Reality check on electric cars

Of course you'd lie and claim that it was "suicide"... that gasoline car drivers were simply "suicidal".

"Lie?" Human caused global warming is a reality. You know that you are in part responsible for it. But you don't care. I would call that suicidal.
"Lie?" Human caused global warming is a reality. You know that you are in part responsible for it. But you don't care. I would call that suicidal.
No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth, Sock. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics again.
You are hallucinating again, Sock. You are also locked in multiple paradoxes, claiming the Earth is overpopulated, and at the same time claiming that everyone is dying off.

So, you are admitting that I am right. Hence your sock accusation as a form of retaliation. Just to be clear, life on Earth is in the midst of an extinction event. And the world is indeed overpopulated. But that doesn't do much to keep people from fucking and creating more babies. Even if it eventually means eating theirs or somebody else's children. They were able to get their rocks off by fucking. That is all that matters to them. Right now there are millions of people starving on this planet. That will only get worse. Unfortunately for delusional and incompetent fuckfaces like Biden, his solution is to let the overpopulating hordes from latino countries come here and "help" Americans eat whatever little food there is left.
He can't even define this so-called 'pollution' or why it's 'pollution' or what it's 'polluting'.

That is part of why I ask the question. If you can't define pollution, and cannot state what reasonable levels are, then you are just a parrot reciting retard Leftist environmentalist nonsense.

If on the other hand, your answer is "None," then you are a studiously oblivious fool.
So, you are admitting that I am right.
I already know you don't read or understand English, Sock.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.

Hence your sock accusation as a form of retaliation.
It is not a retaliation at all, Sock. Your problem is YOUR problem.
Just to be clear, life on Earth is in the midst of an extinction event.
And the world is indeed overpopulated. But that doesn't do much to keep people from fucking and creating more babies.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
Even if it eventually means eating theirs or somebody else's children.
Make sure they are young and tender before cooking 'em.
They were able to get their rocks off by fucking. That is all that matters to them.
Awwwww. You have no girlfriend. Sucks to be you!
Right now there are millions of people starving on this planet. That will only get worse.
Not due to lack of food. Due to the results of wars.
Unfortunately for delusional and incompetent fuckfaces like Biden, his solution is to let the overpopulating hordes from latino countries come here and "help" Americans eat whatever little food there is left.
Did you know that the United States is the largest food exporter in the world? We feed the world...literally.

I suggest you come out of your little ivory tower and take a trip to the country once in a while. See just how much food is grown out there.
You are right. It was post number #3823. That aside, I looked ahead at some of your other replies. You are too stupid to talk to. So you can stop replying to me.

So you choose to militantly deny the 1st law of thermodynamics, the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

You can't make these theories of science just disappear, Sock.
Yes, lie. Your 'global warming' religion is also essentially one great big lie of omission.

I must also note how your moniker intrigues me, since you are demanding everyone else to OBEY!!!! "OR ELSE!!!!" ....

Human caused global warming is a reality.
Nope. It is a wacky religion that denies logic, science, and mathematics in favor of paradoxical beliefs and lies of omission.

You know that you are in part responsible for it.
Define "global warming".

But you don't care.
Why would I? You can't even unambiguously describe what "global warming" is or how humans are somehow responsible for it.