Reality check on electric cars

I know.

But people like gfm are committed to the lie that for most people and their drives EV's are not good. It is the opposite. it is only a real small percent of the population that they do not suit.

The work/home/errands around town, 50 miles or less, covers the vast majority. In the next ring are people who are weekend drivers going to cabin or family members or friends, typically living within 2-3 hours. the rest who rive more and further are small minority of the US. More rural, or otherwise outliers and not the norm, commute wise.

Since the Volt came out, the range of EVs have increased bigly. I don't think a 200 mile range is insufficient. If you are driving over 2oo miles a day, you should move closer to work.
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Tell me, what fuel do fossils use? An actual scientist would have known that the correct category for natural gas is "hydrocarbons," along with petroleum, methane, propane, octane, butane, etc...

What fuel do you believe that fossils use, mithter thuper-thmart thientitht (who doesn't even know what hydrocarbons are)?


Fossils don't "use" anything. Natural gas is a fossil fuel and ALL fossil fuels are made up of hydrocabons.
I don't give a shit what you believe.
Yes, you care deeply. You desperately need for me and everyone else on JPP to believe that you are somehow a thmart perthon, and to never realize that you are a scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept, undereducated leftist moron (I know, that last part is redundant).

Why is burning hydrocarbons dangerous, Mr. Thienth Geniuth? It's the basis for your other stupid arguments so you should probably offer a valid answer.
What fuel do fossils use, Mr. Shitfor Brains? It's the basis for practically all of your arguments, so start explaining, or else be content that all of your arguments are simply null and void, and realize that everyone knows that you are as stupid as your posts.

Once again, I don't believe you know anything, much less all that is needed to be a scientist. Too funny.
Natural gas is a fossil fuel
Too funny. Mr. Thienth Geniuth thinks that natural gas is a fossil. What a fucking moron. You can't be a high school dropout and simultaneously claim to be a thientitht.

...and ALL fossil fuels are made up of hydrocabons.
Too funny. You were recently referring to coal as a "fossil fuel." There are no hydrocarbons in coal.

You are, however, doing a good job of regurgitating what you have been ordered to believe. Who was it that told you to believe that you are a thientitht?
No I will speak for MOST people.
Nope. You can only speak for yourself.

Repeating your errors again and again doesn't magically make them correct.

What data?

shows that vast, VAST majority of peoples driving commutes are of the type Home/School/Errands/Weekend Getaways, which are all within a few hours commute at most. Perfect for EV's for the vast VAST majority of peoples driving and where the person would never need to charge anywhere but at home or work.
RAAA. (repetitive assertion already addressed)

Trips of 4-5 hours or more, where you might start to need to look for a charger tend to only be a handful of trips of years, for most and even then rapid charging while hitting the bathroom and grabbing snacks is easy and convenient. Or have an EV as your first car (typical commute) and have your second car for the outlier trips.
You're obviously out of touch with people who have a hard enough time affording ONE vehicle, let alone TWO vehicles... BTW, I paid a lot less for my two vehicles than a single EV sells for. I've already explained how your description here of how EVs work is not really reality.

Trips that are longer or for those outliers who do not fit the 'typical commuter', they should just not buy an EV or buy a hybrid.
Why would I want to unnecessarily carry TWO engines around?? Nah... I'll just stick with my two ICE vehicles.
and to this point you are just stupid.
No, you're just denying reality in favor of fantasies.

Todays technology (Rapid Charge) can and does charge in 30 minutes. No fantasy at all. They charge them to 80% which is exactly what people want and even if they could charge them to 100% in 15 minutes they would not do it, just as your cell phone shuts down charging at 80% on modern phones.
Nope. An EV does not fully charge in 30 minutes. A partial charge is not a full charge. A typical wall outlet is not "Rapid Charge". A "level 2" charger is not "Rapid Charge". Hours and hours of charging is not "30 minutes" or "20 minutes". Chevy dealerships themselves say that it takes roughly 9 hours to fully charge a Chevy Bolt using a "level 2" (240V) charging unit. They also say that you can plug a Chevy Bolt into a regular outlet (120V) overnight for 12 hours and that'll get you about 50 miles of range. Obviously I don't own an EV and I have never charged one for myself, but the numbers I provided are what Chevy dealerships claim re: how long it takes to charge a Chevy Bolt, and their numbers don't agree with what you are claiming.

I can't fix stupid so you will continue to deny reality but Fast charging will soon be the norm because the drivers will see it as such a competitive advantage.
YOU are denying reality, dude. You can't fully charge a Chevy Bolt in 30 minutes. The dealerships claim that even "level 3" (DC fast charging), which is NOT what most people are using, takes over an hour to charge up to 80%, let alone to 100%.
Commuting isn't all that people do with their cars. Nordy is being just as stupid as you are being about this.

But people like gfm are committed to the lie that for most people and their drives EV's are not good. It is the opposite. it is only a real small percent of the population that they do not suit.
No, the complete opposite is true. I've already explained to you a few of the numerous other ways in which vehicles are used and EVs do not work for those cases. In MOST cases, EVs are simply not a practical option. In SOME cases they are. That's why you see hardly any EVs on the road even in big cities, and outside of big cities, you see all but ZERO EVs on the road. I can't say that I've personally EVER seen an EV on the road ANYWHERE outside of Madison. I assume they're used in other bigger cities too (e.g. Milwaukee), but I avoid Milwaukee like the plague.

Commuting isn't all that people do with their cars. Nordy is being just as stupid as you are being about this.

But people like gfm are committed to the lie that for most people and their drives EV's are not good. It is the opposite. it is only a real small percent of the population that they do not suit.
No, the complete opposite is true. I've already explained to you a few of the numerous other ways in which vehicles are used and EVs do not work for those cases. In MOST cases, EVs are simply not a practical option. In SOME cases they are. That's why you see hardly any EVs on the road even in big cities, and outside of big cities, you see all but ZERO EVs on the road. I can't say that I've personally EVER seen an EV on the road ANYWHERE outside of Madison. I assume they're used in other bigger cities too (e.g. Milwaukee), but I avoid Milwaukee like the plague.

The work/home/errands around town, 50 miles or less, covers the vast majority. In the next ring are people who are weekend drivers going to cabin or family members or friends, typically living within 2-3 hours. the rest who rive more and further are small minority of the US. More rural, or otherwise outliers and not the norm, commute wise.
Since the Volt came out, the range of EVs have increased bigly. I don't think a 200 mile range is insufficient. If you are driving over 2oo miles a day, you should move closer to work.
Here, Nordy shows his stupidity on the topic.

A Volt is a HYBRID vehicle, NOT an EV........ The Bolt is the EV.....
Nope. You can only speak for yourself.

Repeating your errors again and again doesn't magically make them correct.

What data?

RAAA. (repetitive assertion already addressed)

You're obviously out of touch with people who have a hard enough time affording ONE vehicle, let alone TWO vehicles... BTW, I paid a lot less for my two vehicles than a single EV sells for. I've already explained how your description here of how EVs work is not really reality.

Why would I want to unnecessarily carry TWO engines around?? Nah... I'll just stick with my two ICE vehicles.

No i can speak for most people, since the data shows MOST PEOPLE's daily driving patterns and averages.

You try to speak for most people when you say EV do not fit most, but you are simply wrong. You can only speak for yourself.
Commuting isn't all that people do with their cars. Nordy is being just as stupid as you are being about this.

No, the complete opposite is true. I've already explained to you a few of the numerous other ways in which vehicles are used and EVs do not work for those cases. In MOST cases, EVs are simply not a practical option. In SOME cases they are. That's why you see hardly any EVs on the road even in big cities, and outside of big cities, you see all but ZERO EVs on the road. I can't say that I've personally EVER seen an EV on the road ANYWHERE outside of Madison. I assume they're used in other bigger cities too (e.g. Milwaukee), but I avoid Milwaukee like the plague.

Commuting isn't all that people do with their cars. Nordy is being just as stupid as you are being about this.

No, the complete opposite is true. I've already explained to you a few of the numerous other ways in which vehicles are used and EVs do not work for those cases. In MOST cases, EVs are simply not a practical option. In SOME cases they are. That's why you see hardly any EVs on the road even in big cities, and outside of big cities, you see all but ZERO EVs on the road. I can't say that I've personally EVER seen an EV on the road ANYWHERE outside of Madison. I assume they're used in other bigger cities too (e.g. Milwaukee), but I avoid Milwaukee like the plague.


Amd again you are just stupid.

EV's work for the bulk of driving most people do.

Pickup trucks do not work in numerous cases for lots of people. Convertibles do not work in numerous cases for lots of people. Sedans do not work in numerous cases for lots of people.

That is WHY they make different vehicles for DIFFERENT people and DIFFERENT uses.

You say 'aha but EV's do not work for X' as if that has meaning. You think it has meaning as you are stupid.
Commuting isn't all that people do with their cars. Nordy is being just as stupid as you are being about this.

I did not say it was "all". Are you so stupid you cannot read. What i said was that it was the vast, VAST majority of the majority of the populace driving.

That is true and that is fact.
Electric cell battery battery pack cars or trucks is a fool's errand at this point in time.

Not to say that technology shouldn't be explored more, but it's simply not viable at this point in time.

Sorry, Elon. It is what it is. :dunno:
Amd again you are just stupid.

EV's work for the bulk of driving most people do.

Pickup trucks do not work in numerous cases for lots of people. Convertibles do not work in numerous cases for lots of people. Sedans do not work in numerous cases for lots of people.

That is WHY they make different vehicles for DIFFERENT people and DIFFERENT uses.

You say 'aha but EV's do not work for X' as if that has meaning. You think it has meaning as you are stupid.

Until you realize that given you are a family or person that has just ONE vehicle and an EV won't work for you 10 to 20% of the time. That means it's the wrong vehicle for you. Doesn't matter that it works the other 80 to 90% of the time, you have to use it 100% of the time and it doesn't work some of the time. Thus, forcing people into EV's won't work.
Until you realize that given you are a family or person that has just ONE vehicle and an EV won't work for you 10 to 20% of the time. That means it's the wrong vehicle for you. Doesn't matter that it works the other 80 to 90% of the time, you have to use it 100% of the time and it doesn't work some of the time. Thus, forcing people into EV's won't work.

People like you will have to be forced to do the right thing. There you go , making up statistics again.
People like you will have to be forced to do the right thing. There you go , making up statistics again.

Ya ain't takin' my car, son

So, you're all in on being part of the dicktatorship hum? And, what is the "right thing" in this case?

Protecting the environment. There are no traces of dictatorship in this. Biden did not start this program. Who is the dictator? Your emotionalism makes your beliefs false.
Too funny. Mr. Thienth Geniuth thinks that natural gas is a fossil. What a fucking moron. You can't be a high school dropout and simultaneously claim to be a thientitht.

Too funny. You were recently referring to coal as a "fossil fuel." There are no hydrocarbons in coal.

You are, however, doing a good job of regurgitating what you have been ordered to believe. Who was it that told you to believe that you are a thientitht?

I can't believe i'm having this discussion with such an ignoramous. Coal may contain a host of impurities but it's primary make-up is hydrocarbons. Why the fuck do you think it burns.
