No, they're not. They are basing their decisions on bullshit. The same bunch of scientific retards told us decades ago that there was a hole in the ozone layer of the atmosphere at the South pole. The cause was CFC's and eliminating these would fix the problem. Well, we did that and the goddamned hole is still there and just as big.
What passed for scientists a thousand years ago told us the Earth was the center of the universe...
A century ago we had no idea what the bottom of this planet's oceans looked like...
The envirotards, and their idiot minions like you, are full of shit and want to take away my right to reasonable choices.
^^^The guy complaining wrongly about the No True Scotsman fallacy is now using a version of it. FLOL.
So your post above Terry, is saying 'scientists do not have a 100% track record and have been initially got some things wrong, thus now we should always assume they are wrong, and instead you should listen to people like me, Terry'.
Terry, no one gets more stuff wrong here daily than you, so why do you not apply that same criteria to yourself.
And once again you demonstrate how you and others magats will NEVER understand the scientific process.
It is NOT wrong for scientists to come up with any position or theory based on the evidence 'they have at the time' and extrapolating that into a position.
So for instance if we get a new Novel deadly virus, that looks like a Ebola variant and scientists acting on the early data of the similarities to EBola, say 'avoid bodily fluid exchanges as that seems to be the transmission method', and then later as more data comes in they change that guidance, they WERE NOT WRONG, to make that first assessment.
You magats WILL NEVER understand that, and as you did with Covid, you will point to each change and think it is a reason to NOT trust any science that comes after.
That is so profoundly stupid and such a complete misunderstanding of the scientific process which BY ITS DESIGN is supposed to start theories, that are often wrong or incomplete and then to adjust constantly and update as latter data comes in.
(The above is why you should NEVER speak on science, Terry in the same way you know you should never speak on new technology)