Reality check on America's racial mindset.


As usual, another fucking leftist idiot has no rational argument for the topic at hand, so the fucking idiot simply post another stupid irrational, irrelevant idiotic off-topic one-liner. This one even post a fucking picture of himself in his idiot tinfoil hat.
As usual, another fucking leftist idiot has no rational argument for the topic at hand, so the fucking idiot simply post another stupid irrational, irrelevant idiotic off-topic one-liner. This one even post a fucking picture of himself in his idiot tinfoil hat.

I can certainly put up an argument when facts are involved but you wrote: "the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. "

You made a claim without anything to back it up, like solid information from an impartial site, not right-wing fearmongering from the likes of Rush or Glenn.

Show me everything factual you have about non-citizens voting and then we'll talk.
I can certainly put up an argument when facts are involved but you wrote: "the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. "

You made a claim without anything to back it up, like solid information from an impartial site, not right-wing fearmongering from the likes of Rush or Glenn.

Show me everything factual you have about non-citizens voting and then we'll talk.

OK, Just as soon as y’all fucking lefties produce a rational argument in evidence that voter ID laws actually put an unnecessary burden on any legal and eligible voter or have anything to do with racial prohibition to vote of anybody of any color skin. Until you can do that, the only rational answer to leftist opposition to voter ID laws is y’all criminal leftist bastards have a fair share of fucking ILLEGALS you want to vote for your communist candidates, huh moron??? You surely see idiot, your own opposition to common sense voter ID laws proves your criminal mentality and your racketeering agenda. I don’t have to produce the evidence Goober, you already did!!!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
No "assumption" here, jack. This was told to me by a real person in the last two weeks. Deal with it.

So you say.
Deal with that.

So don't believe me...I could care less, as I have no reason to lie on this forum. What's interesting is what clowns like you derived from the opening post, and the avenues you took. When I logically and factually proved you wrong on those accounts, all you've got is "I don't believe you".

But posts #21, 35, 43, 60 and 74 tell a different tale. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Either you can't read, are in denial or are a liar. Here's how I explained it to your equally stupid compadre, for your education:

This proves I'm talking to a rock.

Translation: another right wingnut who doesn't DARE address the content of the information presented out in open discussion, so he just blows smoke.
I can certainly put up an argument when facts are involved but you wrote: "the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. "

You made a claim without anything to back it up, like solid information from an impartial site, not right-wing fearmongering from the likes of Rush or Glenn.

Show me everything factual you have about non-citizens voting and then we'll talk.

I gave him facts which he just denies in favor of his own version of reality. Like Rush & Hannity, this clown thinks his supposition and conjecture are on par with facts & logic...he's just insipidly stubborn.
For all those who think that the recent SCOTUS ruling regarding the Voting Rights Act and subsequent actions by various "red" states are valid, here's a real life reality check:

Today I bumped into my next door neighbor's kid, who is now all grown up, married and with 2 kids of her own. For the past 3 years her family has lived in a town on Long Island, New York that has only 6% black population. She said to this day neighborhood people constantly ask her how some elderly white folk are doing....they ASSUME she is either a live in nurse or domestic. Also, she and her family are STILL stared at when they visit the local pool if the locals haven't seen black folk before.

So please, don't tell me that this type of mindset does not permeate decisions regarding voting rights.

I can't say I am surprised; Long Island is full of haughty Liberals who look down on everyone who isn't like them.

I am equally amused how you project a single personal story onto all of society as if it were some scientific fact. But you're a Liberal; you caint hep it.
Newsflash for ya, stupid.....I've lived in a predominately black neighborhood all my seeing some non-black folk of the 6% wasn't unusual being that the surrounding towns were 90 to 100% white.

And yeah, changing voting laws to keep black folk from voting is the same mentality, so stop trying to excuse bias mindsets and pretend they don't extend/permeate every social decision.

I’m curious, what change in the laws prevents blacks from voting? I am amazed how dumb Liberals think blacks are; hell, many blacks must think their own race is dumb if one cannot get an ID in today’s world of high tech.

It is an idiot’s argument for gullible fools to claim that voter ID somehow prevents someone from voting. If you are walking around in today's world without any ID, you probably shouldn't be voting because you have to be a clueless buffoon.

Please, someone tell me how you cash a check, pay your rent, drive a car, get on an airplane or apply for welfare without ID. Anyone?
When I was in school I had a teammate that lived in the West Oakland projects and one that lived in East Oakland projects. When I would go visit them or pick them up for practice I could see people staring at me like 'wth is this white dude doing down here?' No one ever did anything to me but they sure looked at me funny. Was that racist?

Been there, done that. I made the mistake of walking into a Bar in Oakland on a visit when I was younger. I was the only white face in the place and everyone not only stared, but stopped talking. When I walked up to the bar, the two black guys sitting next to me got up and walked to the other side of the bar.

The bartender said, "you're not from around here are you?"

Yep, it is only in the white communities where people stare; that is, if you are a gullible brain dead liberal parroting leftist talking points.
OK, Just as soon as y’all fucking lefties produce a rational argument in evidence that voter ID laws actually put an unnecessary burden on any legal and eligible voter or have anything to do with racial prohibition to vote of anybody of any color skin. Until you can do that, the only rational answer to leftist opposition to voter ID laws is y’all criminal leftist bastards have a fair share of fucking ILLEGALS you want to vote for your communist candidates, huh moron??? You surely see idiot, your own opposition to common sense voter ID laws proves your criminal mentality and your racketeering agenda. I don’t have to produce the evidence Goober, you already did!!!

Translation: If you can't dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit.
Translation: another right wingnut who doesn't DARE address the content of the information presented out in open discussion, so he just blows smoke.
Translation: another government worshiper standing by nothing specific. When asked to give facts, he deflects the task with grade school comments, with the grade school mindset that he has.

Try again and tell us how people are, or will be restricted from voting. I must have missed it, because the stuff you gave isn't anything but crap.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
For all those who think that the recent SCOTUS ruling regarding the Voting Rights Act and subsequent actions by various "red" states are valid, here's a real life reality check:

Today I bumped into my next door neighbor's kid, who is now all grown up, married and with 2 kids of her own. For the past 3 years her family has lived in a town on Long Island, New York that has only 6% black population. She said to this day neighborhood people constantly ask her how some elderly white folk are doing....they ASSUME she is either a live in nurse or domestic. Also, she and her family are STILL stared at when they visit the local pool if the locals haven't seen black folk before.

So please, don't tell me that this type of mindset does not permeate decisions regarding voting rights.

I can't say I am surprised; Long Island is full of haughty Liberals who look down on everyone who isn't like them.

I am equally amused how you project a single personal story onto all of society as if it were some scientific fact. But you're a Liberal; you caint hep it.

First off, Long Island (Nassau & Suffolk) was run by the REPUBLICAN PARTY for OVER 70 YEARS, which resulted in near bankruptcy in the last 25. And then there's the history or "red lining" by real estate companies...which is not exclusive to Long Island. Do the research to verify what I say.

Secondly, if you had bothered to read further into the thread, you would have read the FACTS I provided that shows how this mentality is NOT isolated.

Third, I did NOT say "all of society", as the actions of "red states" post the SCOTUS decision on the Voting Rights Act do NOT represent all of America.

So next time, know your facts and learn to read carefully and comprehensively before your fingers hit the keys, bunky. Makes you look less foolish.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Newsflash for ya, stupid.....I've lived in a predominately black neighborhood all my seeing some non-black folk of the 6% wasn't unusual being that the surrounding towns were 90 to 100% white.

And yeah, changing voting laws to keep black folk from voting is the same mentality, so stop trying to excuse bias mindsets and pretend they don't extend/permeate every social decision.

I’m curious, what change in the laws prevents blacks from voting? I am amazed how dumb Liberals think blacks are; hell, many blacks must think their own race is dumb if one cannot get an ID in today’s world of high tech.

It is an idiot’s argument for gullible fools to claim that voter ID somehow prevents someone from voting. If you are walking around in today's world without any ID, you probably shouldn't be voting because you have to be a clueless buffoon.

Please, someone tell me how you cash a check, pay your rent, drive a car, get on an airplane or apply for welfare without ID. Anyone?

You're not curious, you're just another willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger hack who loves to squawk his supposition and conjecture as if it's fact, and then with proud ignorance assert the conclusions based on the former.
I suggest you read post #60 on this thread. But if moving a mouse and clicking backward icon is too much for you, here's the answer to your initial inquiry, which should erase all the stupidity you subsequently put forth. click on the underlined links in the article for detailed explanations.

But in case you are too intellectually afraid of facts that contradict your beliefs, here are some primers:
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Translation: another government worshiper standing by nothing specific. When asked to give facts, he deflects the task with grade school comments, with the grade school mindset that he has.

Try again and tell us how people are, or will be restricted from voting. I must have missed it, because the stuff you gave isn't anything but crap.

Post #60 answer this, as your equally brain dead compadre Classic Liberal found out. The chronology of the posts shows my providing links to information that back up my initial statement. That YOU refuse to discuss the information contained makes this latest statement of yours just another collection of lies and sheer BS.

You've nothing of worth to add to the discussion besides this typical neocon/teabagger smoke screen. So until you do, I'll just sit back and laugh at your lame attacks, lies and dodges.
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Originally Posted by Truth Detector View Post
I’m curious, what change in the laws prevents blacks from voting?

Good luck! He's devoted a lot of time in making an idiot out of himself, and you're most likely never going to get an adult kind of response from him.

Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber in a maudlin exchange. Pity neither of these intellectually impotent clowns read how their buddy was put to rest on the same tract in post #60 on this thread
First off, Long Island (Nassau & Suffolk) was run by the REPUBLICAN PARTY for OVER 70 YEARS, which resulted in near bankruptcy in the last 25. And then there's the history or "red lining" by real estate companies...which is not exclusive to Long Island. Do the research to verify what I say.

A Liberal railing about facts; we call this irony.

Here are some facts:

On the local level, the region has been long dominated by the Republican Party, although the region's alignment has shifted notably over the past decade, with many Democrats being elected to major local offices.

Democrats now outnumber GOP in Suffolk

THE 1999 ELECTIONS: NASSAU; Nassau County Halts a Century Of G.O.P. Rule

I would say that the bankruptcy you rant about may have been the result of Democrats over the last DECADE when they started entrenching in Long Island politics.

You live in a past that no longer exists while running to a present no one wants. It's official however, you're an idiot.

Secondly, if you had bothered to read further into the thread, you would have read the FACTS I provided that shows how this mentality is NOT isolated.

It is isolated to a small minority; I see nothing you provide that substantiates your absurd arguments.

Third, I did NOT say "all of society", as the actions of "red states" post the SCOTUS decision on the Voting Rights Act do NOT represent all of America.

Your story was a singular instance based on hyperbole, projection and uninformed assumptions.

So next time, know your facts and learn to read carefully and comprehensively before your fingers hit the keys, bunky. Makes you look less foolish.

The only ones who look foolish here are haughty Liberals who exhibit and amazing propensity for hypocrisy, hyperbole and avoidance of the truth or the facts on this forum.

Run along and try to impress someone else with your hyper partisan stupidity.