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I'll spell it out for you:
It's inconceivable to these folk that a black family can live just like them in their neighborhood...go to work, pay bills, raise kids. So if some neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead comes along an tells them that the voting rights act need no longer apply, they're more likely to accept that lie and all it entails.
Remember, want scared the shit out of Americans is when Ron Paul stated on national television that he would support the right of a diner owner to discriminate against someone by not allowing them seats or service. So it's no big leap of that mindset to allow all the voter suppression BS to resurface.
Oh! So you’re saying that black folks are fucking idiots that believe everything that "neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads" tell them. They can’t think for themselves. They’re so fucking incompetent and unable to read or know the laws that they need their white racist leftist Mommies & Daddies to do it for them, and make their voting life as easy as possible for them because they’s y’all’s stupid ass littl chillin, right Goober?