Red States Rule: Please Enlist

I already told you...

I'm not going to follow you around the internet watching you denigrate my fellow veterans, doc... so you can shove your little post up your ass, IF that is, you can get it past your head...

where in nam did you serve? surely you must remember that little detail...

Shit I even gave ya a pic...worth a thousand BS words of a Lib...BS'er!:pke:

Why did you say that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975", when there were no US troops in vietnam in 1975? Just wondering....

There hadn't been any signinificant american ground combat forces in 'Nam since 1971 or 1972, in fact.

Why did you say that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975", when there were no US troops in vietnam in 1975? Just wondering....

There hadn't been any signinificant american ground combat forces in 'Nam since 1971 or 1972, in fact.
The last US Troops left Viet Nam on April 30, 1975. Look it up.
Somebody who makes a dupe account to play on a theme... You'll see the ocassional account like that here.

ohhh... ok... most of the boards I play at frown on duplicate accounts... I believe that this one is the only one I'm currently on that allows it.

So is Iloveredstates2 actually rsr?


Why did you say that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975", when there were no US troops in vietnam in 1975? Just wondering....

There hadn't been any signinificant american ground combat forces in 'Nam since 1971 or 1972, in fact.

Sorry cippie..we already covered this topic several times in the past ya lost...get over yourself already...spin away and change the dates in question till the proverbial 'cows come home' go play with Darla..she understands your ilk...not sorry!
ohhh... ok... most of the boards I play at frown on duplicate accounts... I believe that this one is the only one I'm currently on that allows it.

So is Iloveredstates2 actually rsr?

Damo does not frown on them, and I don't understand what is with the control freaks at these other boards.

what is the big deal if someone wants to use another name? Damo's not like that and he's not going to get like that, which is why we like him. Right Damo?
The last US Troops left Viet Nam on April 30, 1975. Look it up.

Yeah but, there was no significant troop levels is what he said. And "we were 6 months from winning the war in 1975" LOL.

I wonder if he knows Thomas Friedman. If so, he's due some royalties.
ohhh... ok... most of the boards I play at frown on duplicate accounts... I believe that this one is the only one I'm currently on that allows it.

So is Iloveredstates2 actually rsr?
Nope. And I don't tell. You can usually figure them out by what they say and how they say it. So long as they are kept to a minimum I'll allow some. It's even in the rules.

Yeah but, there was no significant troop levels is what he said. And "we were 6 months from winning the war in 1975" LOL.

I wonder if he knows Thomas Friedman. If so, he's due some royalties.

More combat tales from the crypt...from non other than the expert on war...may I present Ms...'Code Pink' to the audience...take a bow' Ms Code Pink':tongout:
Yeah but, there was no significant troop levels is what he said. And "we were 6 months from winning the war in 1975" LOL.

I wonder if he knows Thomas Friedman. If so, he's due some royalties.
No he said there were no US troops there in 1975, he was wrong.
Damo does not frown on them, and I don't understand what is with the control freaks at these other boards.

what is the big deal if someone wants to use another name? Damo's not like that and he's not going to get like that, which is why we like him. Right Damo?
I dunno why you like me...

I'm just glad you are all so entertaining.
No he said there were no US troops there in 1975, he was wrong.

You're right he did say "no". So the last ones were pulled out in April of 75, and they had already been drastically drawn down by then. So we had a few there for the first 3 and a half months of 75. But in 75 we were 6 months away from winning the war.

No matter how you slice this, BB is full of shit, or drunk again.

Why did you say that the US Army was "six months away from victory in 1975", when there were no US troops in vietnam in 1975? Just wondering....

There hadn't been any signinificant american ground combat forces in 'Nam since 1971 or 1972, in fact.

See, Darla?
The last US Troops left Viet Nam on April 30, 1975. Look it up.
Yeah, and I was seriously pissed about it, too. I thought we could drag that one out until Reagan took over. Hell, the war'd still be going on if that had panned out.

So I smote Ford good. Unfortunately no one noticed. Dim bastard.
You're right he did say "no". So the last ones were pulled out in April of 75, and they had already been drastically drawn down by then. So we had a few there for the first 3 and a half months of 75. But in 75 we were 6 months away from winning the war.

No matter how you slice this, BB is full of shit, or drunk again.
Well, crap.

I was getting all huffy... Going to prove you wrong and stuff....