Reality check on electric cars

Well, it really is. Recovering lithium is a very dirty and nasty business. Lithium is mostly found in arid regions that are dry deserts. The most common recovery method is to brine mine. This involves drilling wells and using millions of gallons of water to dissolve the lithium from salts closer to the surface. The process is toxic to life and depletes groundwater. Lithium mining makes fracking look downright Green.

Of course, the radical Leftist greentards don't give a shit since all that mining is happening in some Third World shithole they'll never visit. They only care about pollution in their own backyard and about feeling good that they're 'saving the planet' by driving what they are told is a Green car...

But as the West dies we fail spectacularly at thinking things through....Neil does some "back of the envelope" calculations as to what this energy transformation as demanded by the elites, which is being forced upon us without our consent, would mean. It is completely outside of is fantasy all the way.
But as the West dies we fail spectacularly at thinking things through....Neil does some "back of the envelope" calculations as to what this energy transformation as demanded by the elites, which is being forced upon us without our consent, would mean. It is completely outside of is fantasy all the way.

People are happily buying EVs. You are not forced to do anything except cry. The EVs are not mandatory. You can drive gas guzzlers your whole life if you choose to. They are not rounding them up for the crusher. It is amazing home badly Trumpys lie and cry.
People are happily buying EVs. You are not forced to do anything except cry. The EVs are not mandatory. You can drive gas guzzlers your whole life if you choose to. They are not rounding them up for the crusher. It is amazing home badly Trumpys lie and cry.

"We are not being groomed to go green, we are being groomed to go without"
Neil Oliver
"We are not being groomed to go green, we are being groomed to go without"
Neil Oliver

As I said, ICEs will be available your whole life. Quit crying. I am not talking about taking your right to smog-making gas guzzlers. They will exist for a long time. But you guys are fighting and lying to end EVs.
As I said, ICEs will be available your whole life. Quit crying. I am not talking about taking your right to smog-making gas guzzlers. They will exist for a long time. But you guys are fighting and lying to end EVs.

The fuel cell will end EV's. If zero emissions for the entire fleet of vehicles worldwide, it's the only feasible solution.
Yes, I do. The second fuel cell cars running on hydrogen or ammonia start being manufactured as alternative is the doom of the battery car.
They are already being manufactured. You can buy a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle today. Hydrogen filling stations already exist.
A fuel cell car can be refueled like a gasoline or diesel vehicle at a station that already exists and just has this new fuel added.
No, it can't be refueled like a gasoline or diesel vehicle. Dispensing hydrogen into a tank constitutes a big drop in pressure, causing the filling nozzle to literally freeze to the vehicle. It often takes the nozzle a half hour to thaw out enough to remove it from the vehicle. Further the hydrogen must be manufactured. That means fraction cracking of methane (releasing massive amounts of CO2, which these idiots are afraid of), or huge current requirements for electrolysis. It takes much more energy to produce the hydrogen then you get by using it in a fuel cell or by burning it.
It doesn't require long periods to refuel and the fuel is portable.
It requires a much longer period to refuel than either gasoline or diesel, due to the freezing problem. No heating system can overcome this, and is flat dangerous to attempt to use one.
That means fuel cell vehicles in terms of the fuel they use are fully compatible with gasoline and diesel ones and don't require elaborate and separate infrastructure to support.
But they do. Gasoline and diesel are easily produced by distilling crude oil. Hydrogen must be manufactured.
Battery cars are a technological dead end being forced on society by radical Leftist scientific and engineering illiterates like you.
Fuel cells do not provide instant power. It takes significant time to 'spin up' to power. Cars and trucks require instant power. To cover the gap, fuel cell cars use a large battery bank (typically Li-ion cells) to act as ballast. Once the fuel cell is producing power, these batteries are recharged for the next time they are needed.

So with fuel cell cars, you haven't gotten rid of the large Li-ion battery packs, and you have added the difficulty of providing the fuel and the long fueling time it takes (compared to gasoline or diesel cars). At least you don't have to spend hours charging them.

In the end, fuel cell vehicles aren't really a practical solution. There is a reason they are even less popular than the EV.
Nope. Batteries get better and better. They get lower in costs,
Batteries are the same Li-ion batteries. Lithium is a non-renewable resource. It will only get more expensive. I have already shown how the price of Lithium is going up.
higher in range
Not really. Extended range packs simply mean MORE batteries. It also means a heavier car and even longer charge times.
and are being improved quickly.
Nope. It's the same Li-ion electrochemistry.
Somehow you assume the people building EVs could learn from you and they are stupid.
GM is stupid. They went bankrupt, and the government took control of them.
When Chevy built the Volt they did long-involved studies.
Government 'studies'....riiiiight.
They found a range of about 50 miles a day would satisfy nearly every driver.
You don't get to speak for every driver.
Go look at the roads. Less than 1% of the vehicles out there are EV's. The market has spoken.
The EV builders have done their homework.
Religion is not 'homework'.
You have relied on right-wing beliefs. You are wrong.
Inversion fallacy. You are relying on left-wing beliefs. You think you can get away with mandates and socialism. You think the EV is somehow devoid of CO2 being released into the air. You think CO2 is actually destroying the Earth. This is YOUR religion, and YOUR problem.
Math error. Argument from randU fallacy. Discard of chemistry.
I trust the fact that range has gone up, up, and up.
It hasn't.
How do you erase that in your right-wing craziness?
How do you hallucinate that in your left-wing craziness?
Bolt and others get 300 miles per charge.
The Chevy Bolt does not have a 300 mile range.
You can buy a Bolt for 26 K.
I can buy a Subaru Impreza for 20k...a far better car.
Your stubborn right-windedness makes you blind to facts.
Your stubborn left-wing religion blinds you. Learn what 'fact' means.
Science marches on without your approval.
No science here...move along...move along...
You know nothing scientific or engineering-wise about batteries. That post shows it.
Quite right.
In fact, the craziest thing any EV company has done is Tesla's decision to start foam potting their batteries.

Tesla has started doing this to improve the effectiveness of the liquid cooling jacket in their battery packs. Remember that Tesla battery packs are liquid cooled.
What Tesla has done by potting their battery is make it impossible to repair
They were impossible to repair anyway.
and impossible to recycle.
It does do that, but the cost of recycling a Li-ion cell is higher than simply making a new cell. The recycling process basically shreds the battery, obtains various copper and iron salts from them, and also a lithium salt. The lithium is re-refined into the required metal using large amounts of sulfuric acid. The cobalt is lost in the process. The yield is about 1/2 of the lithium that originally went into making the battery. The rest is industrial waste, including toxic metal salts.
Great for Tesla making new batteries, bad for everyone else, and the environment.
Whether new batteries or recycled ones, it is BAD for the environment.
By the way, there isn't enough recoverable lithium on the planet to make enough batteries for the world to go completely EV in any case...
This is true. Lithium is not a renewable material. As supplies dwindle, the price can only go up...a lot.
In fact, as EV production grows, estimates are that lithium will begin to be in short supply as early as next year.
The price of lithium is already rising. I've already shown the market chart for this.
So, you have widespread environmental destruction to build cars that eventually can no longer be built, and those that exist are worthless because their battery went bad and cannot be repaired.
Quite right. Gasoline engines built in 1940, however, are still running. Aircraft built during that time are still flying as well. Then of course are the large numbers of people that spend their time and money on restoring old cars to beautiful condition as a hobby. Can't do THAT with an EV!
What you call "Science marches on..." is really Greentards and radical Leftists wishing for something--like always--and expecting their wishes to become reality without a single credible fact backing them up. You are one of those retards.
They call their religion 'science'. This SciEnCe is just nothing more than a religion, politically motivated. They routinely discard Newton's law of motion (F=mA), the 1st law of thermodynamics (E(t+1)=E(t)-U), and electrochemistry, including the internal resistance of a battery, the weight of the chemicals involved (discarding the periodic table of the elements), type types of chemical reactions possible (discarding the electromotive element series table), and of course Ohm's law (E=IR, P=IE). They also ignore the internal resistance of wire, the problem of eddy currents in transformers, or the extra generating capacity just to keep a grid on frequency.

Their fear of CO2 stems from the Church of Global Warming, which routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

They deny and discard science, all while calling their religion 'science'.
Quite right.

Tesla has started doing this to improve the effectiveness of the liquid cooling jacket in their battery packs. Remember that Tesla battery packs are liquid cooled.

They were impossible to repair anyway.

It does do that, but the cost of recycling a Li-ion cell is higher than simply making a new cell. The recycling process basically shreds the battery, obtains various copper and iron salts from them, and also a lithium salt. The lithium is re-refined into the required metal using large amounts of sulfuric acid. The cobalt is lost in the process. The yield is about 1/2 of the lithium that originally went into making the battery. The rest is industrial waste, including toxic metal salts.

Whether new batteries or recycled ones, it is BAD for the environment.

This is true. Lithium is not a renewable material. As supplies dwindle, the price can only go up...a lot.

The price of lithium is already rising. I've already shown the market chart for this.

Quite right. Gasoline engines built in 1940, however, are still running. Aircraft built during that time are still flying as well. Then of course are the large numbers of people that spend their time and money on restoring old cars to beautiful condition as a hobby. Can't do THAT with an EV!

They call their religion 'science'. This SciEnCe is just nothing more than a religion, politically motivated. They routinely discard Newton's law of motion (F=mA), the 1st law of thermodynamics (E(t+1)=E(t)-U), and electrochemistry, including the internal resistance of a battery, the weight of the chemicals involved (discarding the periodic table of the elements), type types of chemical reactions possible (discarding the electromotive element series table), and of course Ohm's law (E=IR, P=IE). They also ignore the internal resistance of wire, the problem of eddy currents in transformers, or the extra generating capacity just to keep a grid on frequency.

Their fear of CO2 stems from the Church of Global Warming, which routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

They deny and discard science, all while calling their religion 'science'.

They deny and discard engineering too, apparently being completely unaware that gasoline cars today don't require any more maintenance than an EV. FADEC cars with low tension ignition systems have no points, no high voltage wires running to each spark plug, no carburetor, no induction heating, far better gaskets that last for a decade or more, no clutch, much tighter tolerances allowing very thin oil (Some now use 0-20W synthetic oil!), fuel rails with very few moving parts (just the injector needles, lasting years and easily and cheaply replaced when needed. Even the lead acid cell these cars use can easily and cheaply be replaced even by the owner with very simple tools.

Both cars have bodies which must be cleaned and maintained, brakes that must be maintained, tires that wear and must be maintained, etc. Gasoline and diesel cars can be maintained by anything from an owner working on his own car to any shop. EV's require dealerships or highly specialized shops (read: EXPENSIVE) to be repaired or maintained. Both cars will have corrosion problems. Corrosion in EV's, though, causes battery fire resulting in a class C fire, since there is no fuse between cells. The entire pack will burn much like a firework and destroy the car with it, often taking out any adjacent parked cars as well. Only when all or most cells are involved in the fire can you finally consider it a class A fire. By then, of course, it's too late. If it happens while the car is in your garage on the charger, then you may lose your house along with the car. This has already happened several times. Two container ships were destroyed at sea because of EV's they were shipping became corroded during shipping and caught fire down in the hold.

Norberg in particular has already admitted that the price of EV's is a masked lower price due to subsidies and tax breaks. In other words, he is trying to justify theft to pay for his car...and it's just a piece of shit Chevy Bolt. He's even tried to compare that thing to a Ferrari!

What a dreamer.
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Well, it really is. Recovering lithium is a very dirty and nasty business. Lithium is mostly found in arid regions that are dry deserts. The most common recovery method is to brine mine. This involves drilling wells and using millions of gallons of water to dissolve the lithium from salts closer to the surface. The process is toxic to life and depletes groundwater. Lithium mining makes fracking look downright Green.

Of course, the radical Leftist greentards don't give a shit since all that mining is happening in some Third World shithole they'll never visit. They only care about pollution in their own backyard and about feeling good that they're 'saving the planet' by driving what they are told is a Green car...

After brine mining, the metal must be smelted using an acid leach. Typically large amounts of sulfuric acid is used. This results in even more waste product once the lithium metal itself is extracted.
People are happily buying EVs. You are not forced to do anything except cry. The EVs are not mandatory. You can drive gas guzzlers your whole life if you choose to. They are not rounding them up for the crusher. It is amazing home badly Trumpys lie and cry.

Tyrannical governments are trying to make the EV mandatory. It will result in disaster. You are lying.

Elsewhere, less than 1% of the cars on the road in the States of America are EVs.
EV's are in the same category as the radical Left pushing wind and solar. All three are utterly STUPID solutions to problems that are poorly defined and possibly don't even exist. But the radical Left has a way of FORCING their ideas and solutions on societies. That's not new. We should recognize that and work to keep them from succeeding.
Many have already committed to being 100% electric within a few years, Einstein. It would take about a minute for your handlers to get this for you, dont be so fucking lazy.

So? Is doing something that is utterly and completely STUPID really what we should be doing at all? Our leaders are, for the most part, idiots--particularly those on the radical Left--and it is scientific and engineering illiterates like you that are buying into their bullshit that are causing society to decline rather than flourish.
Yes you are. You are lying once again.

You are incredibly dishonest and deliberately ignorant. They are stopping the selling of NEW ICEs in about 2050. They will not evaporate on that day. They will be lingering in garages and homes like the antique cars are today. people will be selling and fixing them for generations. In fact, we would be better off if we eliminated them.