Classical Liberal
If he lived in those states he would.Since they are city DAs in three different states, I fail to see how Frank can support them.
I will vote for the Democratic Party candidates almost exclusively,
Frank doesn't care. They're dims and that's all that matters. He's a city voter and he's ok with dim D.A.s letting repeat violent criminals walk freely as long as it's a dim D.A that's letting them do so.FWIW, since crime is up in their cities, I expect they won't be DAs for long...unless city voters want them to be.
Of course not. Stupid question.Are you against voting for DAs?
Do you favor autocracy over a fair election system?

Most voters have one overriding issue when it comes to voting. For me it's crime and dealing harshly with violent criminals so they are not on the streets, basically 3rd and 4th on the list so I'm not far from the mainstream. Second for me would be the federal budget deficit, something only the Bill Clinton admin successfully dealt with since the '60's, along with a republican congress. Last time I can remember when the president and an opposing party in congress was able to compromise successfully for the good of the country.
For most voters this year it's inflation:

For Frank (and you I suspect) the one overriding issue with him is.... TRUMP ! which doesn't even show up on any surveys I've seen.
Because I've had innocent people close to me murdered AFAIC anyone who votes for a politician that sides with violent criminals is an accessory to murder.
Frank thinks I'm a Nazi because I haven't voted for a dim in a while regardless of the fact I haven't voted for a republican in a nat'l election since my vote for Bob Dole.
You seem to think I'm a Trumpster MAGA only because I think Brandon is a doddering senile old fool.
To each their own I guess.
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