Reality check for TOP GUN fans.

We're talking about the CONTESTS THAT WERE OFFICIALLY HELD, DUTCH. You can read, you read the OP and subsequent posts. Stop acting stupid for the sake of stubbornness.

I didn't make this out to be about race, the freaking military did WHEN IT DENIED OFFICIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR SEVERAL DECADES.

You didn't know this, I didn't know this, and a whole lotta folk didn't. They do now. Deal with it.

You can type your entire post in all caps, oversized and bolded-font but it won't turn a school into a competition.
William Tell (aerial gunnery competition)

"Top Gun" is a fucking movie. The US Navy's Fighter Weapons School is a school.
United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program
We're talking about the CONTESTS THAT WERE OFFICIALLY HELD, DUTCH. You can read, you read the OP and subsequent posts. Stop acting stupid for the sake of stubbornness.

I didn't make this out to be about race, the freaking military did WHEN IT DENIED OFFICIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR SEVERAL DECADES.

You didn't know this, I didn't know this, and a whole lotta folk didn't. They do now. Deal with it.

Go bitch at the fucking Air Force and leave the Navy schools out of it. Deal with facts, not playing the race card after playing loose with the facts.

Go bitch at the fucking Air Force and leave the Navy schools out of it. Deal with facts, not playing the race card after playing loose with the facts.

Now you're just being silly, because the OP reports the OFFICIAL moves by the proper branch of gov't. That you don't like it is just too damned bad for you. Grow up Dutch. If you can't handle some long overdue slights by our military due to racism being exposed, then life must be tough for you. We as black folk have had (and in some cases still are having) to deal with the physical ramifications of such...we're still here. You're mental fantasy land angst in is nothing knew to us. Carry on.
You can type your entire post in all caps, oversized and bolded-font but it won't turn a school into a competition.
William Tell (aerial gunnery competition)

"Top Gun" is a fucking movie. The US Navy's Fighter Weapons School is a school.
United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program

Again, this has been covered in the chronology of the posts. You're just too stubborn to deal with the reality, so you just :bdh:
Now you're just being silly, because the OP reports the OFFICIAL moves by the proper branch of gov't. That you don't like it is just too damned bad for you. Grow up Dutch. If you can't handle some long overdue slights by our military due to racism being exposed, then life must be tough for you. We as black folk have had (and in some cases still are having) to deal with the physical ramifications of such...we're still here. You're mental fantasy land angst in is nothing knew to us. Carry on.

The author doesn't know shit about the military, and neither do you.

You're free to be as racist as you want to be. After all, you're a liberal. :laugh:
Again, this has been covered in the chronology of the posts. You're just too stubborn to deal with the reality, so you just :bdh:

...annnnnd you still don't know the difference between a competition and a school. Sad. Did you go to a liberal arts school? LOL
...annnnnd you still don't know the difference between a competition and a school. Sad. Did you go to a liberal arts school? LOL

Dutch, you need to grow up.

For our reading audience, a quick glance at any/all of these posts #7, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 29, 33, 35, 65 should clear the air as to where my detractors are coming from.

You may have the last predictable word, Dutch. You're done here.
Carry on with your stubborn parroting Dutch. The chronology of the posts will always be your undoing.
Dutch, you need to grow up.

For our reading audience, a quick glance at any/all of these posts #7, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 29, 33, 35, 65 should clear the air as to where my detractors are coming from.

You may have the last predictable word, Dutch. You're done here.

Dutch, you need to grow up.

For our reading audience, a quick glance at any/all of these posts #7, 13, 14, 18, 26, 27, 29, 33, 35, 65 should clear the air as to where my detractors are coming from.

You may have the last predictable word, Dutch. You're done here.

Are you female, Taichi?
It's also important to show how subliminal prejudice is so ingrained in many you did here of which McRocket points out.

Like it or not, it's a historical FACT that the progenitors of Top Gun fighter pilots were black Americans...and this fact was down played for decades, and still relatively unknown to the general public. You can't down play it's significance no more than the military could after all those years.

Deal with it. (yeah, I'm back!)

I pointed out facts about the group as a whole. It isn't a "fact" that blacks were the progenitors of Top Gun or anything else. For example, John Thach LCDR and later Admiral, invented the "Thach Weave" aerial combat tactic that is still used today. It is on the order of the WW 1 German invented Immelmann combat maneuver.

USAAF training during WW 2 consisted of several stages.

The first was primary training and ground school. Pilots got about 60 to 70 hours of flight time in basic trainer aircraft. These were easy to fly biplanes like the Stearman.
The second stage was basic flying school where pilots advanced to aircraft like the BT9 or 13 to learn flying and basic maneuvers. This was another 75+ hours of flying time
Between the two, students spent about 6 to 8 months in training.

They then went to advanced flying school where they trained on AT 6 Texans then the AT 9, 10 , or 17 to master aerial combat, gunnery, formation flying, and flying multi-engine aircraft if that was their eventual assignment. This was another 70+ hours of flight training. At this point the average pilot had 150 to 200 hours of flying time and got their wings and were formally commissioned as an officer.

From there, they would be assigned to a combat unit and begin training on the type they'd take into combat. This lasted 2 + months depending on the unit and when it was to be rotated into combat.

So, the 332nd would have followed that schedule, just like any other unit.

I can say that the 332nd didn't present anything unique outside of the racial makeup of the unit. In combat in the MTO / ETO the unit proved competent and capable but was in no way outstanding compared to other units present.
It's also important to show how subliminal prejudice is so ingrained in many you did here of which McRocket points out.

Like it or not, it's a historical FACT that the progenitors of Top Gun fighter pilots were black Americans...and this fact was down played for decades, and still relatively unknown to the general public. You can't down play it's significance no more than the military could after all those years.

Deal with it. (yeah, I'm back!)

Yeah, but, I'm completely done with you.

So go fuck yourself, retard...
I pointed out facts about the group as a whole. It isn't a "fact" that blacks were the progenitors of Top Gun or anything else. For example, John Thach LCDR and later Admiral, invented the "Thach Weave" aerial combat tactic that is still used today. It is on the order of the WW 1 German invented Immelmann combat maneuver.

USAAF training during WW 2 consisted of several stages.

The first was primary training and ground school. Pilots got about 60 to 70 hours of flight time in basic trainer aircraft. These were easy to fly biplanes like the Stearman.
The second stage was basic flying school where pilots advanced to aircraft like the BT9 or 13 to learn flying and basic maneuvers. This was another 75+ hours of flying time
Between the two, students spent about 6 to 8 months in training.

They then went to advanced flying school where they trained on AT 6 Texans then the AT 9, 10 , or 17 to master aerial combat, gunnery, formation flying, and flying multi-engine aircraft if that was their eventual assignment. This was another 70+ hours of flight training. At this point the average pilot had 150 to 200 hours of flying time and got their wings and were formally commissioned as an officer.

From there, they would be assigned to a combat unit and begin training on the type they'd take into combat. This lasted 2 + months depending on the unit and when it was to be rotated into combat.

So, the 332nd would have followed that schedule, just like any other unit.

I can say that the 332nd didn't present anything unique outside of the racial makeup of the unit. In combat in the MTO / ETO the unit proved competent and capable but was in no way outstanding compared to other units present.

Since the OP is talking about 1 particular type of event and it's subsequent manifestations, your erroneous take that it implies otherwise is a false narrative on your part.

You regurgitate the SOS 6 ways to Sunday, yet NOTHING you post changes the irrefutable FACTS of the OP, or any subsequent links provided to support it. All you are doing is proving the underlying point.....bigots and racist will grasp at any straw to diminish or deny historically fact based accomplishments of black Americans that correct or supersede a false narrative or idealism or mythology that caucasian Americans hold so near and dear.

Keep it coming, son. You're just making my case with each post.
Last edited:
Yeah, but, I'm completely done with you.

So go fuck yourself, retard...

You were already dismissed, genius. And you already claimed you were "done" with me. And since this response was to TA Gardner and NOT you, it would seem your butt is still smarting from being kicked. Get therapy about this obsession of yours, genius. Meanwhile, I'll clear up my board by putting you on ignore for a month or so. Maybe you'll grow up by then. Adios.
I pointed out facts about the group as a whole. It isn't a "fact" that blacks were the progenitors of Top Gun or anything else. For example, John Thach LCDR and later Admiral, invented the "Thach Weave" aerial combat tactic that is still used today. It is on the order of the WW 1 German invented Immelmann combat maneuver.

USAAF training during WW 2 consisted of several stages.

The first was primary training and ground school. Pilots got about 60 to 70 hours of flight time in basic trainer aircraft. These were easy to fly biplanes like the Stearman.
The second stage was basic flying school where pilots advanced to aircraft like the BT9 or 13 to learn flying and basic maneuvers. This was another 75+ hours of flying time
Between the two, students spent about 6 to 8 months in training.

They then went to advanced flying school where they trained on AT 6 Texans then the AT 9, 10 , or 17 to master aerial combat, gunnery, formation flying, and flying multi-engine aircraft if that was their eventual assignment. This was another 70+ hours of flight training. At this point the average pilot had 150 to 200 hours of flying time and got their wings and were formally commissioned as an officer.

From there, they would be assigned to a combat unit and begin training on the type they'd take into combat. This lasted 2 + months depending on the unit and when it was to be rotated into combat.

So, the 332nd would have followed that schedule, just like any other unit.

I can say that the 332nd didn't present anything unique outside of the racial makeup of the unit. In combat in the MTO / ETO the unit proved competent and capable but was in no way outstanding compared to other units present.

Wow, never heard of that before.
You were already dismissed, genius. And you already claimed you were "done" with me. And since this response was to TA Gardner and NOT you, it would seem your butt is still smarting from being kicked. Get therapy about this obsession of yours, genius. Meanwhile, I'll clear up my board by putting you on ignore for a month or so. Maybe you'll grow up by then. Adios.

"Ignore" is a tool of the weak and feeble minded.

You can't handle the conversation, so you run away from it like a little bitch with your tail between your legs...
"Ignore" is a tool of the weak and feeble minded.

You can't handle the conversation, so you run away from it like a little bitch with your tail between your legs...

Agreed....but then so is trolling. OTOH, troll slaying is perfectly acceptable. :thup:

FWIW, I think Taichi is female because her posts have a distinct feminine mind quality to them.

To be clear; I love women and respect them. There are, however, distinct psychological and cultural differences between male and female minds.

Admittedly, my primary experience is with American culture. Differentiating males from females in others cultures is more problematic. An example is Ms. Moon.
Agreed....but then so is trolling. OTOH, troll slaying is perfectly acceptable. :thup:

FWIW, I think Taichi is female because her posts have a distinct feminine mind quality to them.

To be clear; I love women and respect them. There are, however, distinct psychological and cultural differences between male and female minds.

Admittedly, my primary experience is with American culture. Differentiating males from females in others cultures is more problematic. An example is Ms. Moon.

her posts have a distinct feminine mind quality to them :rolleyes:
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Dutch.