Into the Night
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tell that to the judge, handjob. Trump has been found guilty
Trump will. It's not over yet.
tell that to the judge, handjob. Trump has been found guilty
Without TRUMP"S $18MM value on the low end, and his 2000%+ higher valuation on the high end, there would be no fraud.
It required Trump put in 2 grossly disparate valuations, thus demonstrating it could not be simple error or just differing views and WAS fraud.
Guilty of what? There is no fraud.
It is illegal when you sign a document that your property is worth $X to the taxman, to minimize taxes, and then claim it is worth 2000X to use for borrowing and leverage.
There is a word for that and that word is Fraud.
Trump will. It's not over yet.
Did you even know that trump had already been found guilty? I am sure you didn't.
They are the ones telling this 18 million dollar lie.
You lost, trump lost end of story. It may also be the end of the Trump Organization and all of his business interests in NY.
Surely he will appeal, with little if any chance of success.
I didn't lose anything. Trump did not lose. The case isn't over. New York has no authority to dissolve any organization outside of New York.
Illiteracy: Proper nouns are capitalized, even if you hate the man's guts.
You forget. New York no longer has any authority in such an appeal.
Most of Trumps assets and companies are based in NYC, or incorporated there. Didn't you even know that?
The core of this case is the DISPARATE values Trump would use for differing reasons.
It DOES NOT matter what the high one was, or where he got, or even if was correct.
It DOES NOT matter what the low one was, or where he got, or even it was correct.
One person, Trump, cannot one day sign a form saying the property is worth X and the next day on another form say it is worth 100X.
If he got the correct number at the high or low end, he cannot still use the wrong number at the other end, such that he makes the money on one end and pays the least taxes on the other.
Did you forget that everyone in NY State is a Democrat, and each and everyone hates Trump. His appeal goes nowhere.
Yes it does. It goes to federal court.
Nowhere near it.
You do know most of it will be dropped because of the statue of limitations
Why are you yapping about liberal arts degrees, TAG?
One, the judge also has a graduate degree-- a LAW degree.
Two, people with liberal arts degrees are usually smart enough to think of that.
your mindless bootlicking of authority figures is stomache churning.
Your lack of respect for education and accomplishment is unchanged.