Reality check on electric cars

Many have already committed to being 100% electric within a few years, Einstein.
It would take about a minute for your handlers to get this for you, dont be so fucking lazy.

Not going to happen. One company, Government Motors, isn't all car companies. It isn't even a company anymore. It's a branch of government. Again, your Holy Link means nothing.
Gasoline and diesel engines aren't going anywhere.
So? Is doing something that is utterly and completely STUPID really what we should be doing at all? Our leaders are, for the most part, idiots--particularly those on the radical Left--and it is scientific and engineering illiterates like you that are buying into their bullshit that are causing society to decline rather than flourish.

Do you think the heads of major auto companies are in business to piss their money away? But of course, handjob you are an expert on everything, and know better than anyone else.
Not going to happen. One company, Government Motors, isn't all car companies. It isn't even a company anymore. It's a branch of government. Again, your Holy Link means nothing.
Gasoline and diesel engines aren't going anywhere.

You live in the fucking past, handjob. GM has zero to do with our government, if you know better post a link.
You are incredibly dishonest and deliberately ignorant.
You are describing yourself again. Your religion has blinded you.
They are stopping the selling of NEW ICEs in about 2050.
No one is making any sales prediction for 2050 dumbass, other than you. Omniscience fallacy.
They will not evaporate on that day.
Paradox. Irrational.
They will be lingering in garages and homes like the antique cars are today. people will be selling and fixing them for generations. In fact, we would be better off if we eliminated them.
You are not 'we'. You don't get to tell people what they want to buy and use.
The use of EVs does not eliminate CO2 or the emission of CO2. Your unnatural fear of CO2 is based on discarding science. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. Again, you discard the 1st law of thermodynamics. Your belief in the Church of Global Warming has blinded you.
Do you think the heads of major auto companies are in business to piss their money away? But of course, handjob you are an expert on everything, and know better than anyone else.

Some are, such as GM. Indeed, they are no longer in business. They are a government agency now. Communism doesn't work.
You don't get to speak for every car company. Omniscience fallacy.
Do you think the heads of major auto companies are in business to piss their money away? But of course, handjob you are an expert on everything, and know better than anyone else.

No. I believe that government is meddling in the marketplace and FORCING these crappy business decisions down our throats. Without government intervention, EV's, solar, and wind would all be non-starters in the market because the people running businesses and wanting to make a profit KNOW they are total losers. The only reason they are doing those things is because government is forcing it on them and giving them huge subsidies to make up for the loss of profit they'd otherwise suffer.
Not going to happen. One company, Government Motors, isn't all car companies. It isn't even a company anymore. It's a branch of government. Again, your Holy Link means nothing.
Gasoline and diesel engines aren't going anywhere.
Here are about 40makers.
One company? What is wrong with you? Why do you lie so often? Why do you lie when a check is so easy to do?
Think carefully. It will not give you a headache. I said ICEs are not going anywhere. They will be around for many decades. Can you understand those words?
Your paradox does exist, yes. There is no such thing as an 'absolute fact'. Learn what 'fact' means.

Word stuffing. I never said any such thing.

One company,General Motors Isn't all companies..
You put them at the head implying they were making the decisions about EVs. Your message was clear.