Red States Rule: Please Enlist

Shit I even gave ya a pic...worth a thousand BS words of a Lib...BS'er!:pke:

where did you serve in Nam? Are you failing to respond to this simple question because you have forgotten what you have told the others?

Posers are like that... they just can't keep their war stories straight.

where in Nam did you serve?
Damo does not frown on them, and I don't understand what is with the control freaks at these other boards.

what is the big deal if someone wants to use another name? Damo's not like that and he's not going to get like that, which is why we like him. Right Damo?

no clue why they do it, Darla... but it does seem to be commonplace... cuz as I said, this is the first board that I've been on that openly allows it...

I won't be using a second account...
Give it a rest already...

where did you serve in Nam? Are you failing to respond to this simple question because you have forgotten what you have told the others?

Posers are like that... they just can't keep their war stories straight.

where in Nam did you serve?

It is posted several tell me where the 1st cav was... as well as the 2nd and 7th...then you will have the answer once again...are you Cippie??? again poser!

ps: I will give ya a hint though...I worked tdy outta Camp Roberts/Hunter Ligget CEDEC..combat experimentaion...A-Valley for sure as well as Cambodia!

Now go away not so fly guy!
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Being as how I was in the Air Force, Bb, I don't know the names of the villages the Cav used as their base camps... do you know? surely you would remember that if you were there.

Or are you, gasp, just another poser? a wannabe? is that what you are? a wannabe? oh gawwwwwwwwwd, another GOP wannabe... laffs...

and I also find it fascinating that every single one of them were combat soldiers... you never ever find one admitting that he was a clerk... or a cook... or a busdriver... or an MP... there's a funny thing about occupied countries... there are no front lines... consequently, there are no REMFs... just troopers in harms' way no matter where they are in country...

which is where that stinkin' chickenhawk rsr wants our troopers to be in Iraq... while we on the left want our troopers home safe with their families, he wants them in harms' way...

I despise chickenhawks.
It is posted several tell me where the 1st cav was... as well as the 2nd and 7th...then you will have the answer once again...are you Cippie??? again poser!

ps: I will give ya a hint though...I worked tdy outta Camp Roberts/Hunter Ligget CEDEC..combat experimentaion...A-Valley for sure as well as Cambodia!

Now go away not so fly guy!

uh huh, right... what ever you claim... Camp Roberts is IN California... I asked you where you served in VIET NAM... you do remember don't you? Or did the Agent Orange eat your brain?
It is clearly a suggestion that he has no right to assert an opinion of the action of another.

No, I am stating that he has no right to state that others expressing their opinion is wrong.

If you exercise your right to free speech to call other's use of free speech wrong, then you are wrong, because it is an innate contradiction.
and how do libs support the troops - by calling them baby killers, and wanting to surrender to the terrorists

"By calling them baby killers? Ummm, that was 'Nam, RSR. You don't hear it now. Some of US learn from our past mistakes. Question is, have the Right-Wing war supporters learned from those past mistakes as well?

Libs did surrender to Pres Bush over their surrender bill

Watching the kook lefts reaction is fun to watch
While the "Libs" were "surrendering" to Bush they were also making a statement to the American People and to the Bush Administration that although they (the liberals) were against the war they were also not going to "abandon" the troops.
Personally I think that's a point that has been missed by many- on both the Right and the Left.

It is clearly a suggestion that he has no right to assert an opinion of the action of another.

No, I am stating that he has no right to state that others expressing their opinion is wrong.

If you exercise your right to free speech to call other's use of free speech wrong, then you are wrong, because it is an innate contradiction.
Yet here you assert that he is wrong for asserting his opinion...

Now you are using circular reasoning and while telling him he is wrong for asserting his opinion...

LOL. Either way you are a hypocrite.

If he is "wrong" for this, so are you.
Yet here you assert that he is wrong for asserting his opinion...

Only his opinion that it is wrong to state that these people's freedom of speech is wrong...
Yet here you assert that he is wrong for asserting his opinion...

Only his opinion that it is wrong to state that these people's freedom of speech is wrong...
lol! I love this. :lolup: In order to tell him his opinion is wrong, you must directly be violating the idea that suggesting another's opinion is wrong... is "wrong"....


Seriously, if you don't see the hypocrisy inherent in this statement, and how hilarious it ultimately is, you are beyond redemption.

My position: You have every right to express even the opinion that there should be no such thing as Free Speech, it is protected under the constitution.

Your position: It is "wrong" to say that another's opinion is "wrong" and saying so violates some stricture on the right of free speech.

This is no "time and place" exemption here. He has every right to say that he thinks it is morally, ethically, even just socially "wrong", he even has a right to say that it should be "banned" (although he has never even suggested such).

Just as you have a right to make yourself look foolish by stating, "It is wrong for YOU to say that another's opinion is "wrong", but it is okay for ME to say that YOUR opinion is wrong!"