i thought you said you were smart.
you're clearly at a loss for words.
"Fuck you" is not a loss for words. It is being succinct. No need to waste words on the likes of you.
i thought you said you were smart.
you're clearly at a loss for words.
"Fuck you" is not a loss for words. It is being succinct. No need to waste words on the likes of you.
you mean i always make you look stupid and now you're afraid?
You may make yourself look stupid, but you seldom make others even look marginal. You never make me look stupid.
If you think I am afraid of you...you are delusional.
i always make you look stupid.
You try. I'll give your credit for that.
And I laugh my ass off at your failure. I'll also give you credit for that.
but you being wrong all the time has nothing to do with me.
you're at war with reality.
the nwo is failing.
Horrible try.
Not up to your usual banal.
these are just factual statements.
Yes, you are correct.
My comments that your last post was a "Horrible try" and "not up to your usual banal" are just factual statements.
You are a fish!
you're an infected labia aroma.
Ohhh...the other kids in the sandbox must have really loved that one!
king kong ain't got shit on me.
But Trump managed to shit on you.
well you stole fizzy lifting drinks.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Reagan was President during the S&L scandal, genius. You know, the god of the right wing? The creator of "reaganomics" that's served the country so well with it's deregulation dogma? The policies that were continued by Daddy Bush and his idiot son The Shrub? Didn't Daddy Bush bitch about "voodoo economics" but carried on the same policies (remember the lie about "no new taxes"?).
What's truly pathetic is how proudly ignorant you are about recent history, and how you foolishly think your revisionist clap trap passes for historical facts. You're not delusional, just a willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest 3rd rate right wing propagandist. I can document what I say, can you? If not, go blow smoke somewhere else, as you waste time and space doubling down on your BS.
so you admit your comment was irrelevant to the post you responded to......."Gore lost, Bush won.....Nader had nothing to do with it"......
see, even libs know franks an asshole.
frank will say anything to keep two party duopoly totalitarianism in place.
he's committed to shittiness.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
yeah, Frank....you can babble your BS rather than just concede to the facts. Nader got zero electoral votes.....last time I checked, that negates the popular vote. 0.71% of the popular vote was not a game changer....especially given the BS the GOP pulled in Florida (with help from the SCOTUS).
So if you want to keep shoveling that BS that Nader cost Gore the election, be my guest. The FACTS tell a different story, one where the RNC and the DNC conspired to keep the man from a debate that he was legally entitled to....something that has been officially acknowledged, as my previous link showed.
That you can't muster the cojones to just concede a matter of fact & history because it counters your beliefs makes you no better than our resident right wing wonks in this one respect. A pity, Frank, as I expected better from you. Carry on with your insipid stubbornness.
You keep changing the argument so that you can argue against what YOU say I said...rather than what I ACTUALLY SAID.
I did not say that Nader cost Gore the election. I said that Nader impacted on the Gore vote; that he changed the dynamic of that election, and that the change was a significant factor in the loss. It was. That has been conceded by history.
If you cannot see that, you are simply being voluntarily blind.
I also said that Nader, and his "policies" did more damage to Nader than the Democrats or the Republicans. He was one of the worst politician I've seen during my lifetime...and being an effective politician is a HUGE part of getting elected. He had no chance whatever...except to negatively impact on the Democratic vote.
If you cannot muster the balls to concede that you have been screwing with the bar rather than actually debating what I said...that is your problem.
You're first sentence is a LIE, and the chronology of the posts proves that. When all is said and done, the bottom line of all your assertions is that Nader cost Gore the election.
I flat out proved with FACTS that is NOT true....it never was. It's a convenient lie that the Democratic wonks have been circle jerking around to compensate for the FACT that Gore did not fight hard and long enough to prove he won that election. He caved. He didn't have to....no one was going anywhere and he was well within his legal rights.
Your opinion of Nader is just that....your opinion. I don't care if you didn't like the man's platform....he was the ONLY candidate with 30 years of public service who was NOT beholden to any political party or special interest (campaign donors). IHHO, the general public didn't have the courage to support that.
Sorry Frank, but your lame attempt to turn the tables on this one failed miserably...the objective, rational reader sees this. You can regurgitate your stance six ways to Sunday, but the result will be the same. I leave you to the last predictable word on this...Carry on.