Reality check on electric cars

Could you explain this in more detail please?

I could. But this forum doesn't have an environmental category. So it would get lost in the shuffle in this one. And with it mostly being idiots around here, it isn't worth the bother. Though I can tell you of a forum and what thread to do a search for there if you want the answer you seek. If you are interested.
I could. But this forum doesn't have an environmental category. So it would get lost in the shuffle in this one. But I will try a shortcut. It might get me banned. But oh well. It would seem that mainly there are only idiots here anyway.

Sorry, I really don't want to join another forum, it'd take up too much time, and I'd have to deal with the idiots there who are likely just as big a bunch of morons as the idiots here.
Sorry, I really don't want to join another forum, it'd take up too much time, and I'd have to deal with the idiots there who are likely just as big a bunch of morons as the idiots here.

Well, that reply was quick. After finding out that my link didn't work, I changed my reply. Also, it doesn't matter what forum it is. You don't have to join. You can go there and do a search without joining. And find the thread you search for and read it.
Well, that reply was quick. After finding out that my link didn't work, I changed my reply. Also, it doesn't matter what forum it is. You don't have to join. You can go there and do a search without joining. And find the thread you search for and read it.

Really don't need to. I wanted your opinion on that as a starting point for a rebuttal. Here's my position on the whole "climate change" thing:

Decades ago, the same sort of 'scientists' that are telling us about "climate change" were the ones raving about the hole in the ozone layer and how CFC's were causing it. We got rid of CFC's as they asked, and they said within a few decades (since past by decades) that the hole would disappear. Well, it's still there, and sometimes even larger than it was when they were raving about it.

Now, they're ranting about "climate change." SSDD. You have scientific illiterates like Al Gore and John Kerry, along with a who's who of the radical Left saying we have to upend society and or economic system to stop what I derisively call, Gorebal Warming.

Well, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They've had their chance and blew it. I'm not listening anymore because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Here's a question for you:

How much pollution should we allow?
Really don't need to. I wanted your opinion on that as a starting point for a rebuttal. Here's my position on the whole "climate change" thing:

Decades ago, the same sort of 'scientists' that are telling us about "climate change" were the ones raving about the hole in the ozone layer and how CFC's were causing it. We got rid of CFC's as they asked, and they said within a few decades (since past by decades) that the hole would disappear. Well, it's still there, and sometimes even larger than it was when they were raving about it.

Now, they're ranting about "climate change." SSDD. You have scientific illiterates like Al Gore and John Kerry, along with a who's who of the radical Left saying we have to upend society and or economic system to stop what I derisively call, Gorebal Warming.

Well, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. They've had their chance and blew it. I'm not listening anymore because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Here's a question for you:

How much pollution should we allow?

After you said "here's my position on the whole climate change thing," I had no desire to read any further. Because the opinion of idiots doesn't interest me. Human caused global warming is a reality. Don't believe it? Open another window in your browser. Type in it, "freethought forum." When you get to the forum, do a search for the thread, "Kiss your ass goodbye." Click on it and read it. It's as easy as pie. If you think you have a rebuttal for it, don't bother. Chances are somebody else had the same one. Which I smashed. Just read down the list of replies to find out. If you want a more extensive list of replies, go to USMB instead. Do a search there for "Kiss your ass goodbye." In the search where it asks who posted it, enter "haveatit." That is the username I used at the time there.

As for how much pollution we should allow, that's like asking "How much crime should we allow." It is a foolish question.
After you said "here's my position on the whole climate change thing," I had no desire to read any further. Because the opinion of idiots doesn't interest me. Human caused global warming is a reality. Don't believe it? Open another window in your browser. Type in it, "freethought forum." When you get to the forum, do a search for the thread, "Kiss your ass goodbye." Click on it and read it. It's as easy as pie. If you think you have a rebuttal for it, don't bother. Chances are somebody else had the same one. Which I smashed. Just read down the list of replies to find out. If you want a more extensive list of replies, go to USMB instead. Do a search there for "Kiss your ass goodbye." In the search where it asks who posted it, enter "haveatit." That is the username I used at the time there.

As for how much pollution we should allow, that's like asking "How much crime should we allow." It is a foolish question.

Yea, sure... It's as believable as the Earth as the center of the universe, etc., that people believed 500, 1000, 5000 years ago. When the so-called scientists keep getting it so wrong, it's hard to accept they're right.

But, when I have a chance, I'll go over there and do that. You and they probably won't like the answer I give.
Yea, sure... It's as believable as the Earth as the center of the universe, etc., that people believed 500, 1000, 5000 years ago. When the so-called scientists keep getting it so wrong, it's hard to accept they're right.

But, when I have a chance, I'll go over there and do that. You and they probably won't like the answer I give.

The greenhouse effect is proven SCIENCE! Also, if you go to freethought forum to read the thread I mentioned, that is all you can do. You won't be able to reply there unless you join. As for USMB, don't bother. I'm no longer a member there. So if you did all that there, I couldn't reply to you. Who knows. Maybe if I have the time one of these days, I'll post it here. But I have bigger fish to fry.
The greenhouse effect is proven SCIENCE! Also, if you go to freethought forum to read the thread I mentioned, that is all you can do. You won't be able to reply there unless you join. As for USMB, don't bother. I'm no longer a member there. So if you did all that there, I couldn't reply to you. Who knows. Maybe if I have the time one of these days, I'll post it here. But I have bigger fish to fry.

At the time, the CFC cause of the ozone layer hole was "proven science," as but one example of science getting it wrong. The modelling to date has been far more wrong than right, and the most virulent scientists involved in this have repeatedly lost court battles trying to shut the opposition up. On the whole, it doesn't argue well in their favor.
I could. But this forum doesn't have an environmental category.
Lame excuse. You can't.
So it would get lost in the shuffle in this one.
He asked a simple question. Stop evading and answer the question put to you.
And with it mostly being idiots around here, it isn't worth the bother.
Lame. Insulting people is not an answer.
Though I can tell you of a forum and what thread to do a search for there if you want the answer you seek. If you are interested.
Nope. You answer the question right here. Trying to redirect people to signing onto another forum isn't going to work.

Obviously, you can't answer the question put to you. You instead choose to evade.

You can't even define 'global warming' either.

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Well, that reply was quick. After finding out that my link didn't work, I changed my reply. Also, it doesn't matter what forum it is. You don't have to join. You can go there and do a search without joining. And find the thread you search for and read it.

Won't work. Answer the question here, if you can. I don't think you can.
After you said "here's my position on the whole climate change thing," I had no desire to read any further. Because the opinion of idiots doesn't interest me. Human caused global warming is a reality. Don't believe it? Open another window in your browser. Type in it, "freethought forum." When you get to the forum, do a search for the thread, "Kiss your ass goodbye." Click on it and read it. It's as easy as pie. If you think you have a rebuttal for it, don't bother. Chances are somebody else had the same one. Which I smashed. Just read down the list of replies to find out. If you want a more extensive list of replies, go to USMB instead. Do a search there for "Kiss your ass goodbye." In the search where it asks who posted it, enter "haveatit." That is the username I used at the time there.

As for how much pollution we should allow, that's like asking "How much crime should we allow." It is a foolish question.

So you refuse to answer either question put to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

You can't even define 'pollution', just like you can't define 'global warming'.

You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. No gas or vapor has the capability to create energy out of nothing.
The greenhouse effect is proven SCIENCE!
There is no such thing as 'greenhouse effect' except as a religious artifact. Science has no proofs. It is an open functional system. You are denying a theory of science. You are denying the 1st law of thermodynamics. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
Also, if you go to freethought forum to read the thread I mentioned, that is all you can do. You won't be able to reply there unless you join. As for USMB, don't bother. I'm no longer a member there. So if you did all that there, I couldn't reply to you. Who knows. Maybe if I have the time one of these days, I'll post it here. But I have bigger fish to fry.
Lame. Casting aside the 1st law of thermodynamics like you do isn't trivial. No magick forum will save you.
At the time, the CFC cause of the ozone layer hole was "proven science,"
It was not science at all.

CFCs don't even react with ozone. You can put CFCs in a tank of ozone and nothing happens.

Ozone is created by sunlight acting on oxygen in the atmosphere. The 'hole' appears at each pole during that pole's winter, when there is no sunlight. Ozone, being an unstable molecule, naturally decays back to oxygen.

The reason for the entire Church of the Ozone Hole is due to a plot by DuPont, which was losing the patents on R-12 refrigerant, and it's monopoly. They wanted to force everyone to the new R134a refrigerant, using the government to do it. A few slimy payoffs later, the Church of the Ozone Hole was created to justify banning R-12.

as but one example of science getting it wrong.
Science is not right or wrong. It is simply a bunch of falsifiable theories. Like everyone else in the Church of Global Warming, he casts aside several theories of science and several branches of mathematics.
The modelling to date has been far more wrong than right, and the most virulent scientists involved in this have repeatedly lost court battles trying to shut the opposition up. On the whole, it doesn't argue well in their favor.
Science doesn't use consensus. Science isn't even people. It's just the falsifiable theories themselves. There is no voting bloc in science.

A lot of people call themselves 'scientists', as if to prove they are right about something. It's like a Holy Magick Incantation that confers The Universal Truth. It's merely chanting and making shit up.
As Earth Day approaches (Apr 22), people like disobey come out of the woodwork like worms to push their religions once again. These fundamentalists claim 'sCiEnCe' but discard theories of science. They claim to magickally know the temperature of the Earth (not possible to measure), the total snow and ice on Earth (not possible to measure), the global sea level (not possible to measure), the population of every animal (not possible to measure), the pH of the oceans (not possible to measure), and go on to 'prove' their religions are True (what a fundamentalist does).

The Church of the EV stems from the Church of Global Warming, which in turn stems from the Church of Green, which in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx.

In every case, the 'solution' is the same: destroy industry, destroy capitalism, and destroy liberty.

The Church of Hate, the Church of Covid, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Woke...all of them are related. All of them are created by Democrats. All of them use tyranny as the 'solution'. A 'solution' to a problem that doesn't exist.

This is the same bunch that claims to be 'for the children', but supports murdering them even before they are born, mutilating them for 'gender choice', advocates replacing their parents with government and replacing God with government, pushes sick deviant sexual behavior as 'normal', burn and loot cities, turns to censorship to try to erase the opposition, support erasing the borders, and argue for civil war.
I don't believe you.

But this forum doesn't have an environmental category.
This forum has an "off topic" category. It also has a "religion" category. Either one of those would be appropriate for such a thread that you'd create about it. I'd suggest posting it under the religion category.

So it would get lost in the shuffle in this one.
No it wouldn't. You're just weaseling out.

And with it mostly being idiots around here,
Yes, there are plenty of idiots around here, but there are also a number of intelligent people here.

it isn't worth the bother.
Chicken shit.

Though I can tell you of a forum and what thread to do a search for there if you want the answer you seek. If you are interested.
Nope. I'm not going onto another forum. If it's sooooo important and soooo groundbreaking, then you can post it here.
Sorry, I really don't want to join another forum, it'd take up too much time, and I'd have to deal with the idiots there who are likely just as big a bunch of morons as the idiots here.
At least here your speech isn't censored and you don't get warning/points/temp bans for every little "wrong-speak" that you do. On another forum, your speech very likely would be censored.
After you said "here's my position on the whole climate change thing," I had no desire to read any further.
Baby need a bottle?

Because the opinion of idiots doesn't interest me.
Translation: The viewpoints of nonbelievers don't interest me.

Human caused global warming is a reality.
Yes, that is the mainstream Church of Global Warming viewpoint. So?

Don't believe it?
I don't believe it.

Open another window in your browser. Type in it, "freethought forum." When you get to the forum, do a search for the thread, "Kiss your ass goodbye." Click on it and read it. It's as easy as pie.
No. Post it here.

If you think you have a rebuttal for it, don't bother.
So you're a fundamentalist of your religion and you refuse to entertain any other thoughts about the subject matter? Got it.

Chances are somebody else had the same one.
Especially if it was about the science which SMASHES your wacky religion into smithereens.

Which I smashed.
:rofl2: :rofl2:

Just read down the list of replies to find out. If you want a more extensive list of replies, go to USMB instead. Do a search there for "Kiss your ass goodbye." In the search where it asks who posted it, enter "haveatit." That is the username I used at the time there.
Since USMB has a good search function, and I am a fairly inactive member of that forum, I went on there and found your post and read through it. It's what I figured it would be... religious preaching, complete with graphics of made up numbers as well as references to Bill Nye the Lying Guy. You are denying the laws of thermodynamics as well as the stefan boltzmann law. Has anyone ever brought those particular laws of SCIENCE to your attention before?

As for how much pollution we should allow, that's like asking "How much crime should we allow." It is a foolish question.
Nope. Those are both very good/important questions.