Reality check for TOP GUN fans.

Do you think having a feminine mind is an insult, Taichi?

Which comes first; male or female? The clue is in the nipples. LOL

Man, this OP REALLY has a lot of folk steamed up! Lot of attempts to detour or hijack from the topic. Truth sometimes has that effect on people. Carry on.

Since the OP is talking about 1 particular type of event and it's subsequent manifestations, the erroneous take that it implies otherwise is a false narrative on TA Gardner's part.

TA Gardner regurgitates the SOS 6 ways to Sunday, yet NOTHING he posts changes the irrefutable FACTS of the OP, or any subsequent links provided to support it. All he's doing is proving the underlying point.....bigots and racist will grasp at any straw to diminish or deny historically fact based accomplishments of black Americans that correct or supersede a false narrative or idealism or mythology that caucasian Americans hold so near and dear.

Keep it coming, boys. You're just making my case with each post.
Man, this OP REALLY has a lot of folk steamed up! Lot of attempts to detour or hijack from the topic. Truth sometimes has that effect on people. Carry on.

Nutjobs always get steamed up. Overly emotional people who only think with half a brain. Sad, but life goes forward.

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You may be many things but a woman is not one of them. You used to post a photo of yourself as your icon but that was some years back.

Not me, bunky. "years back" I was on other sites that did NOT have that capability.....Netscape for example. Icons may have been used on subsequent other sites, but I make it a policy NEVER to post personal items of any kind. Given the number of thin skinned right wing nut jobs and racist rabble that inhabit these sites, I would be opening the door to hackers, trolls and identity theft.

An acquaintance of mine ran a site show casing her writings and opinions. Some religious crazies didn't like it, and did a number on her personal life. Fortunately, the cops were able to track them down and arrest them, but it made her life a living hell for a time. She used her plight to warn others.

So, I'd say you've got me confused with someone else.

Dutch is just doing his usual thing when he can't logically/factually get past me in a debate or discussion....he just throws up a smoke screen to avoid conceding a point. Childish, really.
Not me, bunky. "years back" I was on other sites that did NOT have that capability.....Netscape for example. Icons may have been used on subsequent other sites, but I make it a policy NEVER to post personal items of any kind. Given the number of thin skinned right wing nut jobs and racist rabble that inhabit these sites, I would be opening the door to hackers, trolls and identity theft.

An acquaintance of mine ran a site show casing her writings and opinions. Some religious crazies didn't like it, and did a number on her personal life. Fortunately, the cops were able to track them down and arrest them, but it made her life a living hell for a time. She used her plight to warn others.

So, I'd say you've got me confused with someone else.

Dutch is just doing his usual thing when he can't logically/factually get past me in a debate or discussion....he just throws up a smoke screen to avoid conceding a point. Childish, really.

Ok, if you say so!! I know you used to post on Netscape as we all came over here as a job lot back in 2009.
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Ok, if you say so!! I know you used to post on Netscape as we all came over here as a job lot back in 2009.

So you're shadowing me? Took me a few YEARS between Netscape and 2009 before I came here. I did it as a past time during lunch breaks and such, not a "job".
Seems you're obsessed with me, Primo.....a reversal of what Damo accused me of. Whatever keeps you off the streets at night....Carry on.
So you're shadowing me? Took me a few YEARS between Netscape and 2009 before I came here. I did it as a past time during lunch breaks and such, not a "job".
Seems you're obsessed with me, Primo.....a reversal of what Damo accused me of. Whatever keeps you off the streets at night....Carry on.

Are you for real? Your join date says May 2009 ffs!!
Bullshit, many of us came here from Netscape in 2009 when they shut their boards down. Ask Christie or Rana!!

Newsflash for ya, genius....there's a whole other world out there that functions WITHOUT YOU. What, you have printouts of the exact time and day of my last post on Netscape and what I did all those years ago? Under what screen name? Are you THAT obsessed in your professing knowledge of my actions? Sounds a bit obsessive to me.

And since I NEVER have used a personal photo on ANY discussion board, your accuracy concerning me is questionable at best.

Look toodles, you and your cohorts had a hissy fit about the couldn't disprove or diminish it, and you're still futzing about that! Now here you come with this new BS. Why don't you just start a thread titled The World According to Primo and call it a day? That way, anyone who gives a damn about your blathering will comment on it. I won't, but I'm sure your like minded brethren will.

Carry on.
Newsflash for ya, genius....there's a whole other world out there that functions WITHOUT YOU. What, you have printouts of the exact time and day of my last post on Netscape and what I did all those years ago? Under what screen name? Are you THAT obsessed in your professing knowledge of my actions? Sounds a bit obsessive to me.

And since I NEVER have used a personal photo on ANY discussion board, your accuracy concerning me is questionable at best.

Look toodles, you and your cohorts had a hissy fit about the couldn't disprove or diminish it, and you're still futzing about that! Now here you come with this new BS. Why don't you just start a thread titled The World According to Primo and call it a day? That way, anyone who gives a damn about your blathering will comment on it. I won't, but I'm sure your like minded brethren will.

Carry on.

I have been dealing with your bullshit for over a decade, nothing new!! By the way, tritium is truly expensive at around $30,000 a gram.
I have been dealing with your bullshit for over a decade, nothing new!! By the way, tritium is truly expensive at around $30,000 a gram.

And yet you don't see me following you around posting/commenting on any thread you author. Why? Because ex-pat National Front frumps like you are just predictable right wing/corporatist wonks who can't debate worth a damn beyond a certain point. But you clowns are obsessed with anyone who can logically and factually counter and deconstruct your BS, and follow me around like a bitch in heat, throwing any and everything against the wall hoping for a "got'cha" moment.

I mean, Jeez! You go back a decade to a post where YOU GOT YOUR ASS WHUPPED, and it hurt so bad that you are STILL stubbornly claiming victory as you did there. Pity the Post #156 and #172 put a end to that stupidity. Pity you just can't get over it. Talk about obsession!

The OP frustrates you because you can't disprove it on any level. You can't goal post move or detour from that, as I won't let you. You're done once again, Primo. Now blow more smoke, stamp your widdle feet, make more accusations, etc. See ya on the flip side.
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And yet you don't see me following you around posting/commenting on any thread you author. Why? Because ex-pat National Front frumps like you are just predictable right wing/corporatist wonks who can't debate worth a damn beyond a certain point. But you clowns are obsessed with anyone who can logically and factually counter and deconstruct your BS, and follow me around like a bitch in heat, throwing any and everything against the wall hoping for a "got'cha" moment.

I mean, Jeez! You go back a decade to a post where YOU GOT YOUR ASS WHUPPED, and it hurt so bad that you are STILL stubbornly claiming victory as you did there. Pity the Post #156 and #172 put a end to that stupidity. Pity you just can't get over it. Talk about obsession!

The OP frustrates you because you can't disprove it on any level. You can't goal post move or detour from that, as I won't let you. You're done once again, Primo. Now blow more smoke, stamp your widdle feet, make more accusations, etc. See ya on the flip side.

I think it's clear to anybody rational that you're just a supreme bullshitter without even a rudimentary scientific background.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
And yet you don't see me following you around posting/commenting on any thread you author. Why? Because ex-pat National Front frumps like you are just predictable right wing/corporatist wonks who can't debate worth a damn beyond a certain point. But you clowns are obsessed with anyone who can logically and factually counter and deconstruct your BS, and follow me around like a bitch in heat, throwing any and everything against the wall hoping for a "got'cha" moment.

I mean, Jeez! You go back a decade to a post where YOU GOT YOUR ASS WHUPPED, and it hurt so bad that you are STILL stubbornly claiming victory as you did there. Pity the Post #156 and #172 put a end to that stupidity. Pity you just can't get over it. Talk about obsession!

The OP frustrates you because you can't disprove it on any level. You can't goal post move or detour from that, as I won't let you. You're done once again, Primo. Now blow more smoke, stamp your widdle feet, make more accusations, etc. See ya on the flip side.

I think it's clear to anybody rational that you're just a supreme bullshitter without even a rudimentary scientific background.

This is Primo's usual cop out when nailed being wrong, folks. He did it 10 years ago under various screen names, and he's still doing it now.

My previous post(s) and the OP stands valid. Primo and his like minded cohorts just can't stand it. Now, let's watch the little dope blow more smoke, repeat himself and make more mirror gazing attempts at insults.

Tommy can ya hear me? :laugh: