Reagan was the gold standard

Iran-Contra was good policy, and got the USA what it needed at the time.
what? Have you been beating your self in the head with a hammer? Iran-contra was not only a gross violation of standing law and a violation of constitutional separation of powers that damned near got Reagan impeached. He sold arms, in violation of US law to a hostile State sponsor of terrorism and used those funds to finance right wing murder squads in Central America. How was this in any way shape or form good policy? If Reagan hadn't of proven a witless dupe in the whole sordid affair and had been a proactive conspirator he would have been impeached. No if ands or buts. It was one of the three biggest fuck ups by a sitting US president in my adult life time. Good policy? Where do you come up with this shit? Do you even have any idea the kind of repugnant killers the Contras were?
what? Have you been beating your self in the head with a hammer? Iran-contra was not only a gross violation of standing law and a violation of constitutional separation of powers that damned near got Reagan impeached. He sold arms, in violation of US law to a hostile State sponsor of terrorism and used those funds to finance right wing murder squads in Central America. How was this in any way shape or form good policy? If Reagan hadn't of proven a witless dupe in the whole sordid affair and had been a proactive conspirator he would have been impeached. No if ands or buts. It was one of the three biggest fuck ups by a sitting US president in my adult life time. Good policy? Where do you come up with this shit? Do you even have any idea the kind of repugnant killers the Contras were?
The Sandinistas were no angels either, to be honest. Which is why Ortega was voted out in 1990.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
The Sandinistas were no angels either, to be honest. Which is why Ortega was voted out in 1990.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
No kidding but the Contras were simply paramilitary goon squad killers who ruthlessly enforced the will of the United Fruit Company among the poor peasant serfs they virtually owned through terror, rape and murder. Supporting low life's of that magnitude because they weren't communist was insane.
what? Have you been beating your self in the head with a hammer? Iran-contra was not only a gross violation of standing law and a violation of constitutional separation of powers that damned near got Reagan impeached. He sold arms, in violation of US law to a hostile State sponsor of terrorism and used those funds to finance right wing murder squads in Central America. How was this in any way shape or form good policy? If Reagan hadn't of proven a witless dupe in the whole sordid affair and had been a proactive conspirator he would have been impeached. No if ands or buts. It was one of the three biggest fuck ups by a sitting US president in my adult life time. Good policy? Where do you come up with this shit? Do you even have any idea the kind of repugnant killers the Contras were?

The Sandinistas were Marxists, so the Contras win the morality test on that comparison test.

But, you are correct that Iran-Contra was an illegal act, which means that it must ultimately be condemned. Bad roads are charted whenever we let leaders violate the law, regardless of their intentions and accomplishments.
What? That's fucking crazy talk.

For anyone interested in avoiding HIV contraction, it's a pretty easy disease to avoid. Don't share needles when doing drugs, use fresh and sterile needles for tattooing and piercing, and be selective in your sexual partners. Problem solved, except for places so infected that it is being passed to infants during pregnancy at high rates.
which again begs the question, why do liberals hate him so much? he's literally the most liberal republican even in office and that's not enough for them.
Christie pretty much outlined it for you, another poster did as well.
You don't know what you're talking about. The extreme left hated him but Reagan got along famously with liberal Democrats when he was in office. He held regular lunches with Tip O'Neal and compromised with the Democraticly controlled congress to get a lot of legislation passed, some of which was very progressive. Ever hear the term Reagan Democrats? Trust me they were not yellow dog Southerners.

You don't win landslide victories like Reagan did unless people of all stripes like you. That shit that liberals loathed and hated Reagan is more Reagan mythology bullshit. Back in the 80's it drove the Democratic Party establishment nuts that such a large percentage of their base liked Reagan. That was Reagans political magic. He was so damned like-able.
I loathed and hated Reagan, sorry, I always felt like he was playing a part. He was a nice guy, but his politics started us on a downhill slide. I did not vote for him and thought he should have been tired for his Iran Cintra ordeal.
You don't know what you're talking about. The extreme left hated him but Reagan got along famously with liberal Democrats when he was in office. He held regular lunches with Tip O'Neal and compromised with the Democraticly controlled congress to get a lot of legislation passed, some of which was very progressive. Ever hear the term Reagan Democrats? Trust me they were not yellow dog Southerners.

You don't win landslide victories like Reagan did unless people of all stripes like you. That shit that liberals loathed and hated Reagan is more Reagan mythology bullshit. Back in the 80's it drove the Democratic Party establishment nuts that such a large percentage of their base liked Reagan. That was Reagans political magic. He was so damned like-able.

To be fair, and speaking as a Reagan Democrat, it was as much about Carter as it was about Reagan.....
Yet he has to be given his due in ending the Cold War, but the likes of Rana will never admit that.

Sent from Lenovo K5 Note:
To piss off snowflakes, bottom feeders and racists
The Sandinistas were Marxists, so the Contras win the morality test on that comparison test.

But, you are correct that Iran-Contra was an illegal act, which means that it must ultimately be condemned. Bad roads are charted whenever we let leaders violate the law, regardless of their intentions and accomplishments.
Sometimes I think you say shit like this to troll me and make my head explode. The United Fruit Syndicate ran Nicaragua as a their own personal medieval fief. Any attempts by the peasant serfs to obtain any semblance of civil, political, economic or human rights were met with extreme brutality and violence. This led to the rise of the Sandinistas. So no, the Contras were murderers and thugs and it should be pointed out that the Sandinistas had broad popular support from the Nicaraguan people and when the Sandinistas established democratic institutions and were elected out of office they transferred power peacefully. That's a hell of a lot more than you can say about the United Fruit syndicate and their contra thugs did.
For anyone interested in avoiding HIV contraction, it's a pretty easy disease to avoid. Don't share needles when doing drugs, use fresh and sterile needles for tattooing and piercing, and be selective in your sexual partners. Problem solved, except for places so infected that it is being passed to infants during pregnancy at high rates.
Well 3D it took public recognition that you even have a problem not to mention that ignoring an epidemic because of personal beliefs of personal accountability is not only stupid it is also immoral as hell and Reagan was guilty of both.
I loathed and hated Reagan, sorry, I always felt like he was playing a part. He was a nice guy, but his politics started us on a downhill slide. I did not vote for him and thought he should have been tired for his Iran Cintra ordeal.
He would have had he handled the event like Nixon did Watergate and Clinton did the Lewinsky affair, though that was no where as significant or egregious as Watergate or Iran-Contra (Clinton was his own worst enemy there.). To his credit Reagans open and active cooperation with that investigation prevented his being impeached and had he not cooperated he would have been impeached.