Reality check on electric cars

They think they are the greatest experts in the world on EVs, after spending 2 minutes studying them.

I am am a chemist, with expertise in pyrochemistry, electrochemistry, and various industrial processes. I run a successful company manufacturing sensors for industrial, aerospace, medical, and entertainment sectors. These are sold all over the world. The products you use every day depend on them.

I also happen to be a very competent mechanic with cars, tractors, and aircraft.

So much for your 'expert' worship. You think buying and driving an EV makes you an 'expert' on electrochemistry, electronics and industrial electrical systems, industrial processes, or mechanics.

It doesn't.
I have never claimed I did not say that. In fact, I say that again.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
It takes between 10,000 and 20,000 to become an expert at any field.
Too bad it takes you 20,000 hours to figure out how to sort clothes! :laugh:
You seem to have exaggerated some simple ability to do something with being an expert.
No, you just don't know what 'expert' means.

The word itself first appeared in the English lexicon around the late 14th century, coming from the French experiri extracted out as 'ex', or out of or from', and 'periri', meaning experience or skill.
In other words, an 'expert' is one with experience or skill. That's all. If you are practiced at sorting clothes (which can literally be learned in hours), you are an expert. The act has become a skill (and a useful one).

There is no minimum number of hours to become an expert.
It really is a sign of the times.
Cliche fallacy.
Everyone has to be told they are special, and an expert in anything they want to be.
No one needs to be told they are an expert. They either are, or they aren't. They are either skilled in a task, or they aren't. There really is no gray area.
If you tell them they are not a world renowned expert, they start crying out of control, and saying how mean you are.
Expertise does not require world recognition.
I am not an expert on being an expert,
Strange loop fallacy. You cannot deny an identity.
but I know a thing or two about it.
You just said you didn't. Which is it, dude?
One of my side jobs is hiring real experts,
Bullshit. You don't even have any idea what the word even means. Go read the meaning I've given you.
so I can tell you that it really does take between 10,000 and 20,000 hours to become a real expert.
Nope. You can become an expert in literally an hour or two...even less. There is NO minimum time required to become an expert.
In the grown up world, not everyone can be an expert in everything.
No one said they did. Pivot fallacy.
In fact, most people will never be an expert in anything.
You don't get to speak for everyone. Omniscience fallacy.
You cannot be an expert in anything in a few minutes.
You certainly can.
We sort clothing because of different cleaning effects on different colors and types of materials.
People sort clothing for all kinds of purposes. Shirts from pants...formal from informal...socks from underwear...colors from whites...clean from dirty...
It is all based on biochemistry,
No chemistry in sorting clothes.
one of the most complex forms of chemistry.
You don't know what biochemistry is. Ask me how I know. (Hint: I'm an expert in that too.)
If you want to be an expert in what types of clothes to be separated, with the ability to extend human knowledge on the subject, you need to have a very good understanding of the biochemistry behind it all.
Expertise does not require extending human knowledge. Neither does sorting clothes (except for the development of your own skill in the task).
Remember, being an expert means that you are not just doing what other people have taught you, but coming up with new solutions to new problems. You understand the process so well, that you have some ability to predict new outcomes, and to understand new outcomes. In this case, that involves an in-depth understanding of biochemistry.
No chemistry in sorting clothes. Buzzword fallacy. You obviously don't know what biochemistry is either. Ask me how I know.
Picture this, you are called as an expert witness in a court case.
Been there...done the T shirt.
When the lawyers question you to make sure you are an expert,
Heh. I know quite a few incompetent lawyers! They are NO experts!
you say you spent 2 minutes studying the subject.
I've spend much more then 2 minutes, but ok...let's say the skill in question was learned in 2 minutes.
I think the only thing that might prevent you from being sent to jail for contempt of court would be your obvious insanity.
It is not contempt to answer a question truthfully. It is not a crime of any kind.
To master a subject, means you can do it competently.
And I do. Too bad you aren't rich like I am! Your avarice is showing again.
To be an expert means you have an understanding of the internal workings of a subject well beyond just mastering it, and can and do extend human knowledge on it.
Nope. Not the definition of an expert. Redefinition fallacy. Go read the origins of the word that I have given you. THAT is how words are defined.
You clearly have no knowledge of the biochemistry behind clothes sorting, and I have to wonder if you have even mastered clothes sorting.
No chemistry in sorting clothes.
I am am a chemist, with expertise in pyrochemistry, electrochemistry, and various industrial processes.

And you were able to learn that all in 2 minutes? Wow that is amazing.

I run a successful company manufacturing sensors for industrial, aerospace, medical, and entertainment sectors. These are sold all over the world. The products you use every day depend on them.

And you still have the time to post here every day for hours on end? Wow, again that is amazing.

I also happen to be a very competent mechanic with cars, tractors, and aircraft.

Why not? If you can become an expert in chemistry in 2 minutes, and run a company that the world depends on in a few minutes, it had to have taken you less than a minute to become "very competent" in everything mechanical.

So much for your 'expert' worship. You think buying and driving an EV makes you an 'expert' on electrochemistry, electronics and industrial electrical systems, industrial processes, or mechanics. It doesn't.

I have never claimed to be an expert in EV's. I am very good at spotting experts.

Let's recap some of your "expert" claims: You claimed insulation was physically impossible, because you cannot trap heat. You also claimed that fossil fuels do not exist, because you cannot burn fossils. Oh and apparently oil is a renewable fuel...

Not to mock you, but come on.
There is no such thing as 'generic bleach'.

Complete Home is the store brand for Walgreens. Store brands are considered generic brands, and therefore a generic bleach. Once again, I am not claiming to be a renowned expert on product marketing, but I have picked these things up over time.

Remember when you claimed that it was impossible for New Zealand to be Covid free, because the Covid virus could fly by itself thousands of miles?
I have never claimed I did not say that. In fact, I say that again. It takes between 10,000 and 20,000 to become an expert at any field.
TRIPLING down on stupid, eh? Sucks to be Walt......

You seem to have exaggerated some simple ability to do something with being an expert.
Some things are easier to become an expert at than others (because they are "simpler things" instead of "more complex things").

You are now trying to ban all of those "simpler things" from the discussion because they all refute your claim about 10-20K hours being necessary in order to become an expert at something.

It really is a sign of the times.
A cliché. Your point?

Everyone has to be told they are special, and an expert in anything they want to be. If you tell them they are not a world renowned expert, they start crying out of control, and saying how mean you are.
No one has to be told that they are an expert in order to be an expert.

I am not an expert on being an expert,

but I know a thing or two about it.
You've yet to display any knowledge about it... not even "a thing or two"... and you just admitted that you didn't, so you're being irrational again... or still...

One of my side jobs is hiring
I don't believe you.

real experts,

so I can tell you that it really does take between 10,000 and 20,000 hours to become a real expert.
Repetition of a false claim, this time basing it upon gibberish.

In the grown up world,
When is the world considered to be "grown up"?

not everyone can be an expert in everything.
CLEARLY (and I never claimed otherwise). In fact, YOU'RE a prime example of that.

In fact, most people will never be an expert in anything.
Speak for yourself. Just because you aren't capable of it doesn't mean that other people aren't capable of it.

You cannot be an expert in anything in a few minutes.
You've already been provided examples that directly refute this claim. You are being irrational.

We sort clothing because of different cleaning effects on different colors and types of materials. It is all based on biochemistry, one of the most complex forms of chemistry. If you want to be an expert in what types of clothes to be separated, with the ability to extend human knowledge on the subject, you need to have a very good understanding of the biochemistry behind it all.
There are a plethora of different reasons for sorting clothing. It doesn't matter why it's being done, just that it IS being done and that many people are experts at it.

Remember, being an expert means that you are not just doing what other people have taught you, but coming up with new solutions to new problems. You understand the process so well, that you have some ability to predict new outcomes, and to understand new outcomes. In this case, that involves an in-depth understanding of biochemistry.
Now you're adding steps into "becoming an expert" that aren't necessary in order to become one. One doesn't need an "in-depth understanding of biochemistry" in order to be an expert at sorting clothes by type. A child who knows little to nothing about biochemistry can be an expert at sorting clothes by type.

Picture this, you are called as an expert witness in a court case. When the lawyers question you to make sure you are an expert, you say you spent 2 minutes studying the subject. I think the only thing that might prevent you from being sent to jail for contempt of court would be your obvious insanity.
Give me a basket full of laundry and I would happily show anyone my expertise in sorting said laundry by type.

To master a subject, means you can do it competently.

To be an expert means you have an understanding of the internal workings of a subject well beyond just mastering it, and can and do extend human knowledge on it.

You clearly have no knowledge of the biochemistry behind clothes sorting, and I have to wonder if you have even mastered clothes sorting.[/QUOTE]
You clearly have no knowledge of the etymology of words or how to remain focused on the relevant parts of a discussion.
And you were able to learn that all in 2 minutes? Wow that is amazing.
Once again, resorting to ridiculously bogus position assignments. Can I safely assume that dishonesty is all that you have?

Why not? If you can become an expert in chemistry in 2 minutes, and run a company that the world depends on in a few minutes, it had to have taken you less than a minute to become "very competent" in everything mechanical.
See above.

I have never claimed to be an expert in EV's.
Maybe you've never specifically said the words "I am an expert in EVs", but you act as if you are one. At this point, AProudLefty would be proud of you.

I am very good at spotting experts.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

How can you spot one if you don't even know what one is?


Let's recap some of your "expert" claims: You claimed insulation was physically impossible, because you cannot trap heat.
I've never seen him claim that insulation is physically impossible. I've seen him claim that heat cannot be trapped though, and he is correct about that. Insulation does not involve trapping heat. Can you name and direct me towards where I can acquire a perfect insulator?

You also claimed that fossil fuels do not exist, because you cannot burn fossils.
Right. There is no such thing as "fossil fuels". Fossils do not burn very well (they are not used for fuel). Can you name anything in which fossils are used to fuel it?

Oh and apparently oil is a renewable fuel...
It IS. It is naturally forming underground as we speak.

Not to mock you, but come on.

And, EV's take another bashing...

Toyota's 1-6-90 rule shows that building and putting on the road one EV is the same environmentally as building 6 plug-in hybrids or 90 ICE / battery hybrids.

Toyota’s Leaked 1:6:90 Rule Reveals Why It’s Not Wasting Lithium on EVs

Toyota figured out it's better to build ICE hybrids that each reduce pollution some because the pollution and other economic factors involved in straight battery EV's makes the latter (EV's) a horrible choice both economically and in terms of total pollution emitted.
And you were able to learn that all in 2 minutes? Wow that is amazing.
I never said I became a competent chemist in 2 minutes, Sock.
I have never claimed to be an expert in EV's.
Yes you did. Don't try to deny your own posts.
I am very good at spotting experts.
No, you are not. You don't even know what the word 'expert' means or how it's defined.
Let's recap some of your "expert" claims:
You claimed insulation was physically impossible, because you cannot trap heat.
Thermal insulation (such as used in houses, blankets, coats, etc) does not trap heat. It is not possible to trap heat. Such materials REDUCE heat.
You also claimed that fossil fuels do not exist, because you cannot burn fossils.
Oh and apparently oil is a renewable fuel...
Not to mock you, but come on.
You can't. Every time you try, Sock, you look like an illiterate idiot.
Complete Home is the store brand for Walgreens.
Nope. Complete Home means many things.
Store brands are considered generic brands,
Store brands are not generic brands. It is a store brand.
and therefore a generic bleach.
Which one? There a lot of bleaches. Sodium hypochlorite in solution? Sodium oxalate in solution? Hydrogen peroxide in solution?
Once again, I am not claiming to be a renowned expert on product marketing,
You never said that before, so there is no 'once again'. It is obvious you have no idea how a product is marketed though.
but I have picked these things up over time.
What things? Bleach? Which one?
Remember when you claimed that it was impossible for New Zealand to be Covid free, because the Covid virus could fly by itself thousands of miles?
Never did, but I will now. Covid doesn't fly by itself, but it is an airborne virus that can travel by aircraft. New Zealand is not free of the Covid19 virus. No nation is.
They hate electric cars and have never been in one. They have no real-life knowledge or experience so they scour the internet looking for something, anything at all that says EVs are bad. owners love them. their,positive factors about EV ownership.
There are always bad cars made . The recall on ICEs are common and part of owning one. Same for EVs, but they are much simpler with far fewer parts and require a lot less maintenance.

EVs need as much maintenance as ICEs, less the oil changes.
EVs need as much maintenance as ICEs, less the oil changes.

EVs need lubrication and even oil changes too...more like transmission oil changes in frequency.
Oil is used as a coolant/lubricant for the motor/gearbox assembly.

The batteries are also liquid cooled, and that coolant must be checked from time to time. Low coolant in the battery system can cause battery fire.
I live in Michigan and my Volt and my son's Bolt have started every time. We do not listen to batteries grinding and fighting to start like ICEs. You are as dishonest as can be in your posting. We have a plethora of right wing posters who relentlessly post lies and think they are winning. Before EVs hit the assembly line they were tested in extremely hot and extremely cold conditions. Try being honest, it will not be painful,
I live in Michigan and my Volt and my son's Bolt have started every time. We do not listen to batteries grinding and fighting to start like ICEs. You are as dishonest as can be in your posting. We have a plethora of right wing posters who relentlessly post lies and think they are winning. Before EVs hit the assembly line they were tested in extremely hot and extremely cold conditions. Try being honest, it will not be painful,

nordie, nobody asked you but condolences on you driving a golf cart.
nordie, nobody asked you but condolences on you driving a golf cart.

Your stupidity is amazing Lyingfish. Evs are better than ICEs now and they and the infrastructure are improving by day. I feel sad that you are an old stick in the mud that clings to bad ideas because you cannot process change nor understand EVs are better.
Your stupidity is amazing Lyingfish. Evs are better than ICEs now and they and the infrastructure are improving by day. I feel sad that you are an old stick in the mud that clings to bad ideas because you cannot process change nor understand EVs are better.
