth, issue an exec order abolishing the 2nd amendment, disband all police, declare war on Russia, appoint Al Sharpton sect. of state, and outlaw gasoline promising it will change the weather and save the earth, give the dims everything they want, and dims would still say he's a fascist .
Bullshit. I hate when people mythologize Dutch.

Reagan had some very good qualities. He was an extremely disciplined communicator, stayed on message, was very optimistic, was relatively principled, for a politician, was willing to admit he made mistakes and could be persuaded to change his mind and could compromise to get things done and was very likeable.

He also had some pretty major flaws. He was ideological, made some of the most asinine appointments to major positions, was a serious intellectual lightweight, was frustratingly ignorant and careless about the law, which got him into major trouble multiple times, supported lala land economic policies, delegated excessively, which led to major issues with corruption in his administration the likes that had not been seen since Harding, could be tone deaf to the point of abject immorality as he was on the AIDS epidemic and it became clear to the public early on in his second term that he had issues with senile dementia.

So spare me the a Holy Saint Ronny crock of shit. On the whole he was a good and very popular President and I don't regret voting for him but spare me the mythical horse shit about him. It makes me want to puke.
The bold is what the OP was about. Apparently you agree with me.
I'll repeat: I wasn't talking about him being the best, greatest or whatnot. He represented the office better than anyone I can think of. So far no one on this thread has offered an alternative.
That's your opinion. He was an actor playing the greatest role of his life. He was mentally going downhill quickly by his second term. He was a traitor who hid behind some disingenuous phrasing to absolve himself of Iran-Contra, and suckers bought into it hook, line and sinker. I'm not surprised that many repubs pick style over substance.
Whilst all that is true, he was instrumental in ending the Cold War.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
which again begs the question, why do liberals hate him so much? he's literally the most liberal republican even in office and that's not enough for them.
Because many are just incredibly emotion driven and issue led.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
I am thankful every day that Reagan is dead, and that I lived to see it.
I don't wake up every day being thankful that's he's dead, but I am thankful. I've got too many other things on my mind. For fuck's sake, he'd be 106 today. I hope I don't live that long.

I'm thankful the hildebeest is politically dead and it was someone as distasteful as Trump to drive the stake through its heart.:) Couldn't have worked out better for me.
Bullshit. I hate when people mythologize Dutch.

Reagan had some very good qualities. He was an extremely disciplined communicator, stayed on message, was very optimistic, was relatively principled, for a politician, was willing to admit he made mistakes and could be persuaded to change his mind and could compromise to get things done and was very likeable.

He also had some pretty major flaws. He was ideological, made some of the most asinine appointments to major positions, was a serious intellectual lightweight, was frustratingly ignorant and careless about the law, which got him into major trouble multiple times, supported lala land economic policies, delegated excessively, which led to major issues with corruption in his administration the likes that had not been seen since Harding, could be tone deaf to the point of abject immorality as he was on the AIDS epidemic and it became clear to the public early on in his second term that he had issues with senile dementia.

So spare me the a Holy Saint Ronny crock of shit. On the whole he was a good and very popular President and I don't regret voting for him but spare me the mythical horse shit about him. It makes me want to puke.

Throwing federal money at AIDS is/was a huge waste of money.
That's your opinion. He was an actor playing the greatest role of his life. He was mentally going downhill quickly by his second term. He was a traitor who hid behind some disingenuous phrasing to absolve himself of Iran-Contra, and suckers bought into it hook, line and sinker. I'm not surprised that many repubs pick style over substance.

Iran-Contra was good policy, and got the USA what it needed at the time.
The bold is what the OP was about. Apparently you agree with me.
I'll repeat: I wasn't talking about him being the best, greatest or whatnot. He represented the office better than anyone I can think of. So far no one on this thread has offered an alternative.
I don't think he represented the office better than anyone. I think, with the exception of W, all the US Presidents since Nixon have represented the office well and with the gravitas, dignity and respect the office warrants. W was a failure for his colossal failure of leadership following the 911 attacks for which no modern President since Nixon is even Remotely comparable too. The only significant difference with Reagan was his popularity which means exactly doodly squat.