Reality check on electric cars

This will be tough for you to understand. There are circumstances where an EV is not a great choice. Try and understand that. I do. However, for almost everybody, it is a great choice. Is the 200 plus mile range a difficult problem for you to digest? Is waking up to a full charge every day, one day after another tough for you to comprehend?
So your daily trip is 300 miles. OK. An EV would require charging. So would your gas tank.
This is you again making up a scenario and implying that is nearly universal. The EVs are going to be everywhere because they are better and cleaner.
I suppose you should contact Ford and tell them your brilliant analysis. They have nobody in the entire company who could understand the nuances as you do.

So you are trying to justify buying an expensive EV as a 2nd car just to use in a narrow purpose.

Then you turn right around and say the government should force people to buy them.

You are still locked in paradox, Sock, and you cannot justify an EV that way.
Terry you continue to be simpleton moron.
You are describing yourself again, Sock.
Lets address this in a few ways:
Okay...let's. First, however, I will point out your illiteracy here. 'Lets' is not correct in this sentence. Use "let's". That is a contraction of "let us".
What you say is true of all the people who live in cities who have eco box cars as their primary vehicle for every day driving. They still need another vehicle towing a trailer or whatever. Do these people NOT EXIST driving these type of vehicle in MASS ABUNDANCE and if so is that not a HUGE market EV's can satisfy.
You seem to believe that everyone drives what you call an 'eco box'. What is an 'eco box'?
ALL of my vehicles can tow a trailer. ALL of them are a hell of a lot cheaper than an EV, are easy to fix using fairly common tools, and have no expensive $25,000 batteries to replace.
Now on to the stupidity of your other point. Towing a trailer and other stuff? At this point in the discussion you do not even realize that there are EV's that are pick up trucks and Mini vans that CAN and DO tow.
Not very far!
If I use one of these pieces of shit to tow my tractor between my two properties, I can only barely make it one way before becoming completely discharged and requiring hours (or days) to recharge. I can go BOTH ways on one tank of gas with no problem, and have plenty of fuel left over afterwards. Oh, and if I DO need to refuel, that only takes a few minutes!
How is it you are this far in to this topic and you STILL do not know that?
Your 'advantage' is a living hell, Sock.
The EV's limitations are contained to trouble in extreme cold climate areas and in areas that are very rural with very little access to chargers. That is almost it.
WRONG! Argument of the Stone fallacy. I have already listed many of the disadvantages of an EV, especially in hot or cold or inclement weather.
Range is seriously reduced in all of them. Recharging capability is significantly lower or even nonexistent in some of these conditions.
Those two factors represent such a small percent of all drivers that it is beyond stupid to keep pushing this idea that if EV's are not ideal for those tiny populations then they are not good for anyone.
Trivialization fallacy, Sock.
But you are stupid. Painfully so and thus you will keep repeating it.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
It is all the morons like Terry have on this issue. To keep looking for the small amount of people and trips that an EV is not ideal for to then say 'therefore they are not good for anyone'.

Within the ICE world, an econo box cannot do all those things for all people. A convertible cannot do all those things for all people. A pickup truck cannot. And so on and so on. And yet Terry and no one else uses, what they are not great for to say ICE is not good for anyone.

It is idiocy but Terry cannot help himself. In his world a typical Sedan, whether ICE or EV is not viable because if you have a large trailer you need to tow up to your camp ground that would require you to buy a second vehicle, a pick up truck. Thus Terry has proven Sedans do not work well in the market.

It truly is painful dealing with people like him who are so stupid that they think the argument "Sedans make no sense as they do not have good tow capacity', is a good argument.

An economy car can tow.
A convertable can tow.
A sedan can tow.

An EV generally cannot tow, or if it can, has very limited towing capacity and range.