Reality check on electric cars

YOU put them 'at the head'. YOU implied that General Motors was every motor company.

Inversion fallacy.

You play opposites like a child. EVs are the future and many makers are producing them. Almost all are made in America too. They create jobs. Electricians installing Level 2 and 3 chargers are making money too. What a great thing for America EVs are.
You play opposites like a child.
You are describing yourself again. LIF.
EVs are the future
Repetition. Chanting. EVs have been around since 1832.
and many makers are producing them.
Some, due to government mandates mostly.
Almost all are made in America too.
No. The lithium is mined in places like Venezuela and Costa Rica, processed and shipped to China which makes the batteries, then shipped to automotive manufacturers in Japan, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Canada, and a few in the States.
They create jobs.
So does building ICE vehicles. Meh.
Electricians installing Level 2 and 3 chargers are making money too.
Sure, off of fools like you.
What a great thing for America EVs are.
No. Socialism isn't a great thing. Waiting hours to recharge your car isn't a great thing. Being told by the government when you can charge your car isn't a great thing. Requiring expensive dealerships to fix and maintain the car isn't a great thing. Fires while the car is parked isn't a great thing. The toxic waste and strip mining required to manufacture EVs isn't a great thing.
You are describing yourself again. LIF.

Repetition. Chanting. EVs have been around since 1832.

Some, due to government mandates mostly.

No. The lithium is mined in places like Venezuela and Costa Rica, processed and shipped to China which makes the batteries, then shipped to automotive manufacturers in Japan, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Canada, and a few in the States.

So does building ICE vehicles. Meh.

Sure, off of fools like you.

No. Socialism isn't a great thing. Waiting hours to recharge your car isn't a great thing. Being told by the government when you can charge your car isn't a great thing. Requiring expensive dealerships to fix and maintain the car isn't a great thing. Fires while the car is parked isn't a great thing. The toxic waste and strip mining required to manufacture EVs isn't a great thing.

EVs are not political. They are not socialist. They are the transportation of the future..yours too. Stop with the long times. You do not run a car to zero and it charges at night when you are sleeping. You do not have to take time to drive to a gas station, go in to pay the high price of gas, or wait in lines. That is wasting time.
EVs are not political. They are not socialist. They are the transportation of the future..yours too. Stop with the long times. You do not run a car to zero and it charges at night when you are sleeping. You do not have to take time to drive to a gas station, go in to pay the high price of gas, or wait in lines. That is wasting time.

EVs are political. Mandating them is socialism. Subsidizing them is socialism. They are not the future. They are the past. You can't make long charge times go away. You have to wait in lines for commercial chargers. I don't have to wait in line for my ICE car, and many gas stations are along the way. You are not even reducing CO2, that gas you are so paranoid about.
EVs are political. Mandating them is socialism. Subsidizing them is socialism. They are not the future. They are the past. You can't make long charge times go away. You have to wait in lines for commercial chargers. I don't have to wait in line for my ICE car, and many gas stations are along the way.

Luddite fallacy.
EVs are political. Mandating them is socialism. Subsidizing them is socialism. They are not the future. They are the past. You can't make long charge times go away. You have to wait in lines for commercial chargers. I don't have to wait in line for my ICE car, and many gas stations are along the way. You are not even reducing CO2, that gas you are so paranoid about.

You do not drive an EV. That is why your claims are wrong. There are no long waiting times in real life. You charge at night when you sleep. You gas guzzlers spend more actual time fueling than we do. Your time in a gas station exceeds that we spend. In 10 seconds I have it plugged in. I do not have to watch it fill up for a few minutes. I do not have to smell like gasoline. I do not have to walk into a station. You just do not have a clue what driving an EV is like.
We do not run our EVs down to zero. What if i am on a deserted highway in the middle of BF and my car needs a charge? yeah, that happens.
You do not drive an EV. That is why your claims are wrong.

Oh it's so much better than that. Into the Night is often perfectly wrong. He will argue against people who actually own EV's and try to tell them what their EV won't do, even when the owner knows the opposite.

I have to assume Into the Night is either brain damaged or just a troll. Not worth even reading their stuff it's so lame.

We do not run our EVs down to zero. What if i am on a deserted highway in the middle of BF and my car needs a charge? yeah, that happens.

Yeah, Into can be counted on to NOT KNOW A THING.
You do not drive an EV. That is why your claims are wrong.
Irrelevance fallacy.
There are no long waiting times in real life.
You charge at night when you sleep.
Because it takes hours. You also don't drive your car much. A lot of people use their vehicles a lot more than you do, and a lot of them are for heavier duty purposes.
You gas guzzlers spend more actual time fueling than we do. Your time in a gas station exceeds that we spend.
In 10 seconds I have it plugged in. I do not have to watch it fill up for a few minutes.
No. You have to wait several hours.
I do not have to smell like gasoline.
Neither do I.
I do not have to walk into a station. You just do not have a clue what driving an EV is like.
I do not walk into a station. I drive into it.
We do not run our EVs down to zero.
Good. The towing fee to a charging station is expensive.
What if i am on a deserted highway in the middle of BF and my car needs a charge? yeah, that happens.
So you ran it down to zero. You just contradicted yourself again.

I get it. You like your EV. Fine. But...

EVs are political. Mandating them is socialism. Subsidizing them is socialism. They are not the future. They are the past. You can't make long charge times go away. You have to wait in lines for commercial chargers. You are not even reducing CO2.
Oh it's so much better than that. Into the Night is often perfectly wrong. He will argue against people who actually own EV's and try to tell them what their EV won't do, even when the owner knows the opposite.

I have to assume Into the Night is either brain damaged or just a troll. Not worth even reading their stuff it's so lame.

Yeah, Into can be counted on to NOT KNOW A THING.

Bulverism fallacy.
Irrelevance fallacy.


Because it takes hours. You also don't drive your car much. A lot of people use their vehicles a lot more than you do, and a lot of them are for heavier duty purposes.


No. You have to wait several hours.

Neither do I.

I do not walk into a station. I drive into it.

Good. The towing fee to a charging station is expensive.

So you ran it down to zero. You just contradicted yourself again.

I get it. You like your EV. Fine. But...

EVs are political. Mandating them is socialism. Subsidizing them is socialism. They are not the future. They are the past. You can't make long charge times go away. You have to wait in lines for commercial chargers. You are not even reducing CO2.

Making fun of your ridiculous scenarios. No contradiction. You do not have the capacity to digest information that proves you are so wrong. It is a joke. EVs are not getting hauled to charging stations. You charge in your garage. I know no EV owner who ever had to do anything you claim. Plenty of ICEs are being towed to gas stations and repair shops. Do you think tow trucks are making bank on EVs?
There are no long charging lines. People do not run out of charge. But if someone somewhere has, you will claim it is a universal problem. I do know lots of people who have had to carry gas cans back to the dead ICE. That is a regular event. Many people have empty gas cans in their trucks for just such an event.
Yes, EVs reduce emissions.
You do not have to fully charge. You simply top off. Unless you regularly drive more than 300 miles a day. They are never on low because plugging in the charger is a 10-second job. You park in the garage. Plug it in and go in the house. There is no waiting around.
EVs require less fueling time than ICEs.
Making fun of your ridiculous scenarios.
I didn't list any scenarios.
No contradiction.
Pivot fallacy.
You do not have the capacity to digest information that proves you are so wrong.
Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
It is a joke. EVs are not getting hauled to charging stations.
Yes they are.
You charge in your garage.
What if you don't have a garage? Many don't have one.
I know no EV owner who ever had to do anything you claim.
I do. Argument of ignorance fallacy.
Plenty of ICEs are being towed to gas stations and repair shops.
Not because they ran out of fuel.
Do you think tow trucks are making bank on EVs?
Never claimed this.
There are no long charging lines.
Yes there are. Argument of ignorance fallacy.
People do not run out of charge.
Yes they do. Argument of ignorance fallacy.
But if someone somewhere has, you will claim it is a universal problem.
Never did. Hallucination.
I do know lots of people who have had to carry gas cans back to the dead ICE.
So do I. Whether they drive an EV or a gasoline car, it is foolish to run out of fuel (or charge). It does happen though. You can't carry a gas can back to an EV to charge it up though.
That is a regular event. Many people have empty gas cans in their trucks for just such an event.
And they can use them for a gasoline car. Doesn't work for an EV. It must be towed on a flatbed to a charging station (EXPENSIVE!).
Yes, EVs reduce emissions.
No, they don't. I have already described why to you. Argument of the stone fallacy.
You do not have to fully charge. You simply top off. Unless you regularly drive more than 300 miles a day.
Your Chevy Bolt does not have a 300 mile range. You don't drive it much. It's carrying only you as the payload most of the time. It is subject to a class C fire from corrosion or accident. Battery replacement is expensive (though not as expensive as a Tesla!). It won't tow anything. You can't go muck around off road like trucks and cars can. You have a garage to charge it in, and a lot of people don't. Building the batteries for that car requires strip mining (using diesel equipment), processing leaving large amounts of toxic residue, shipping material to China (using diesel equipment), turning that into batteries (using coal powered factories), shipped to General Motors (using diesel equipment), and finally assembling the car, which must be charged (using power plants burning coal, oil, or natural gas). To maintain it, you must go to the dealer (EXPENSIVE!).

You can't charge your EV at night with solar panels.

Meanwhile, I can drive my car all day (and do), haul and tow heavy loads (which I do), fix it and maintain it myself with my own tools, refuel it from one of the many gas stations along the way that's available in just a few minutes (or from a fuel can for my off road equipment), and spend a LOT less on maintenance and purchase of said vehicles.

And I don't need a garage for any of my vehicles to refuel them. That kind of thing is handy if you are living in an apartment or flat that has no garage.

Oh...and the high tension lines crossing my property are adequate to supply the current needs of the greater Seattle area. If everyone is charging EVs, more lines will have to be built, and more power generating plants (burning coal, oil, or natural gas) will have to be built.

They are never on low because plugging in the charger is a 10-second job.
And then you wait for hours.
You park in the garage. Plug it in and go in the house. There is no waiting around.
There certainly is. You can't use the car while it's charging.
EVs require less fueling time than ICEs.
Hours is greater than minutes, dumbass.
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Irrelevance fallacy.


Because it takes hours. You also don't drive your car much. A lot of people use their vehicles a lot more than you do, and a lot of them are for heavier duty purposes.


No. You have to wait several hours.

Neither do I.

I do not walk into a station. I drive into it.

Good. The towing fee to a charging station is expensive.

So you ran it down to zero. You just contradicted yourself again.

I get it. You like your EV. Fine. But...

EVs are political. Mandating them is socialism. Subsidizing them is socialism. They are not the future. They are the past. You can't make long charge times go away. You have to wait in lines for commercial chargers. You are not even reducing CO2.

You say the dumbest shit in the same way. You do not drive an EV, so you do not know what it is like and you call it an irrelevance fallacy? Think about it a little. Actually driving one and experiencing what it is like is not irrelevant. It is germane to understand what it is like. Damn you should be ashamed. And Oh yeah, you walk into a gas station to pay for gas. That is feet. In some places, you swipe a card outside. Now tell me you never walk into the station bldg.
You say the dumbest shit in the same way.
You are describing yourself again.
You do not drive an EV, so you do not know what it is like
Irrelevance fallacy. I am not talking about what it's like.
and you call it an irrelevance fallacy?
Think about it a little.
Already done. Too late!
Actually driving one and experiencing what it is like is not irrelevant.
Irrelevance fallacy.
It is germane to understand what it is like.
I'm not talking about what it's like.
Damn you should be ashamed.
Of what?
And Oh yeah, you walk into a gas station to pay for gas. That is feet.
Nope. I drive in. That is wheels.
In some places, you swipe a card outside.
Every station I use. Frankly, I don't know any stations where you can't swipe a card on the pump.
Now tell me you never walk into the station bldg.
Why? I sometimes go in there to get a soda or something.
I didn't list any scenarios.

Pivot fallacy.

Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).

Yes they are.

What if you don't have a garage? Many don't have one.

I do. Argument of ignorance fallacy.

Not because they ran out of fuel.

Never claimed this.

Yes there are. Argument of ignorance fallacy.

Yes they do. Argument of ignorance fallacy.

Never did. Hallucination.

So do I. Whether they drive an EV or a gasoline car, it is foolish to run out of fuel (or charge). It does happen though. You can't carry a gas can back to an EV to charge it up though.

And they can use them for a gasoline car. Doesn't work for an EV. It must be towed on a flatbed to a charging station (EXPENSIVE!).

No, they don't. I have already described why to you. Argument of the stone fallacy.

Your Chevy Bolt does not have a 300 mile range. You don't drive it much. It's carrying only you as the payload most of the time. It is subject to a class C fire from corrosion or accident. Battery replacement is expensive (though not as expensive as a Tesla!). It won't tow anything. You can't go muck around off road like trucks and cars can. You have a garage to charge it in, and a lot of people don't. Building the batteries for that car requires strip mining (using diesel equipment), processing leaving large amounts of toxic residue, shipping material to China (using diesel equipment), turning that into batteries (using coal powered factories), shipped to General Motors (using diesel equipment), and finally assembling the car, which must be charged (using power plants burning coal, oil, or natural gas). To maintain it, you must go to the dealer (EXPENSIVE!).

You can't charge your EV at night with solar panels.

Meanwhile, I can drive my car all day (and do), haul and tow heavy loads (which I do), fix it and maintain it myself with my own tools, refuel it from one of the many gas stations along the way that's available in just a few minutes (or from a fuel can for my off road equipment), and spend a LOT less on maintenance and purchase of said vehicles.

And I don't need a garage for any of my vehicles to refuel them. That kind of thing is handy if you are living in an apartment or flat that has no garage.

Oh...and the high tension lines crossing my property are adequate to supply the current needs of the greater Seattle area. If everyone is charging EVs, more lines will have to be built, and more power generating plants (burning coal, oil, or natural gas) will have to be built.

And then you wait for hours.

There certainly is. You can't use the car while it's charging.

Hours is greater than minutes, dumbass.

Yes, you can use the car. Read it slowly this time, perhaps you can understand it. If you need to go somewhere. you unplug and go. Then plug back in when you get back home. You are TOPPING it off. You do not run it down to zero or close to it. Bolt is listed as 259 mi range. Can you understand why it does not go to zero, just getting topped off? Spend some time thinking about it.It seems to elude you.
Yes, you can use the car.
Not when you're charging it!
Read it slowly this time, perhaps you can understand it. If you need to go somewhere. you unplug and go. Then plug back in when you get back home.
Which means you aren't charging it!
You are TOPPING it off. You do not run it down to zero or close to it.
Never said you were.
Bolt is listed as 259 mi range.
When new. That range is reduced as the battery ages.
Can you understand why it does not go to zero, just getting topped off?
Fixation. Irrelevance fallacy.
Spend some time thinking about it.It seems to elude you.
You are completely ignoring my post and chanting. Try again.
What a magpie. Chirping the same wrong shit over and over. 259 miles. as it slowly diminishes in range is equivalent to your tank of gas. You do know ICEs get worse mileage as they age, don't you? Does that scare you? I have never once had to wait hours at a charging station. I know nobody who has. That is only relevant if you are traveling hundreds of miles. That is why level 3 fast chargers are installed on highways. And as they get better, and they are getting better, charging time gets smaller.
What a magpie. Chirping the same wrong shit over and over. 259 miles. as it slowly diminishes in range is equivalent to your tank of gas. You do know ICEs get worse mileage as they age, don't you? Does that scare you? I have never once had to wait hours at a charging station. I know nobody who has. That is only relevant if you are traveling hundreds of miles. That is why level 3 fast chargers are installed on highways. And as they get better, and they are getting better, charging time gets smaller.

And, if you own a Tesla, the savings in gas costs per year are more than made up for by it having the most expensive insurance (except for a Maserati) of any car in the US...