84-year-old Dorothy Card of Lufkin, Texas, says she’s been voting for sixty years but due to the state’s new Voter ID law, she is concerned that she will not be able to vote on November 5th.
So far she has been unable to convince the state’s Department of Public Safety to issue her a photo ID so she can continue to vote.
Card stopped driving in 1999, so her driver’s license is long expired. In spite of her daughter Cheryl Hoffman’s assistance (she is a legal assistant) in gathering the required documentation, the State of Texas says it is still not enough.
Burnt Orange Report reports, “A Houston area TV station reported on Saturday that the Lufkin woman, who does not have a driver’s license, was denied three different times attempting to get a new Voter ID that is now required in order to vote in Texas thanks to the Supreme Court striking down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act.”
The documents submitted so far include her expired driver’s license and a letter from Angelina County certifying that they were unable to locate her marriage license from 50 years ago in their courthouse. The state has given Mrs. Card the option of “Vote by Mail” but she prefers to vote in person, which requires the photo ID card the state has so far refused to issue.
When contacted by Radio Station KTRK, a spokesman for the DPS assured them that Mrs. Card would be “issued a Texas personal ID card without running into anymore issues.”
Hoffman said, “They have said if we get another document, that they will issue it. But I’ve been told this three times, so I’m a little leery.”
Thanks to the new Voter ID law, another octogenarian master criminal has been uncovered and may not be able to vote.