Red States Rule: Please Enlist

Libs did surrender to Pres Bush over their surrender bill

Watching the kook lefts reaction is fun to watch

Not half as fun as watching the RW wrap themselves in the flag and support unquestioning a man who has done nothing but hand the extremists victory after victory...and then call anyone who challenges this a traitor.

No, fun is the wrong word. Sad fits better....
No he is not toby, he is a far bigger asshole than toby ever was.

Is toby gone and now this guy is here?

You see on another site I go to red states rules is there I never told him about this one and I dotn think hte others from here did but jesus is he stupid and dishonest.

You got to hope there is only one like that .
I just looked and he registered there a year ago.

Toby has been kinda scarce since this sight started hasnt he and he has been gone from fp for a long time.

Its been so nice not to see him.
I show my support for the troops by attending Memorial Day services

Libs will show theirs today by attending anti war rallies sponsored by John Edwards

I am sure you will not see a difference

Why not go that last step and enlist. That would demonstrate your support for the troops.

Memorial Day in america is not about the troops, what a stupid idea. It's about consumerism. That's why the malls open early and all have big sales. Our own President told us that if we want to help in the fight against terrorism we should shop. I showed my appreciation for the troops by celebrating Memorial day in that most American of all ways...I went to the mall and fought terrorism! I bought a fabulous pair of sunglasses and a pink, bobbi brown lip gloss.

I am way more American than this guy.
RSR lives in his grandmas basement and his grandma needs him there to take out the trash on fridays.
Who would refill his minifridge with straberry yahoo?
who would dust his Ronny Reagan doll collection(the cowboys his favorite)
Whos would watch his vhs complete collection of "little house on the prarie"
Who would give his grandma his star wars jammies to wash?
There is just too much responsibility at home for him these days.
He cant join.
Memorial Day in america is not about the troops, what a stupid idea. It's about consumerism. That's why the malls open early and all have big sales. Our own President told us that if we want to help in the fight against terrorism we should shop. I showed my appreciation for the troops by celebrating Memorial day in that most American of all ways...I went to the mall and fought terrorism! I bought a fabulous pair of sunglasses and a pink, bobbi brown lip gloss.

I am way more American than this guy.

To libs, Memorial day is just another day to show their contempt for the US military
To libs, Memorial day is just another day to show their contempt for the US military

Participating in consumerism is not showing contempt for the troops, it's the American way. Without the consumer driving this economy, your dad would get a pay cut or lose his job and then your parents might have to start charging you rent for living in their basement.

I don't think you are very American, son. When was the last time you went shopping? You talk like you're a big troop supporter, prove it. What did you buy last?
Participating in consumerism is not showing contempt for the troops, it's the American way. Without the consumer driving this economy, your dad would get a pay cut or lose his job and then your parents might have to start charging you rent for living in their basement.

I don't think you are very American, son. When was the last time you went shopping? You talk like you're a big troop supporter, prove it. What did you buy last?

I was speaking about Edwards anti war protests on Memorial day
I was speaking about Edwards anti war protests on Memorial day

Then i guess you shouldn't have answered my post where I was speaking about shopping, dumbass.

And just as a I suspected you are desperate to deflect attention away from the question of, what is the last thing you bought? I am starting to think you're Russian. You're no American!
Then i guess you shouldn't have answered my post where I was speaking about shopping, dumbass.

And just as a I suspected you are desperate to deflect attention away from the question of, what is the last thing you bought? I am starting to think you're Russian. You're no American!

Facts do bother libs - even angry liberal bimbos
I was speaking about Edwards anti war protests on Memorial day

I don't think you understand the irony in your statement. Those veterans being honoured fought, and many died, so that people have the freedom to protest against wars they disagree with.

Do you want those soldier's sacrifice to be in vain? Why don't you support the troops?

It is also strange that you would call many libs on this, especially when many of those libs have served and fought for the right to express themselves.

Have you served? On what basis do you believe that you have the right to silence these people?