Real 3rd Party Scare.

In this case, "conservatives" = theistic autocrats.

Welcome to the American Inquisition which has as much to do with Jesus as the Spanish Inquisition.

This is about power, not God or Jesus Christ. Ergo, it's about Satan.


Dutch's daily Rule 14 offering to the gods........certainly ritualistic.......
you do realize that worshipping me will gain you nothing, right?......

I have no doubt you are an evil person who masturbates to the idea of people worshiping you. It's sad that you are so twisted and fucked up. While I think a just end for you would be dying of ass cancer, the odds favor you will end with a bottle of booze and a single shot from a pistol.
Kyle Rittenhouse?

Gimme a fucking break, A.

Interesting. Even Biden signed an anti-lynching law making it a federal crime. So not only are you for D.A.s to prosecute innocent potential victims that exercise legitimate self defense but you are against the anti-lynching law.
No wonder Manhattan, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans et al are unlivable for law abiding folks now.
Interesting. Even Biden signed an anti-lynching law making it a federal crime. So not only are you for D.A.s to prosecute innocent potential victims that exercise legitimate self defense but you are against the anti-lynching law.
No wonder Manhattan, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans et al are unlivable for law abiding folks now.

If Rittenhouse had been a black person...and did EVERY THING HE DID IN EXACT SEQUENCE WITH NO DEVIATION WHATSOEVER...

...he would be dead right now. He would have died by gunfire on the night of the video of him walking back to the police lines.

In any case, there is no way Rittenhouse was exercising "legitimate self defense."

And, I have often walked the streets of Manhattan at night safety. I have often walked the paths of Central Park in Manhattan safety.

You are full of shit...but that is to be expected. You are an American conservative.
If Rittenhouse had been a black person...and did EVERY THING HE DID IN EXACT SEQUENCE WITH NO DEVIATION WHATSOEVER...

...he would be dead right now. He would have died by gunfire on the night of the video of him walking back to the police lines.

In any case, there is no way Rittenhouse was exercising "legitimate self defense."

And, I have often walked the streets of Manhattan at night safety. I have often walked the paths of Central Park in Manhattan safety.

You are full of shit...but that is to be expected. You are an American conservative.
I’m glad you can walk around Manhattan. Let’s forget about Kyle, who was found innocent unanimously by a jury and whose prosecution witnesses corroborated the defense witnesses. Who was chased by a lynch mob.
By focusing on Kyle and how safe you are in Manhattan it’s obvious you avoid admitting that you are on the side of violent criminals and would like to see Jose Alba successfully prosecuted for murder.
In New Orleans it’s gotten so bad law abiding folks don’t even stop at red lights for fear of being carjacked at gunpoint.
Their D.A. is also a WOKEster that won’t bother to prosecute repeat carjacking offenders.
Apparently you feel that Linda Frickey had no right to self defense and got what she deserved.
I consider you to be a subhuman creature, TBH.
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Your idea of the better choice is a demented old man who spent his entire career kowtowing to banksters? Name a Trump policy that Biden reversed. No potus can change policy, they do what they are told and that's why we're in a 14-year recession about to fall off a cliff.

ANd he was better of the choices.
I’m glad you can walk around Manhattan. Let’s forget about Kyle, who was found innocent unanimously by a jury and whose prosecution witnesses corroborated the defense witnesses. Who was chased by a lynch mob.
By focusing on Kyle and how safe you are in Manhattan it’s obvious you avoid admitting that you are on the side of violent criminals and would like to see Jose Alba successfully prosecuted for murder.
In New Orleans it’s gotten so bad law abiding folks don’t even stop at red lights for fear of being carjacked at gunpoint.
Their D.A. is also a WOKEster that won’t even bother to prosecute repeat carjacking offenders.
Apparently you feel that Linda Frickey had no right to self defense and got what she deserved.
I consider you to be a subhuman creature, TBH.

I would have to raise my opinion of you considerably to consider you to be a subhuman creature, Moose.

So...what else have you got?
I would have to raise my opinion of you considerably to consider you to be a subhuman creature, Moose.

So...what else have you got?

Well when you admire violent criminals and the D.A.s that protect them , and want to put innocent victims of crime in jail I’d be very concerned if you had a high opinion of me.
But that’s why you live in your world and me in mine. They don’t mix well.
Well when you admire violent criminals and the D.A.s that protect them , and want to put innocent victims of crime in jail I’d be very concerned if you had a high opinion of me.
But that’s why you live in your world and me in mine. They don’t mix well.

They do not mix...PERIOD.

That is why the solution almost certainly will be partitioning. Those of us who are sane can allow you trash to go it on your own...and when you crash, we can lend a hand. We don't have to hold grudges...after all, you are not trash by choice, but by birth.
I've been saying this since the Republicans and the Democrats conspired to keep Ralph Nader from the final Presidential Debates years ago. Remember folks, the 2 Party system needs to CHANGE .... and the Democrats are NOT exactly friendly to the idea. Here's comedian and social commentator Jimmy Dore on the subject:

There's just one real party and that's the ruling elites in both parties. Trump ran on the Republican ticket but in reality he ran against both parties and both Parties feared him and did everything they could to sabotage his presidency.
I am a registered Independent...and as I see it, as things stand today, I will vote for the Democratic Party candidates almost exclusively, because although I see the many faults of that party, it has become obvious to me (and should to you) that the direction the Republican Party has taken is much too similar to the direction of the Nazis of 1930's Germany.
You are actually describing the Democrat Party.

It wasn't the Republican Party that presented people with ultimatums to get jabbed or be fired from their job. It wasn't the Republican Party that funded and supported the BLM/Antifa "Summer of Riots" in 2020.
You are actually describing the Democrat Party.

It wasn't the Republican Party that presented people with ultimatums to get jabbed or be fired from their job. It wasn't the Republican Party that funded and supported the BLM/Antifa "Summer of Riots" in 2020.

The GOP and American conservatives ARE the American Nazi Party...and the American Taliban.

I know you cannot see that...but you are purposefully blind.
They do not mix...PERIOD.

That is why the solution almost certainly will be partitioning. Those of us who are sane can allow you trash to go it on your own...and when you crash, we can lend a hand. We don't have to hold grudges...after all, you are not trash by choice, but by birth.
I’d be willing to bet that if a family member and a couple of your friends had been murdered by the scum you support and coddle you wouldn’t be so protective of them.
I’d be willing to bet that if a family member and a couple of your friends had been murdered by the scum you support and coddle you wouldn’t be so protective of them.

I am not protective of murderers in any way, you fucking moron. That is merely a product of your sick mind. Assholes like you take everything to its illogical conclusion.

Okay with me. You are probably better off indulging your delusions than keeping them under-cover.
Mine is not a "belief." Mine is simply reporting the facts...which any sane, intelligent person can easily see.

You cannot see it, right?

Sybil has a different set of lenses to view reality than most on JPP...including both you and me. :)