Reality check on electric cars

You don’t know what fast charging is, do you?
He was already describing "fast" charging to you. "Fast" charging is still quite slow. Filling up a gas tank is "fast"; it only takes a few minutes. Charging is slow; it typically takes hours.
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Charging isn't "fast"; it takes hours instead of minutes. Filling up a gas tank is "fast"; charging is "slow".
I can carry extra gasoline if I want, too!
Can't do THAT with battery charge!

Filling my tank takes about 5 minutes!

Poor ole' Dimlight never learned Newton's law of motion or Ohm's law or any chemistry. He has no idea how a battery even works or why there is more energy per pound in gasoline.
Well here's what Tesla says: "...Superchargers are the fastest charging option when you’re away from home, allowing you to charge your vehicle up to 200 miles in 15 minutes."
Tesla's snake oil is dismissed on sight (it is not an authoritative source on battery chemistry).

It is not possible to refuel an EV in 15 minutes; not even with a "supercharger".
I can carry extra gasoline if I want, too!
Can't do THAT with battery charge!

Filling my tank takes about 5 minutes!

Poor ole' Dimlight never learned Newton's law of motion or Ohm's law or any chemistry. He has no idea how a battery even works or why there is more energy per pound in gasoline.
It took 4 minutes the last time I filled my truck's tank--I timed it--from empty (say, 90% empty) to 100%+ full. No battery charger is going to match that.
Your need to be an opioid addicted moron is revolting
Katzpiss, another Libtard Drone that has nothing relevant to say. All of you will be so much fun to watch as you break down even further than you did in November. Shaving your head and jerking off to make a statement will seem like solid logic when we see what's next. The OP did contain too much logical information for any parroting Libtard to handle, so I understand your need to respond like every other drone does, but you're just wearing your pain on your sleeve. Grow up, it's time now. You can't live in Mommy's basement all your life and use her Visa for lotion, specialty lattes, and Doordash. You've been shooting future generations all over a bunch of shit you didn't pay for. Just friendly advice, because I care, stop worrying, Daddy Trump will take care of everything your Libtard Hive Masters screwed up.
... until you fall asleep while waiting for your EV to "refuel"?
I find most of them play games on their phone while they sit in the car for a half hour or so, or while waiting for the car ahead of them to take it's half hour so they can start to charge their own car.

Thieves have been stealing those copper cables to sell for drugs as well.
Then there's the vandals.
Then there's the defective charger starting battery fires.
Your type of 'fast charging' destroy's EV batteries.
Such so-called "fast charging" definitely shortens battery lifespan and is not recommended in terms of properly maintaining an EV battery for longevity purposes... Same with "full charges/full depletions". It is instead recommended to keep the battery at or above 20% charge (and at or below 80% charge) at all times. Such battery maintenance procedure ALONE effectively removes 2/5's of the advertised miles-per-charge.
Such so-called "fast charging" definitely shortens battery lifespan and is not recommended in terms of properly maintaining an EV battery for longevity purposes... Same with "full charges/full depletions". It is instead recommended to keep the battery at or above 20% charge (and at or below 80% charge) at all times. Such battery maintenance procedure ALONE effectively removes 2/5's of the advertised miles-per-charge.
Quite right.

Of course, you could always go for that new solar powered trike they showed at CES. It has a range of 40 miles and charges either from it's own solar cells (requires a half hour after 40 miles) or you can plug it into an EV charger (if you have the right type of connector).