Reality check on America's racial mindset.

You're not curious, you're just another willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger hack who loves to squawk his supposition and conjecture as if it's fact, and then with proud ignorance assert the conclusions based on the former.

I suggest you read post #60 on this thread. But if moving a mouse and clicking backward icon is too much for you, here's the answer to your initial inquiry, which should erase all the stupidity you subsequently put forth. click on the underlined links in the article for detailed explanations.

What the above represents is again a vast pile of moronic leftist bile with nothing substantive answering my question. Let’s refresh your lemming like memory:

I’m curious, what change in the laws prevents blacks from voting? I am amazed how dumb Liberals think blacks are; hell, many blacks must think their own race is dumb if one cannot get an ID in today’s world of high tech.

But in case you are too intellectually afraid of facts that contradict your beliefs, here are some primers:

This is a political hack site that doesn’t say anything about how Voter ID suppresses the “black vote.” DUMBASS.

Nothing here that substantiates your moronic claims about voter suppression; just an OPINION piece that doesn’t even touch on how these laws will suppress merely asking the readers the question. MORON.

Noting in this story substantiating your nonsense either; it merely says a county will be challenging the new laws. IDIOT.

Anything else you wish to add that will remove all doubt you are clueless about that which you post?

Clueless hyper partisan Liberal hack; not a shocker; the only more comical than your buffoonery is your misplace arrogance.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
First off, Long Island (Nassau & Suffolk) was run by the REPUBLICAN PARTY for OVER 70 YEARS, which resulted in near bankruptcy in the last 25. And then there's the history or "red lining" by real estate companies...which is not exclusive to Long Island. Do the research to verify what I say.

A Liberal railing about facts; we call this irony.

Here are some facts:

On the local level, the region has been long dominated by the Republican Party, although the region's alignment has shifted notably over the past decade, with many Democrats being elected to major local offices.

Democrats now outnumber GOP in Suffolk

THE 1999 ELECTIONS: NASSAU; Nassau County Halts a Century Of G.O.P. Rule

I would say that the bankruptcy you rant about may have been the result of Democrats over the last DECADE when they started entrenching in Long Island politics.

You live in a past that no longer exists while running to a present no one wants. It's official however, you're an idiot.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Secondly, if you had bothered to read further into the thread, you would have read the FACTS I provided that shows how this mentality is NOT isolated.

It is isolated to a small minority; I see nothing you provide that substantiates your absurd arguments.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Third, I did NOT say "all of society", as the actions of "red states" post the SCOTUS decision on the Voting Rights Act do NOT represent all of America.

Your story was a singular instance based on hyperbole, projection and uninformed assumptions.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So next time, know your facts and learn to read carefully and comprehensively before your fingers hit the keys, bunky. Makes you look less foolish.

The only ones who look foolish here are haughty Liberals who exhibit and amazing propensity for hypocrisy, hyperbole and avoidance of the truth or the facts on this forum.

Run along and try to impress someone else with your hyper partisan stupidity.

You are clearly operating under the assumption that your insipidly stubborn ignorance is a substitute for logical, rational debate.

Bottom line: all you've done with your links is PROVE my point...that the GOP ruled Long Island for over 70 years. The mistake you then make is putting forth your supposition and conjecture as some sort of facts that prove your erroneous conclusions.

Only an ignorant grade school student or some neocon/teabagger fool in denial would assume that nearly a century of fiscal mismanagement by one group could be rectified within less than 13 years. BY YOUR OWN provided information, the Democratic party on Long Island JUST began to gain political power/numbers in 2008! Add to this the near depression in the country under Ronald Reagan and G.W. Bush, and your rebuttal is made even more absurd. In fact, when the Shrub took power, and subsequently fucked up the economy, I recall wonks like you reaching all the way back to the Carter Administration (while skipping 12 years of Reagan/Bush) to try and blame our current economic woes...and then pretend all was well until Obama won in 2008. :palm:

But I digress, if one truly thinks that the attitude I originally pointed to doesn't affect how people act on all levels and is NOT an "isolated case", just take a gander at this:

Long Island Schools: Integration or Segregation?

You are entitled to your opinion, bunky....NOT your own facts. Grow up and stop acting dumber than you are.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You're not curious, you're just another willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger hack who loves to squawk his supposition and conjecture as if it's fact, and then with proud ignorance assert the conclusions based on the former.

I suggest you read post #60 on this thread. But if moving a mouse and clicking backward icon is too much for you, here's the answer to your initial inquiry, which should erase all the stupidity you subsequently put forth. click on the underlined links in the article for detailed explanations.

What the above represents is again a vast pile of moronic leftist bile with nothing substantive answering my question. Translation: Bunky just ignores the FACTS sourced in the link. Let’s refresh your lemming like memory: Translation: Bunky will now regurgitate his willful ignorance, denial of facts and general lies & distortions.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
But in case you are too intellectually afraid of facts that contradict your beliefs, here are some primers:

This is a political hack site that doesn’t say anything about how Voter ID suppresses the “black vote.” DUMBASS.

I’m curious, what change in the laws prevents blacks from voting? I am amazed how dumb Liberals think blacks are; hell, many blacks must think their own race is dumb if one cannot get an ID in today’s world of high tech.

See folks, Bunky has NOTHING but repetitive denial. Had he actually READ the material linked, he would have come across these taken from subsequent links in the article:

--- In 2012, Denny led the process of redrawing the lines of Mississippi's 122 state House districts to reflect population changes revealed by the 2010 Census. The House plan was approved by the Justice Department, as was a companion plan that redrew the 52 state Senate districts. Both maps withstood a court challenge by the state chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which argued that the plans could've been drawn to include more majority-black districts.

Mississippi's population is about 37 percent black, and its voting-age population -- those 18 or older -- is about 35 percent black. In the House map drawn in 2012, about 34 percent of districts are majority-black. In the Senate map, about 29 percent of the districts are majority-black.

---- States retain the flexibility to design and use their own registration forms, but the Federal Form provides a backstop: No matter what procedural hurdles a State’s own form imposes, the Federal Form guarantees that a simple means of registering to vote in federal elections will be available. Arizona’s reading would permit a State to demand of Federal Form applicants every additional piece of information the State requires on its state-specific form. If that is so, the Federal Form ceases to perform any meaningful function, and would be a feeble means of “increas[ing] the number of eligible citizens who register to vote in elections for Federal office.”

Nothing here that substantiates your moronic claims about voter suppression; just an OPINION piece that doesn’t even touch on how these laws will suppress merely asking the readers the question. MORON.

And with these experts, we see once again how either intellectually impotent Bunky is here....or a chronic liar...or both:

---- Early voting in Ohio was cut back from 2008, when residents could cast their ballot any of the five weekends before election day. This year early voting, usually taken advantage of by poor, minority, and elderly voters, was only allowed the one weekend before November 6.

--- Tea Party group True the Vote has been challenging voter eligibility in Florida in a heavily African-America area, meaning some voters won't know until they arrive at the polls whether or not they've been cleared to vote or not.

Noting in this story substantiating your nonsense either; it merely says a county will be challenging the new laws. IDIOT.

Anything else you wish to add that will remove all doubt you are clueless about that which you post?

Clueless hyper partisan Liberal hack; not a shocker; the only more comical than your buffoonery is your misplace arrogance.

Of course, Bunky doesn't read the WHY of the various articles. If he had, he would have seen this:

[FONT=Comic Sans MSAttorney Debo Adegbile, who will help defend the Voting Rights Act in Shelby, told reporters last week that at root Section 5 is about the “minority inclusion principle”—making sure that the voices of people of color aren’t muted or erased in the election process. He said that the state of Alabama is perhaps unfit to challenge Section 5 due to its own “unbroken chain of repetitive discrimination” and violations, stretching from the passage of the law to the present. Shelby County’s city of Calera was just blocked in 2008 for its redistricting plan, which eliminated the only majority-black district and erased the city’s only black representation on city council.

Calera’s black district erasure was just the visible tip. In the Justice Department’s objection letter, it reminded Calera that the town failed to submit election law changes regarding 177 annexed residential divisions, as mandated by Section 5, for the previous thirteen years. Further, a geographer said he could help Calera meet its Section 5 obligations to prevent black vote dilution, “but the city council expressed no interest.”

“It’s not about the elected official,” Adegbile told reporters, “It’s about the people having a choice.”

Calera took away that choice so the county it rests in, Shelby, has “unclean hands” that don’t deserve a favorable remedy from the Supreme Court.


Bottom line: Bunky (aka Truth Detector) is just another right wing hang whose bigotry is knee jerked whenever a fact based, logical challenge is made to his beliefs and comfort zone. As the rational, objective reader can see, Bunky's main arguments rest in denial, willful ignorance, distortions and lies about material he barely skims through. He thinks his supposition and conjecture is on par with ALL the facts and the logic derived from them. He stubbornly holds to this delusion. So be it. I won't waste any more time with a mental brick wall such as the bogus "Truth Detector" and will leave him to his predictable retorts and repeated blatherings.
Of course, Bunky doesn't read the WHY of the various articles. If he had, he would have seen this:

[FONT=Comic Sans MSAttorney Debo Adegbile, who will help defend the Voting Rights Act in Shelby, told reporters last week that at root Section 5 is about the “minority inclusion principle”—making sure that the voices of people of color aren’t muted or erased in the election process. He said that the state of Alabama is perhaps unfit to challenge Section 5 due to its own “unbroken chain of repetitive discrimination” and violations, stretching from the passage of the law to the present. Shelby County’s city of Calera was just blocked in 2008 for its redistricting plan, which eliminated the only majority-black district and erased the city’s only black representation on city council.

Calera’s black district erasure was just the visible tip. In the Justice Department’s objection letter, it reminded Calera that the town failed to submit election law changes regarding 177 annexed residential divisions, as mandated by Section 5, for the previous thirteen years. Further, a geographer said he could help Calera meet its Section 5 obligations to prevent black vote dilution, “but the city council expressed no interest.”

“It’s not about the elected official,” Adegbile told reporters, “It’s about the people having a choice.”

Calera took away that choice so the county it rests in, Shelby, has “unclean hands” that don’t deserve a favorable remedy from the Supreme Court.


Bottom line: Bunky (aka Truth Detector) is just another right wing hang whose bigotry is knee jerked whenever a fact based, logical challenge is made to his beliefs and comfort zone. As the rational, objective reader can see, Bunky's main arguments rest in denial, willful ignorance, distortions and lies about material he barely skims through. He thinks his supposition and conjecture is on par with ALL the facts and the logic derived from them. He stubbornly holds to this delusion. So be it. I won't waste any more time with a mental brick wall such as the bogus "Truth Detector" and will leave him to his predictable retorts and repeated blatherings.

What a shame your long and surely tiring web search to find a crumb of evidence or even a rational argument to support your irrational and absurd accusation that somehow voting law requirements and voter ID cards suppress minority voting has left your sorry leftist ass high and dry. You’ve provided nary a smidgen of such evidence or rational argument. All you’ve provided is articles of past voting irregularities which are totally irrelevant to the new voter verification laws which effect every voter equally, rationally and fairly.
Post #60 answer this, as your equally brain dead compadre Classic Liberal found out. The chronology of the posts shows my providing links to information that back up my initial statement. That YOU refuse to discuss the information contained makes this latest statement of yours just another collection of lies and sheer BS.

You've nothing of worth to add to the discussion besides this typical neocon/teabagger smoke screen. So until you do, I'll just sit back and laugh at your lame attacks, lies and dodges.

Post number 60 doesn't address the issue of what is wrong with a voter ID.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Post #60 answer this, as your equally brain dead compadre Classic Liberal found out. The chronology of the posts shows my providing links to information that back up my initial statement. That YOU refuse to discuss the information contained makes this latest statement of yours just another collection of lies and sheer BS.

You've nothing of worth to add to the discussion besides this typical neocon/teabagger smoke screen. So until you do, I'll just sit back and laugh at your lame attacks, lies and dodges.

Post number 60 doesn't address the issue of what is wrong with a voter ID.

Either you're truly stupid, insipidly stubborn or a liar, as this excerpt proves:

..."The plaintiffs will include college students who will not be able to vote in North Carolina because they have out-of-state driver’s licenses and their student IDs will not be accepted, and elderly residents of the state who were not born in North Carolina and will have to pay to get a birth certificate to validate their identity, otherwise known as a poll tax, or they cannot get a birth certificate at all."
It sure seems pretty near impossible to find a thread to add anything to that hasn't been hijacked and turned into a personal brawl.
Either you're truly stupid, insipidly stubborn or a liar, as this excerpt proves:

..."The plaintiffs will include college students who will not be able to vote in North Carolina because they have out-of-state driver’s licenses and their student IDs will not be accepted, and elderly residents of the state who were not born in North Carolina and will have to pay to get a birth certificate to validate their identity, otherwise known as a poll tax, or they cannot get a birth certificate at all."

It sure seems pretty near impossible to find a thread to add anything to that hasn't been hijacked and turned into a personal brawl.

Taichiliberal doesn't seem to want to give an example of why voter ID is bad so he turns to insulting people.

He says he gave an example. I said his example was lame. So he talks down to others that question his logic.
It sure seems pretty near impossible to find a thread to add anything to that hasn't been hijacked and turned into a personal brawl.

Whenever our local conservatives and libertarians cannot logically or factually disprove a point that contradicts their beliefs, that is their default mechanism.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Either you're truly stupid, insipidly stubborn or a liar, as this excerpt proves:

..."The plaintiffs will include college students who will not be able to vote in North Carolina because they have out-of-state driver’s licenses and their student IDs will not be accepted, and elderly residents of the state who were not born in North Carolina and will have to pay to get a birth certificate to validate their identity, otherwise known as a poll tax, or they cannot get a birth certificate at all."


So after DECADES of student ID being valid, of life long residents voting without ID AND NO VOTER FRAUD HISTORY OF NOTE....suddenly NC is going to keep a large portion of people from voting (at least for the upcoming immediate elections) with reinstating past tactics. As the article (and others) pointed out, that affects largely college kids and minorities who just happen to vote mostly democratic.

You'd know this if you honestly read the material provided carefully and comprehensively.

As I said before, you're not stupid Liberty....just insipidly stubborn.
Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Magoo View Post
It sure seems pretty near impossible to find a thread to add anything to that hasn't been hijacked and turned into a personal brawl.

Taichiliberal doesn't seem to want to give an example of why voter ID is bad so he turns to insulting people.

He says he gave an example. I said his example was lame. So he talks down to others that question his logic.

Oh puh-leeze! Like YOU don't immediately resort to a condescending tone in your posts when your neocon/teabagger beliefs are proven wrong.

Saying an example is "lame" but NOT explaining how it is such is NOT a debate,'s just vague denial on your part.

You and your cohorts detoured down this lane when you couldn't disprove my opening post on this you're pissed because you STILL cannot logically or factually support your disapproval beyond irrational denial and prejudice.
So after DECADES of student ID being valid, of life long residents voting without ID AND NO VOTER FRAUD HISTORY OF NOTE....suddenly NC is going to keep a large portion of people from voting (at least for the upcoming immediate elections) with reinstating past tactics. As the article (and others) pointed out, that affects largely college kids and minorities who just happen to vote mostly democratic.

You'd know this if you honestly read the material provided carefully and comprehensively.

As I said before, you're not stupid Liberty....just insipidly stubborn.

Then I can't wait to see how all this plays out.
Oh puh-leeze! Like YOU don't immediately resort to a condescending tone in your posts when your neocon/teabagger beliefs are proven wrong.

Saying an example is "lame" but NOT explaining how it is such is NOT a debate,'s just vague denial on your part.

You and your cohorts detoured down this lane when you couldn't disprove my opening post on this you're pissed because you STILL cannot logically or factually support your disapproval beyond irrational denial and prejudice.

I'm not pissed.

I just don't agree with you.

I don't think proving you're eligible to vote is going to keep legal voters from voting.

I also think states have the right to make the rules for their elections. Now if something bad is going on as you say, then the feds should come in. But not forever.
So after DECADES of student ID being valid, of life long residents voting without ID AND NO VOTER FRAUD HISTORY OF NOTE....suddenly NC is going to keep a large portion of people from voting (at least for the upcoming immediate elections) with reinstating past tactics. As the article (and others) pointed out, that affects largely college kids and minorities who just happen to vote mostly democratic.

You could rationally argue that the North Carolina law is “unnecessary,” but instead you argue it will prevent some Democrats from voting. If you actually knew the difference, you’d post a rational piece of evidence to support that claim. We’re still waiting for that evidence!

How does the North Carolina law prevent any eligible voter from voting????
Whenever our local conservatives and libertarians cannot logically or factually disprove a point that contradicts their beliefs, that is their default mechanism.

REALLY??!! Here's a summary of your insult laden remarks, and this is just this thread:

Either you're truly stupid, insipidly stubborn or a liar,

Newsflash for ya, stupid.....

For the willfully ignorant:

I love it when stupes like you get all flustered because someone points out what a compliant little shit you are when it comes to this country's dismal history on race relations.

Now you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness. See my responses to that idiot "Classic Liberal"...

My, but you are one willfully ignorant little right wing bigot, aren't you?

Are you really this dumb? Every can see you avoid the FACT I put out regarding Ron Paul, and I was referring to the white folk in that town, NOT the black people, who's bigoted mindset makes them susceptible to the dreck YOU obviously embrace.
Jeez, get an adult to explain it to you bunky.

Are you still in grade school or a junior high? Because that last sentence reminds me of some ignorant teenager parroting the low information/willfully ignorant mouthings of their parents and/or right wing media.

Get the crack out of the pipe, toodles.
You're just pissed because little Archie Bunker knock-offs like yourself don't have the brains or the guts to face reality as to the consequences of your mindset. Carry on.

Ahhh, nice to see one of glen beck's idiots (his words, not mine) have an outlet for their anger. Now if this buffoon can tell us all just exactly what harm black folk seeking civil rights and fighting congenital racism have done to him personally, perhaps we can get to the crux of his problems beyond the white supremacist rhetoric.

Okay folks, it's plain to see that this guy going by the name "classic liberal" is clearly some racist, right wing crank who is just babbling on and on with mantras gleamed from David Duke like websites and rants heard on right wing radio (Beck, Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Crowley, Malkin, etc.).

And once again we see a prime example of how 3rd rate white supremacist propaganda in Classic Liberal......... Typical of the racist lunkheads....... exposes this idiot, ….See, idiots like CL think that….

Figures that a libertarian lunkhead would agree with this intellectually impotent David Duke wanna-be. ……..
Neither of these idiots can refute or disprove the fact based links and references on this they just congratulate each other on denial and revisionism. Sad.

And this idiot just thinks the chronology oft the posts will disappear in favor of his out of context quotes. What a jackass...I'm done with him.

Translation: another right wingnut who doesn't DARE address the content of the information presented out in open discussion, so he just blows smoke.

I gave him facts which he just denies in favor of his own version of reality. Like Rush & Hannity, this clown thinks his supposition and conjecture are on par with facts & logic...he's just insipidly stubborn.

You're not curious, you're just another willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger hack who loves to squawk his supposition and conjecture as if it's fact, and then with proud ignorance assert the conclusions based on the former.

Post #60 answer this, as your equally brain dead compadre Classic Liberal found out.
You've nothing of worth to add to the discussion besides this typical neocon/teabagger smoke screen. So until you do, I'll just sit back and laugh at your lame attacks, lies and dodges.

Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber in a maudlin exchange. Pity neither of these intellectually impotent clowns read how their buddy was put to rest on the same tract in post #60 on this thread

You are clearly operating under the assumption that your insipidly stubborn ignorance is a substitute for logical, rational debate.
Only an ignorant grade school student or some neocon/teabagger fool in denial would ….
You are entitled to your opinion, bunky....NOT your own facts. Grow up and stop acting dumber than you are.

Either you're truly stupid, insipidly stubborn or a liar, …

It's official; you are a caricature of the ignorance, hypocrisy and stupidity that defines the Liberal left.
REALLY??!! Here's a summary of your insult laden remarks, and this is just this thread:

It's official; you are a caricature of the ignorance, hypocrisy and stupidity that defines the Liberal left.

Ah look at the fucking rightwing, hypocrite, BIG Shot know-it-all bemoaning leftwing insults. The epitome of the fucking black-assed fry-pan calling the black-assed kettle “BLACK,” huh?
Ah look at the fucking rightwing, hypocrite, BIG Shot know-it-all bemoaning leftwing insults. The epitome of the fucking black-assed fry-pan calling the black-assed kettle “BLACK,” huh?

If you didn't have such a reading comprehension issue, you would have seen that it was a response to that libtards whiney drivel.

But you can't read because you are a vulgar asshat of incredible proportions.

Dissmissed dumbass; it's official, you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So after DECADES of student ID being valid, of life long residents voting without ID AND NO VOTER FRAUD HISTORY OF NOTE....suddenly NC is going to keep a large portion of people from voting (at least for the upcoming immediate elections) with reinstating past tactics. As the article (and others) pointed out, that affects largely college kids and minorities who just happen to vote mostly democratic.

You'd know this if you honestly read the material provided carefully and comprehensively.

As I said before, you're not stupid Liberty....just insipidly stubborn.

Then I can't wait to see how all this plays out.

So are you conceding the point, or are you just going to be insipidly stubborn?
All one has to do is just click the arrow back to the actual post, then back track and follow the chronology of the posts to see who threw the first stone, chuckles.

If you're going to quote someone out of context, then next time erase the evidence that will lead the reader to see what a pathetic liar you are. Carry on.