Red States Rule: Please Enlist

I have not said anyone cannot express their opinions, just that I consider some of their opinions to be crap.
"By what basis do you claim this right...."

To declare them exercising their speech is wrong....

It is your inference that inverts this to mean that he cannot exercise his freedom of speech.
It is clearly a suggestion that he has no right to assert an opinion of the action of another. He has the right. Just as they have the right to protest in a way that he believes is "wrong" either morally or intellectually.

He has in no way suggested they be stopped. You have however implied he has no right to express his opinion of their action. Therefore, as I asserted, you are doing exactly what you are accusing him of doing.
It is clearly a suggestion that he has no right to assert an opinion of the action of another. He has the right. Just as they have the right to protest in a way that he believes is "wrong" either morally or intellectually.

He has in no way suggested they be stopped. You have however implied he has no right to express his opinion of their action. Therefore, as I asserted, you are doing exactly what you are accusing him of doing.

Well let's ask him two questions.

1) If you could pass a law stopping them, would you?

2) Is it ever "right" to protest the war, or is it just not right on Memorial day?
Well let's ask him two questions.

1) If you could pass a law stopping them, would you?

2) Is it ever "right" to protest the war, or is it just not right on Memorial day?
1. Never.

2. Don't assume that because I point out hypocrisy in another it means that I agree with another person. He has as much right to point out what he thinks is "wrong" as those who protest have. Personally, I think that protesting Memorial Day Services is counterproductive to what they want to happen, but that is just me.
1. Never.

2. Don't assume that because I point out hypocrisy in another it means that I agree with another person. He has as much right to point out what he thinks is "wrong" as those who protest have. Personally, I think that protesting Memorial Day Services is counterproductive to what they want to happen, but that is just me.


Not you!

By "him' I meant let's ask RSR.

I know you wouldn't!
Right and I am expressing my opinion that he has his head up his butt :)
Which is fine. I haven't mentioned anything that you said.

I only was interested in the post by AnyOld which stated (paraphrased here), "You are trying to 'silence' them! Also, by what "right" do you speak out against their activity!"
Anyold, you admitted you said he was against the protests. That does imply he's against freedom of speech, which he isn't. Then you said "everyone does it". You're defeated. face it.
You strike me as a youngling, boy. Enlist, and show your support.

Howdy, A_C... pleased to make your acquaintance... I see you already have rsr's number... me too... I've seen him on a couple of other boards and it's always the same... rsr is a chickenhawk through and through... so you won't find him down at the recruiter's... ever...

His type just talk the talk, they don't have the actual gonads to walk it. When it was his turn to step up to the plate, he crawled away on his belly and hid under the rock that shields him to this very day.

I despise chickenhawks. How about you?
You tell him fellow red stater.

I'm tired of these intellectual types telling us how to serve our country. I just popped open a can of bud for all our fallen comrades. That proves I support the troops. No need to enlist.

Libs will probably have "whine"......har har har....get it "whine"? It sounds like "wine".

another chickenhawk? what is it about the GOP that draws so many flies?
How old are you...

another chickenhawk? what is it about the GOP that draws so many flies?

'Tony the Tiger'...miss your corn flake breakfast this morning before finals?
For your info most who serve are of the conservative ilk...I am one of those...did my duty...and what have you done lately besides whine?
He might be dixie returned though ?

Howdy citizen...

don't know dixie or toby but rsr uses the same name on other boards... and he's a chickenhawk there too... obtw, have you seen his chickenhawk dance? mannnn, he has that chicken head bob down pat...

Howdy citizen...

don't know dixie or toby but rsr uses the same name on other boards... and he's a chickenhawk there too... obtw, have you seen his chickenhawk dance? mannnn, he has that chicken head bob down pat...

Please read my post #76 and answer thequestion...quit dodging the inevitable!;)
Libs did surrender to Pres Bush over their surrender bill

Watching the kook lefts reaction is fun to watch

Not half as fun as watching the RW wrap themselves in the flag and support unquestioning a man who has done nothing but hand the extremists victory after victory...and then call anyone who challenges this a traitor.

No, fun is the wrong word. Sad fits better....

And "pathetic" fits even better.