Reality check on electric cars

So then you like these new battery operated cars?
No. I don't like EV's. I've already described why.
Say what you will, the electronic gas pedal sucks!
Your opinion. I don't have a problem with them. If you are getting hesitation when you accelerate, that's a problem with your engine, not the electronic gas pedal.
I do insist on the dual potentiometer design though. A couple of manufactures used a single potentiometer design and suffered lawsuits from 'sticking' accelerator pedals (actually the potentiometer failed).
Oh, and BTW, my car just turned over 20,000 miles, it should have no wear or adjustment issues whatsoever.
Don't see why it should. That's practically brand new.

FADEC doesn't need adjustments, particularly. Once the fuel pressure regulator is set, for example, it stays where it is. There is no distributor and no points to wear out or adjust. There is no need to adjust the cam or crankshaft sensor. They just mount in place. Same with the mass airflow sensor. No adjustment needed there either. Not even the throttle body needs adjustment, just initial programming after restoring battery power. It's an easy procedure. If you don't, the car will tend to stall at stop signs.

To program a throttle body (the procedure is the same for all FADEC cars), let the car become dead cold. Make sure headlights and accessories are off, and start the car. Just let it idle until the car warms up to full operating temperature. Do not press on the gas pedal or drive the car. Once that's done, the throttle body is programmed. Done.

It will remain properly programmed until you disconnect the battery. When you reconnect the battery again, just reprogram the throttle body again. Done.
Tesla is now manufacturing in Europe. They are building a huge plant to keep up with demand. They do not have a government trying to keep people stupid like we do here. Yep, electric cars are the future. ,
Lots of enlightened and educated countries are going full electric. That will ease up Russia's power over them too.

Not possible. You have to generate the electrical power somewhere. Wind turbines are not enough. Solar panels are not enough. They are the 2nd and most expensive means of producing power, watt for watt, respectively.

I already know you support fascism. Fascism is not 'enlightened' or 'educated'. It is theft.
Norway is over 75 percent electric vehicles. They will hit 100 percent before 2030. Not only is it possible, but it is happening. Europeans do not live with your special brand of stubborn stupidity. That is why Tesla is setting up a factory in Europe. They all know it is not just possible, but the future and they are embracing it.
Norway is over 75 percent electric vehicles. They will hit 100 percent before 2030. Not only is it possible, but it is happening. Europeans do not live with your special brand of stubborn stupidity. That is why Tesla is setting up a factory in Europe. They all know it is not just possible, but the future and they are embracing it.

In the first half of this year, Norway’s electric vehicle sales garnered 55 percent of the new car market—up from 6 percent in 2013—because Norway provides numerous incentives that distort that market. In contrast, the EV sales share of the market in the rest of the world is in the low single digits, despite large subsidies.

The incentives that Norway provides, however, seems to outweigh those negatives. They are:

EVs are exempt from the value added tax (VAT) and other taxes on car purchases and sales.
Parking in public parking spaces is free.
EVs can use most toll roads and several ferry connections free of charge.
EVs are allowed to use bus and collective traffic lanes.
The company car tax is 50 percent lower on EVs.
The annual motor vehicle tax/road tax is also lower.
Battery charging is free at publicly funded charging stations.

In comparison, internal combustion engines are subject to a 25 percent VAT, a carbon tax, a nitrogen oxides tax, a weight tax, and gasoline and diesel taxes. As a result of these taxes, internal combustion vehicles cost more to purchase in Norway and are up to 75 percent more expensive to operate.
https://www.instituteforenergyresea...useholds as compared to the bottom 25 percent.

Eliminate all that and see how well they sell...

So, Norwegians are making their choice based on sound economics grotesquely skewed by government policy. Without that government interference in the market, EV's would still be a dead end in Norway.
https://www.instituteforenergyresea...useholds as compared to the bottom 25 percent.

Eliminate all that and see how well they sell...

So, Norwegians are making their choice based on sound economics grotesquely skewed by government policy. Without that government interference in the market, EV's would still be a dead end in Norway.

Nothing grotesque about eliminating so many health problems caused by ICEs. The hospital and doctor savings over time will be substantial. The damage caused by pollution will be mitigated. The future economic savings are solid and substantial. ICE are dead spots of ignorance and pollution we are finally getting away from.
Nothing grotesque about eliminating so many health problems caused by ICEs. The hospital and doctor savings over time will be substantial. The damage caused by pollution will be mitigated. The future economic savings are solid and substantial. ICE are dead spots of ignorance and pollution we are finally getting away from.

Or creating new ones using EV's. My bet is there will be no significant health differences that result from EV use. I'll also bet their widespread use will have ZERO effect on Gorebal Warming. On the other hand, I bet their economic impact on society will be negative.
I guess you haven't heard what environmentalists are systematically doing to Europe and in the SDTC. They are systematically dismantling their power generating plants. Now they are both short of power. The SDTC recently published an edict that you cannot charge your EV except during limited times.
IOW, energy rationing. This is unfortunately the future (and even the present) under Democrat/Communist rule.

Energy rationing.
Gasoline rationing.
Food rationing.
All sorts of rationing...
All sorts of rules/regulations/dictates...

You will need a government permit to take a shit, and you will "like it".
You will own absolutely nothing, and you will "like it".
Or creating new ones using EV's. My bet is there will be no significant health differences that result from EV use. I'll also bet their widespread use will have ZERO effect on Gorebal Warming. On the other hand, I bet their economic impact on society will be negative.

That is a poor bet going against all the science and data. It is coming and coming quickly.
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That is a poor bet going against all the science and data. It is coming and coming quickly.

I, in part, base that assessment on the "science" in this case having basically having a near zero success rate of predicting anything coupled with such obvious previous failures as the linking of CFC's to the hole in the ozone layer. The "science" doesn't seem particularly good to this point.

Also, it doesn't make sense that the "science"--I keep using that word very loosely-- would suggest solutions to the problem that appear more political than practical, EV's being one of these.

On the whole, I'll bet against the "science" when it comes to Gorebal Warming.
That is a poor bet going against all the science and data.
Science isn't politics. Science has no politics. There is no theory of science about EV's. Science isn't data. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. The data shows that ICE cars are here to stay. What data? Go drive the highway and see what people are driving. Not that many of them are EV's.
Buzzword fallacies.
The BBC isn't science either. It's government radio. Science is neither government nor a radio station nor a news agency.
It is coming and coming quickly.
No. The data suggests otherwise. You deny technology, Luddite.
Given that your use of 'science' here is simply to expose the mockery by Democrats of the word:
I, in part, base that assessment on the "science" in this case having basically having a near zero success rate of predicting anything coupled with such obvious previous failures as the linking of CFC's to the hole in the ozone layer.
Correct. The Church of the Ozone Hole denies science. Specifically, it denies the Chapman cycle, and the chemistry around ozone and around CFC's. CFC's don't react with ozone. You can fill a tank with ozone, put CFC's in it, and no reaction will take place. To make ozone, all you really have to do is take oxygen and shove energy into it. Doesn't matter now. High temperature, electrical arc (including ozone generators in homes and in lightning), or UVb sunlight (that reaction takes place in the lower stratosphere. It is an endothermic reaction, making the lower stratosphere the coldest part of the atmosphere. Over a pole, there are times during the year where the Sun never rises. ozone. Big hairy deal. Oh...ozone naturally decomposes over time, and it's also destroyed (converted back into oxygen) by UVc light near the top of the stratosphere, which also blocks UVc light from reaching the surface.
The "science" doesn't seem particularly good to this point.
The science concerning ozone and CFC's is actually quite good. It's chemistry, a branch of science. CFC's do not react with ozone. Ozone is continually created and destroyed by sunlight.
Also, it doesn't make sense that the "science"--I keep using that word very loosely-- would suggest solutions to the problem that appear more political than practical, EV's being one of these.
Correct. Science has no politics or religion. It is just a set of falsifiable theories.
On the whole, I'll bet against the "science" when it comes to Gorebal Warming.
Correct again. The Church of Global Warming also denies science, specifically the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. These theories of science are in the branch of science known as physics.
It is not possible create energy out of nothing. No gas or vapor has this capability.
It is not possible to heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. No gas or vapor has this capability.
It is not possible to trap or store heat.
It is not possible to trap or store light.
It is not possible to trap thermal energy.

Yet the Church of Global Warming tries to use a Magick Holy Gas to do just these things.

In other words, what they call sCiEnCe is not science. It is religion. It is a fundamentalist style religion. These religions deny science, mathematics, logic, and even philosophy. The only thing they are interested in is attempting to prove themselves True, and to become a state religion, suppressing all other religions. They discard the 1st amendment.

Democrats LOVE to make up words and change the meanings of words.
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Church? Your dishonesty is well noted. Global warming is real and it is science. I suppose the damage caused by fossil fuels is fake too.

Gorebal Warming is the religious belief that climate change is primarily affected by anthropogenic actions and of those primarily CO2. It's head priest is the Manbearpig hunting Al Gore. It's prophets include the retard Lurch (aka John Kerry).

Climate changes. 100,000 years ago we were in an ice age. We (humanity) didn't cause that... Now we're in a period of warming. Aside from CO2 there are a multitude of other factors that could be causing the changes we're seeing, and most are not human related. The Gorebal Warming lot are fixated on one cause and one set of solutions they're advocating. Anything to the contrary is attacked in a manner similar to those that deny some religion's beliefs.

An appeal to authority means nothing here. Look at the bigger picture.
Gorebal Warming is the religious belief that climate change is primarily affected by anthropogenic actions and of those primarily CO2. It's head priest is the Manbearpig hunting Al Gore. It's prophets include the retard Lurch (aka John Kerry).

Climate changes. 100,000 years ago we were in an ice age. We (humanity) didn't cause that... Now we're in a period of warming. Aside from CO2 there are a multitude of other factors that could be causing the changes we're seeing, and most are not human related. The Gorebal Warming lot are fixated on one cause and one set of solutions they're advocating. Anything to the contrary is attacked in a manner similar to those that deny some religion's beliefs.

An appeal to authority means nothing here. Look at the bigger picture.

You are so ridiculous. I am not going to teach you what a religion is, you obviously do not know. I am not going to teach you what science is, you have rejected it. I will not provide the incredible amounts of data scientists have accumulated, you have rejected that too. An appeal to recognized and educated experts you wave away. I am glad that there are not that damn many rightys sunk into that cesspool of ignorance.
You are so ridiculous. I am not going to teach you what a religion is, you obviously do not know. I am not going to teach you what science is, you have rejected it. I will not provide the incredible amounts of data scientists have accumulated, you have rejected that too. An appeal to recognized and educated experts you wave away. I am glad that there are not that damn many rightys sunk into that cesspool of ignorance.

Thank you for injecting that gratuitous ad hominem. It shows you to be devoid of any ability to actually produce a reasoned rebuttal to my position.