These are just the top 6 google hits on the pace of rapid promising rapid charges breakthru's being chased by mass amounts of big money VC investments.
These are not articles on the same advancement and are instead 6 completely new potentially paths, that have shown to work in early testing and that are moving to prove they can function at scale.
Derps like Terry will try to argue that this technology is locked in time and what you have today will be all there will be in the future and they know better than the scientists and VC who are spending enormous resources pursuing this. But history tells us people like Terry are wrong. Oh and stupid. Almost all, if not all, big moves to mass commercializations, are parallel with equally massive technology and efficiency breakthroughs. ICe vehicles were not locked in pre Ford 'Mass Production Line' efficiency models, and the early cell phones and the roll out of the internet were not locked to Version 1.
Smart betting money says todays ICE, a mature technology with very few big improvements being pursued, will simply not be competitive, by any measure, to EV technology as it realizes the coming advancements.