Reality vs. trump supporters

I understand different views and all but what gets me is the different reality. How I can see socialism the utter failure it is looking through the lens of history yet they can't. How I can read the second amendment and recognize that it's the right of the people to keep and bear arms yet they can't. Makes no sense.

I'm beginning to believe that they are nothing more than shallow thinking, jealous, and hyper impulsive emotion driven dummies who have zero value system and live in a perpetual hippie "if it feels good do it" state.

So yes I agree. Very sad for this country.

I think a big part of their stupidity is a result of being told HOW to think and behave by our hideously biased media. I truly believe, in some cases, these poor individuals HAVE been brainwashed.
Don't call me names. If Ukraine was corrupt in 2016 and 17 when Repubs had all the power, why did they give them aid and no mention of this corruption? If Ukraine was actually interfering in our election, why didn't the Repubs do something about it and why did they never mention it?
If Hunter was doing terrible illegal things, why did they never say a word about it when they had all the power?
Trump and the reds made this shit up and they are using those lies in the campaign. Trump is without honor. And you reds are being played.
Press conferences were never friendly. Not for any president. They were forced to answer questions by the press that they were at odds with. It has always been that way. Trump is a big baby who is gutless. He can not tolerate anyone standing up to him. He refuses to have talks with anyone who is not 100 percent pro Daffy.
He did obstruction bigly. He refused to provide a scrap of paperwork .He refuses to talk rto the investigations, He refuses subpoenas and orders all who in or out on his administration to ignore subpoenas. If that is not obstruction, what the hell is?

I called you a genius lol. I called your representatives libtards.

Your peeps have been falsely accusing him as you just did of being in bed with Russia. Now it was asking for help against a political rival which trump eliminated by releasing the transcript. So they changed it to bribery now obstruction. No crimes. The obstruction stems from trump not allowing his peeps testify which is commonly done by all presidents in a contested disagreement. Its resolved by the courts.
You should be mad at your demoncrats for lying to you and making you look like a fool.
The giveaways you rightys cry about are going to the top. How the Reds got people to accept it is poor people keeping them from their right to be rich is amazing. Reagan stsrted it with his crying about black women in Cadillacs getting welfare. The long and deep search found no one who fit that claim. Rightys actually believe that crap. They ignore that Reagans purpose was to divide the poor and middle class. The Trumpican party continues that. If the voters could actually analyze the facts, they would be at torch and pitchfork times.
Socialism like Capitalism has never existed. The so-called Socialist countries have corporations and companies providing jobs to civilians who chose their own working destinies. The difference it that they how they allocate their tax money. They provide safety nets, health insurance and cheap education. We send our money to the top 1 percent. Since 1970 the wealthy net worth has gone up 100 times the base . Rightys vote for that.

Are you poor? Why do you think that it is my responsibility to pay for you or anyone else? That mentality is sickening. You do realized that taxes are paid by anyone earning more than 12,100 in a year right? I paid 37 percent in 2017 plus my healthcare cost 1300 per month for my family of 4. Artificially higher because of Obama care subsidies that I dont qualify for. So I get double dipped on via taxes and healthcare cost because of your mentality. I earn it. My sweat. My risk. My blood. And it is stolen from me and my family. FAR Far from a millionaire much less a rich billionaire.

Lazy, jealous, weasels. Take take take like the parasites that they are.

According to Bloomberg the top 3 percent of tax payer paid the majority of federal income taxes. So the rich seem to be paying.

And I have personally witnessed the welfare fraud and abuse you spoke of as bull crap. It's as real as your ignorance. Section 8, food stamps, wic, obama care, obama phones with fraud rampant.
Turn on your tv brother because they are about to show the evidence that the dossier was in fact the main reason they got the warrant. Along with withholding exculpatory evidence. They continued to renew them knowing it was crap. Heads about to roll.

Educate yourself for a change.
Just evidence that Trump has corrupted the DOJ, just like everything else he's ever touched.

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All possible factors to indicate the success of a president say you are a bias fool.
Those same factors say that Obama was a very successful President, but I'm sure that you can't accept that. Trump has a very weak ego, as evidenced by his need to lie constantly to try and prop it up. And you, like the gullible fool that you are, eagerly lap up every lie that he utters.

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Oh and you can ignore the 140 million dollar donation but people don't donate millions without expectations except in your bizzaro world. These aren't Bill Gates types.

Same as hunter biden getting 51000 per month with zero experience.

Stay the ostrich my looney liberal friend.

The usual fake news from the right-wing lie machine. You continue to demonstrate how brainwashed you are.

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Funny that you see no irony in your statement and what's being done to trump. Opinion's and conspiracy theories.
Trump has always been corrupt and corrupting. His entire life is the evidence of that. Facts, something that you seem to avoid.

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Everyone deserves a good defense. That's not what we are talking about. During the treasonous impeachment hearings almost all witnesses offered only opinions on what they thought trumps intentions were.
There's nothing "treasonous" about impeachment. Trump is not the United States. You appear to be as ignorant about the Constitution as Trump is. And as willing to ignore it. Article III, Section III. While Trump may be your God, that doesn't make him an actual god.

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Reality: Trump did it.

Trump supporters: 'The world is out to get him.'

'The world hates him because he 'made it' and he is so rich. He didn't ask for the black cloud that follows him around everywhere he goes, but he's special because he stands up to it and won't take any nonsense (like facts.)'

By "stands up to it, you mean throws an Infantile temper tantrum whenever he's criticized or doesn't get his way.

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I think a big part of their stupidity is a result of being told HOW to think and behave by our hideously biased media. I truly believe, in some cases, these poor individuals HAVE been brainwashed.

They are people who are incapable of critical thinking. Example they feel bad for the children at the border being seperated from their parents but couldn't give a crap about the children being killed in and in some sick cases out of the womb. They often have few if any values or value system. Very emotion driven as well.

Many are nice folks. Many are brainwashed
Trump didnt do it.

TDS know he meant that he wanted dirt on Biden when he said do US a favor and look into the fraud from 2016.
Even thought the other guy didnt know the aid was being held up it's still a QPQ.
Even though aid was held up to other countries as well this time it was a QPQ.

Trump haters...we cant beat him so let's impeach him. Nothing we do works on this guy. Hes gonna fill the court with constitutional justices, ruin our final push to socialism, build the wall to stop more needed demoncrat votes from pouring in illegally, level the playing field for our exports by evening the tariffs eliminating millions in bribe money we counted on but that sucks life from our businesses, strengthen our military making us bigger bullies.

He is illegitimate because Hillary got more votes. We need to change the system so we can win. Impeach so we can win. Spy on a political opponent so we can win. Get illegals to vote so we can win, we need to charge our opponent with racism, sexism , homophobia, and all the other isms to win. obviously our ideas are so horrible that the above is needed to win.

Just win baby. But if we lose dont worry we have a secret weapon to get rid of him.

You guys are pathetic lol.

Paranoia and delusion. The right has been lying constantly for decades and you believe every word. You are the pathetic one.

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I believe that capitalism with safety nets for those in true or temporary need is the key.

I dont expect you to understand that it is inherently unfair to take a man's sweat equity to give to another who did nothing to earn it. Save for the safety net system for those in true need.

All your demoncrat candidates wish to add billions to the unfunded mandates with all types of giveaways. To pay for it taxes will go up. More money will be stolen from those who earned it. At some point I will no longer work like a dog only to have 40 plus percent taken and redistributed. Like with socialism a collapse will come soon after.

Capitalism will stand on it's own just fine. Socialism never has.
Aren't safety nets socialist?

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Trumps tariffs are retaliatory. You either know this and are ok misleading other borg like you OR you don't and are ignorant of the subject.
The increased tariffs on our exports are retaliatory for Trump's tariffs. The reduced markets for our farm products are retaliatory. You, once again, are the ignorant one. Or you are the one misleading the borg like you.
We can legally import necessary labor for those jobs. Fully vetted and self sufficient labor. Not the welfare blood suckers your party is draining this countries life blood with. Not the dreggs. I feel for those poor good people who live in horrible conditions but this country can't help the world.
How can they be "self sufficient" if those jobs don't pay a living wage? Again, ignorance and paranoia. The right feeds off of both.

Earning money equals taking advantage of others to you. Wow. Yet you find it ok to redistribute it to folks to lazy to try to earn it lol. Btw I dont have any slave or indentured servants working for me. All employees freely accept their pay and are free to leave if unhappy. So once again you are all eat up with ignorant.
And just where are those employees supposed to go? To another employer who won't pay them or treat them any better? Talk about ignorant!

Saved my family a bucket load of dough and I am.middle class. Stop talking crap you know nothing about. Its insulting how ignorant on the issues you are. Nothing but a parrot.
The middle class did not save "a bucket load of dough". You display your ignorance for all to see.

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Yo einstein you do realize that your libtards in congress are about to impeach him for obstruction. Not the QPQ or bribery. Wonder why since all those laws hes broken are waiting.

You know why he ended the press conferences. Your fake news comrades were despicable.

He talks to reporters more than any other president.

Perhaps obstruction because he's been obstructing the investigations into "all those laws hes [sic] broken". Trump doesn't "talk" to reporters. He boasts and lies to them. He doesn't like the press because they didn't unquestioningly accept his fake news, like you do.

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The liberal lunatics that post on here really are hopeless, aren't they? They've obviously been brainwashed by our biased media so severely that they're unable to post any intelligent, rational or logical thoughts. Pitiful.
The usual projection from Steven.

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Those same factors say that Obama was a very successful President, but I'm sure that you can't accept that. Trump has a very weak ego, as evidenced by his need to lie constantly to try and prop it up. And you, like the gullible fool that you are, eagerly lap up every lie that he utters.

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Dude you are insane. Obama didnt have a single quarter of 3 percent or more. He had 3 years of under 2 percent growth. 15 million more people on food stamps. Obama stopped counting the unemployed who got tired of looking for work to falsely lower his 11% rate to 8.9%. Yeah he was great.

Magically however Obama did manage to finally turn it around in trumps second year lol. Trump cutting regulation and taxes and much more had nothing to do with it. Too funny.
I understand different views and all but what gets me is the different reality. How I can see socialism the utter failure it is looking through the lens of history yet they can't. How I can read the second amendment and recognize that it's the right of the people to keep and bear arms yet they can't. Makes no sense.
You are utterly paranoid about socialism, yet you claim to be in favor of safety nets, which others of your ilk oppose as being socialism.

I'm beginning to believe that they are nothing more than shallow thinking, jealous, and hyper impulsive emotion driven dummies who have zero value system and live in a perpetual hippie "if it feels good do it" state.

So yes I agree. Very sad for this country.
While you refuse to see the history of unfettered capitalism, which always results in a few very wealthy families who control a corrupt government, with most of the population living in abject poverty. We barely avoided that fate.

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I think a big part of their stupidity is a result of being told HOW to think and behave by our hideously biased media. I truly believe, in some cases, these poor individuals HAVE been brainwashed.

You have clearly been brainwashed by the right-wing lie machine over the last couple of decades.

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There's nothing "treasonous" about impeachment. Trump is not the United States. You appear to be as ignorant about the Constitution as Trump is. And as willing to ignore it. Article III, Section III. While Trump may be your God, that doesn't make him an actual god.

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Impeachment is constitutional for high crimes and misdemeanors. Impeachment to effect an election is treasonous. The very thing your traitors are crying that trump is supposedly doing.....election meddling. Our founders knew crooked politicians like your demonrats might try this. They were right. Traitors.