Given that your use of 'science' here is simply to expose the mockery by Democrats of the word:
I, in part, base that assessment on the "science" in this case having basically having a near zero success rate of predicting anything coupled with such obvious previous failures as the linking of CFC's to the hole in the ozone layer.
Correct. The Church of the Ozone Hole denies science. Specifically, it denies the Chapman cycle, and the chemistry around ozone and around CFC's. CFC's don't react with ozone. You can fill a tank with ozone, put CFC's in it, and no reaction will take place. To make ozone, all you really have to do is take oxygen and shove energy into it. Doesn't matter now. High temperature, electrical arc (including ozone generators in homes and in lightning), or UVb sunlight (that reaction takes place in the lower stratosphere. It is an endothermic reaction, making the lower stratosphere the coldest part of the atmosphere. Over a pole, there are times during the year where the Sun never rises. ozone. Big hairy deal. Oh...ozone naturally decomposes over time, and it's also destroyed (converted back into oxygen) by UVc light near the top of the stratosphere, which also blocks UVc light from reaching the surface.
The "science" doesn't seem particularly good to this point.
The science concerning ozone and CFC's is actually quite good. It's chemistry, a branch of science. CFC's do not react with ozone. Ozone is continually created and destroyed by sunlight.
Also, it doesn't make sense that the "science"--I keep using that word very loosely-- would suggest solutions to the problem that appear more political than practical, EV's being one of these.
Correct. Science has no politics or religion. It is just a set of falsifiable theories.
On the whole, I'll bet against the "science" when it comes to Gorebal Warming.
Correct again. The Church of Global Warming also denies science, specifically the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. These theories of science are in the branch of science known as physics.
It is not possible create energy out of nothing. No gas or vapor has this capability.
It is not possible to heat a warmer surface using a colder gas. No gas or vapor has this capability.
It is not possible to trap or store heat.
It is not possible to trap or store light.
It is not possible to trap thermal energy.
Yet the Church of Global Warming tries to use a Magick Holy Gas to do just these things.
In other words, what they call sCiEnCe is not science. It is religion. It is a fundamentalist style religion. These religions deny science, mathematics, logic, and even philosophy. The only thing they are interested in is attempting to prove themselves True, and to become a state religion, suppressing all other religions. They discard the 1st amendment.
Democrats LOVE to make up words and change the meanings of words.