A VERY accurate summation of theThe US is effectively a one-party nation with a phony facade of a two-party system (for appearance sake). The DNC owns the RNC. In front of the camera, the apparent two, separate parties fight bitterly ... but then they retreat behind closed doors and the DNC dictates the outcome they are to put into effect. Prior to Trump, the two "Republican" Presidential candidates (Mitt Romney and John McCain) were not conservatives, but we're the most notorious of RINOs at the time and we're not the choices of Republican voters. They were, however, the top choices of the DNC, and thus they became the candidates of the RNC.
Hence the dual (RNC+DNC) HATRED for Donald Trump, a lifelong Democrat and prior sweetheart of the DNC. Trump realized that he could never become President running as a Democrat because the DNC determines its candidates twelve years in advance. Trump knew that despite being a lifelong Democrat, he could run as a Republican and spank every Republican candidate, because Republicans had ceased to care about winning, i.e. representing We the People, and we're simply in obedience mode to the DNC. By exploiting this weakness in the Republican process, Trump bitch-slapped the DNC and their control of the country. Hence the Uniparty HATRED of Trump.
Republicans don't want to win. Republicans wish to OBEY the DNC. Republicans will absolutely try to lose if the DNC so orders it.