Something that the right, and many on the left, simply cannot deal with.Those damn FACTS!
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Something that the right, and many on the left, simply cannot deal with.Those damn FACTS!
This is saving the nation. Trump has spent a lifetime ignoring laws and norms and defying anyone to do anything about it. He has bullied and pushed people out of the way. The American judicial and political systems are merely doing their jobs. Don't talk deep state. That makes you look silly and reasonable people will dismiss you when you say it. Why they would drop it, I don't know, but Trump would see it as exoneration and do even worse in the future. It is his nature.
What I find interesting is how those afflicted with Trump derangement syndrome can call others bias while ignoring quotes from one of the people involved who said there was no quid pro quo aka pressure.
They ignore trumps duty to investigate corruption between US officials and Ukraine. They ignore every US official asked if they had direct evidence of a QPQ or bribery said no.
They ignore trumps well known desire to eliminate corruption at home and abroad.
They ignore the Ukraine court that said Ukraine aided Hillary against trump in the 2016 election.
Yet they give only the best intent for their liberal comrades. And sadely they are incapable of understanding that Biden admitted to the quid pro quo making an investigation really not important. He did it on camera.
Trump must be impeached, the GOP Senate must expose their anti-American cause, and the campaign season must focus on Trump's lies all day every day.
All you've done is just regurgitate BS talking points found on Fox Noise....All have been examined and found NOT to be the conclusion Trump and his chumps want Americans to believe. The folks in the recent hearings were the people (career, appointed) who tell ALL the facts via eyewitness. That you choose to ignore them is irrelevant.
All you've done [Daddyo] is just regurgitate BS talking points found on Fox Noise....All have been examined and found NOT to be the conclusion Trump and his chumps want Americans to believe. The folks in the recent hearings were the people (career, appointed) who tell ALL the facts via eyewitness. That you choose to ignore them is irrelevant.
You sir/madam/whatever are a flaming asshole of the first order.
You wish to control the rest of us. I don't give a flying f*** what you believe as long as you don't make me pay for it. You, on the other hand demand I swallow your poison and like Winston Smith tell the world I love Big Brother as he shoots me in the head.
What a complete and utter fool you are.
Just doing their jobs lol. Has biden been investigated? Is there proof that deep state actors from Obama's admin conspired to spy of a presidential candidate? Did these same actors frame the president once elected? They have been after trump since before his election and have not relented. They are NOT doing their job they are using this power to both damage trump politically and to sway the 2020 election in their favor.
Sorry wrong again. I watched the hearing. I understand the difference between direct evidence and heresy.
I also read the transcript.
I also took into consideration trumps anti corruption stance, well known before this phone call.
I also considered the duty and frankly desire of trump to find out who was in bed with Ukraine when they helped hillary in her bid to become president. Which they have admitted.
See unlike you borg drone liberals I use facts to formulate my position.
You guys use opinion especially in this case. Well the opinions of possibly bias officials are garbage just as the OPINIONS of hard core partisans are. Then you hypocritically accuse others of what you infact are guilty of. Nothing but a CNN parrot.
Sorry wrong again. I watched the hearing. I understand the difference between direct evidence and heresy. I also read the transcript. I also took into consideration trumps anti corruption stance, well known before this phone call. I also considered the duty and frankly desire of trump to find out who was in bed with Ukraine when they helped hillary in her bid to become president. Which they have admitted.
See unlike you borg drone liberals I use facts to formulate my position. You guys use opinion especially in this case. Well the opinions of possibly bias officials are garbage just as the OPINIONS of hard core partisans are. Then you hypocritically accuse others of what you infact are guilty of. Nothing but a CNN parrot.
Trump thrives on corruption. Always has. It's his cultists who are afflicted with TDS. Totally deranged and unable to admit to any truth about their Messiah.
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Hello and welcome Daddyo,
Cherry-picking only that one statement is not getting the bigger picture.
More cherry-picking in order to support a wrong predetermined conclusion that President Trump is always right.
That is a false facade. Trump IS corrupt, and always has been. It is how he got rich. His father was corrupt. All the millions Trump inherited came from corruption. Trump was raised to be corrupt. His father ripped off the US government for millions and discriminated against blacks as he exploited government programs to provide housing after WWII. Donald Trump took over his father's business, handed to him on a silver platter, and shifted it from ripping off poor people to ripping off rich people under the guise of providing quality luxury accommodations (with safety violations) as he ripped off contractors and evaded paying full taxes, thus ripping off America. Trump is a con man.
That claim has not been verified by US intelligence agencies.
What Vice President Biden did was wanted by many nations and was the official policy of the United States. Biden was praised for doing it by the leaders of many nations. Trump has not been praised by ANY other nations for what he did in Ukraine. President Trump compromised US and NATO security interests by attempting to bribe Zelenski to help Trump rig the 2020 election. Nunes should have recused himself from the Intelligence Committee Hearings because he was involved in the plot to dig up dirt on Biden.
If President Trump was concerned about corruption he would have said so on the phone call, but he never even mentioned the word once. He did, however, mention Biden several times. It is clear Trump was not after corruption. He was after his political rival Biden. He sought the help of a foreign nation for a personal political errand. That's why he had to go outside the US State Department to do it. And he tried to voer it up, too, but he got found out. Only after he got found out did he finally release the aid.
Daddyo, yes, you are wrong. You mean hearsay not heresy. It's heresy when the President won't let those who have first-hand knowledge testify under oath yet attack the others. That's horsecrap, Daddyo.
The Russians help Trump, end of story. The Ukrainians helped Trump, end of story. Barr and Horowitz and Durham are failing in helping Trump, end of story.
Hypocrites like you will outed every day in every way when you pull this anti-American nonsense.
Hello Daddyo,
I thought the impeachment was a good thing for Trump fans. Wasn't Trump taunting them to go ahead and impeach earlier this year? So he got what he wanted and now you're afraid this Constitutional oversight will damage Trump politically? Doubtful. The Trump cult seems to have all the Trump fans well hypnotized to not see clear evidence of wrongdoing by Trump.
Hello Daddyo,
I am glad you're here to discuss US Politics, but you are not making a very good case for your view. Please allow me to rip your arguments to shreds:
Then you should also understand that the President has prevented America from hearing from the key witnesses whose testimony would be direct evidence. That is obstruction of justice. It is highly disingenuous of Republicans claim there is a lack of direct evidence when the chief Republican has prevented the key witnesses from testifying on nefarious grounds.
It is not a transcript. It is a recollection.
False narrative. If true, Trump would have mentioned corruption in the phone call. He did not.
That is not supported by our intelligence. It is a crackpot wild conspiracy theory without a sound basis. Trump was warned by the State department not to pursue this baseless nonsense.
The facts do not support your position and I do not need to resort to name-calling to present them.
'You Guys?' Now you are stereotyping and talking about other people as a diversion from talking about the facts of the case.
Just doing their jobs lol. Has biden been investigated? Is there proof that deep state actors from Obama's admin conspired to spy of a presidential candidate? Did these same actors frame the president once elected? They have been after trump since before his election and have not relented. They are NOT doing their job they are using this power to both damage trump politically and to sway the 2020 election in their favor.
Sorry wrong again. I watched the hearing. I understand the difference between direct evidence and heresy. I also read the transcript. I also took into consideration trumps anti corruption stance, well known before this phone call. I also considered the duty and frankly desire of trump to find out who was in bed with Ukraine when they helped hillary in her bid to become president. Which they have admitted.
See unlike you borg drone liberals I use facts to formulate my position. You guys use opinion especially in this case. Well the opinions of possibly bias officials are garbage just as the OPINIONS of hard core partisans are. Then you hypocritically accuse others of what you infact are guilty of. Nothing but a CNN parrot.
Politicoshow the evidence that you claim exists