Tax cuts
Which tremendously benefited him and the extremely wealthy and gave the middle class a very small and temporary benefit. When that expires, your taxes are going up.
We'll have to wait and see if those were as good as you assume they were.
Trump doesn't believe in rights for anyone but himself. All the 2nd means to him is something he can leverage to continue to con gullible fools like you.
Trump didn't get half the resistance that Obama got. And your belief in Trump is heavily influenced by your TDS. This administration has been a clown show, with Trump as the star clown. Of course, he only cares that he's the star. Part of the rest of the world is horrified that we put such a nut case in the Presidency. The remainder is laughing at our stupidity.
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More companies are coming back than leaving. With a level playing field our companies are finally able to compete fairly. There will be bumps in the road as this issue is worked out. It difficult which is why your lord sith Obama and other presidents did nothing but kick the can down the road.
The environment is fine.
You are right I dont believe IT. Normal recessions come and go relatively quickly. Obama's horrible policy made for hyper weak recovery. Also lest not forget that lord sith Obama changed the way they counted the unemployed. They began to NOT count folks who stopped looking for work who gave up. Trump comes in cuts taxes and regulation, opens up energy sector and bam.
If not for states with ultra high state income taxes like NY, trumps tax cuts would have benefitted even more folks. But it ain't fair for NY residents to be allowed to deduct state taxes from their income. My family benefitted very well with the cuts. My tax burden dropped into the high 20's percentage.
Again the trade wars will cause some pain till won but imagine this if your traitorous demoncrats would get on board and we showed a unified front. China is freaking holding out to see if the socialist demtard wins so they can get a better deal. So all this fighting and the possibility however small of trump.losing is hurting our efforts. And he is still winning despite the traitors actions.
The second amendments best friend is trump. Every single dem has vowed to damage it. Those are facts easily proved by their own words in very recent days.
Trumps justices should solidify the right for decades. If he gets a couple more from there side even better.