Reality check on electric cars

I suppose if a person with a Farrai drops in and says your phony Covbra is a crapy road car and no fun to will accept that.

If a person drops a post saying they have a Ferrari and your fake Cobra is a slow piece of shit and no fun to drive, you would have to capitulate? EVs are fun to drive.
Maybe for YOU, but not for others.
Of course, a point in logic would elude you.
You made no point in logic, Sybil. Logic eludes you.
Your entire vapid point that your car is, in your humble opinion, is fun to drive therefore anyone who thinks EVs are fun to drive is wrong. You may not be able to understand the glaring flaws in the thinking. It makes absolutely no sense. I see why it makes sense to you though.
If you think driving your glorified golf cart is fun, that's your personal opinion. I think it's a rolling turd.
How many ICE owners have done and are doing the same thing?
So you think doing something stupid is alright if others are doing it, eh? Prevalence fallacy.
You are not able to understand how faulty your logic is
They are YOUR fallacies, Sybil. You cannot blame YOUR fallacies on anybody else.
or how dishonest you guys are in trying to prove the unprovable.
You are describing yourself again.
No, that incident does not prove Tesla owners are stupid.
It proves THIS Tesla owner is stupid. He's not the only one either, as you admitted earlier.
I suppose if a person with a Farrai drops in and says your phony Covbra is a crapy road car and no fun to will accept that.

If a person drops a post saying they have a Ferrari and your fake Cobra is a slow piece of shit and no fun to drive, you would have to capitulate? EVs are fun to drive.
Nordie, we are happy you like your go;f cart. Don't shove one up our ass.