Scut Farkus
I'm am already okay.
Poor you. You cannot produce a quote of me saying what you claim I said every day.
You poor, pathetic fool.
I'm am already okay.
Poor you. You cannot produce a quote of me saying what you claim I said every day.
You poor, pathetic fool.
And by now you know it.
But like Trump with that "the election was stolen" bullshit, you are not man enough to acknowledge being wrong.
No problem. I am not playing golf until next Tuesday, so I can sit here and help you make a fool of yourself.
Which I fully intend to do.
the election was stolen too.
ballot stuffing enabled by unconstitutional rule changes.
it's easy like sunday morning.
the election was stolen too.
ballot stuffing enabled by unconstitutional rule changes.
Anthony Kennedy appointed GWB to the oval office. The electoral college and winner takes all makes a mockery of democracy. Biden was forced on dems because Harris and Buttigieg were rejected by voters. Elections are a sham, the only way out of this mess is revolt. We're a lot closer to an uprising than most may think.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Umm, Frank? THIS ISN'T ABOUT WHETHER YOU LIKED NADER OR NOT. This is about the FACT that Nader LEGITIMATELY BY THE RULES got the votes to be a viable 3rd party candidate that should have been on that debate.
If his platform was so unrealistic, then why the shady deals BY BOTH PARTIES to change the rules and keep him from the debate? Would they have to change some of their respective platform promises because of his presentations ... changes that would NOT be appreciated by the military/industrial (corporate) complex and cost them campaign donations?
They cheated the man....THAT'S the reality. Anyone who is intellectually honest can do the research and see that for themselves.
America will never know because folk like you are mouthing the EXACT platitudes that keeps the status quo going....and why we as a society, much less a country is circling the drain.
I stand by my comment that neither party did as much damage to Nader as did Nader himself.
Originally Posted by Frank Apisa View Post
Gore lost...George W. Bush won.
And Nader was a significant factor in that lose/win.
THAT is a matter of fact...a matter of history.
God bless him!......
Yeah, and you really enjoyed the S&L scandal, Wall St. debacle, the Mortgage scandal, outsourcing jobs, tax breaks for the rich, invading/occupying Iraq based on a LIE, committing treason by outing a CIA operative who kept tabs on terrorists and nuke material, cutting back funding on VA benefits.
I don't know if you're actually this fucking stupid or dumb enough to think you sail with the likes of Cheney & company (hint: they wipe their feet on you).
Post #184....seems neither you or Frank can deal with reality.
You can stand on your head with insipid stubbornness, won't make your assertions any less flawed. Here, chew on this (or in your case, deny it):
Post #184
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yeah, and you really enjoyed the S&L scandal, Wall St. debacle, the Mortgage scandal, outsourcing jobs, tax breaks for the rich, invading/occupying Iraq based on a LIE, committing treason by outing a CIA operative who kept tabs on terrorists and nuke material, cutting back funding on VA benefits.
I don't know if you're actually this fucking stupid or dumb enough to think you sail with the likes of Cheney & company (hint: they wipe their feet on you).
Post #184....seems neither you or Frank can deal with reality.
I don't share your delusions.......or the inaccuracy of your memories......didn't you know the S&L crisis was over by the time Bush beat Gore?......or that Bush was the one who warned about the subprime lending process put in place by his predecessor and that the demmycrats in the House called him a racist for doing so?......
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You can stand on your head with insipid stubbornness, won't make your assertions any less flawed. Here, chew on this (or in your case, deny it):
Post #184
Perot supporters; Nader supporters; Sanders supporters...all of a breed. Dreamers.
Taich, if you want to think Nader did not impact on the Gore so. Some people argue the Earth is flat; the moon landing was faked; the Capitol riot was a left wing set up.
Reagan was President during the S&L scandal, genius. You know, the god of the right wing? The creator of "reaganomics" that's served the country so well with it's deregulation dogma? The policies that were continued by Daddy Bush and his idiot son The Shrub? Didn't Daddy Bush bitch about "voodoo economics" but carried on the same policies (remember the lie about "no new taxes"?).
What's truly pathetic is how proudly ignorant you are about recent history, and how you foolishly think your revisionist clap trap passes for historical facts. You're not delusional, just a willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest 3rd rate right wing propagandist. I can document what I say, can you? If not, go blow smoke somewhere else, as you waste time and space doubling down on your BS.
yeah, can babble your BS rather than just concede to the facts. Nader got zero electoral votes.....last time I checked, that negates the popular vote. 0.71% of the popular vote was not a game changer....especially given the BS the GOP pulled in Florida (with help from the SCOTUS).
So if you want to keep shoveling that BS that Nader cost Gore the election, be my guest. The FACTS tell a different story, one where the RNC and the DNC conspired to keep the man from a debate that he was legally entitled to....something that has been officially acknowledged, as my previous link showed.
That you can't muster the cojones to just concede a matter of fact & history because it counters your beliefs makes you no better than our resident right wing wonks in this one respect. A pity, Frank, as I expected better from you. Carry on with your insipid stubborness.
yeah, can babble your BS rather than just concede to the facts. Nader got zero electoral votes.....last time I checked, that negates the popular vote. 0.71% of the popular vote was not a game changer....especially given the BS the GOP pulled in Florida (with help from the SCOTUS).
So if you want to keep shoveling that BS that Nader cost Gore the election, be my guest. The FACTS tell a different story, one where the RNC and the DNC conspired to keep the man from a debate that he was legally entitled to....something that has been officially acknowledged, as my previous link showed.
That you can't muster the cojones to just concede a matter of fact & history because it counters your beliefs makes you no better than our resident right wing wonks in this one respect. A pity, Frank, as I expected better from you. Carry on with your insipid stubborness.
frank will say anything to keep two party duopoly totalitarianism in place.
he's committed to shittiness.
Fuck you.
take your pill, grumpy gus.
Fuck you.