REDUX: How Election Fraud Is Conducted By The Democrat/RINO (Uni)Party

The US is effectively a one-party nation with a phony facade of a two-party system (for appearance sake). The DNC owns the RNC. In front of the camera, the apparent two, separate parties fight bitterly ... but then they retreat behind closed doors and the DNC dictates the outcome they are to put into effect. Prior to Trump, the two "Republican" Presidential candidates (Mitt Romney and John McCain) were not conservatives, but we're the most notorious of RINOs at the time and we're not the choices of Republican voters. They were, however, the top choices of the DNC, and thus they became the candidates of the RNC.

Hence the dual (RNC+DNC) HATRED for Donald Trump, a lifelong Democrat and prior sweetheart of the DNC. Trump realized that he could never become President running as a Democrat because the DNC determines its candidates twelve years in advance. Trump knew that despite being a lifelong Democrat, he could run as a Republican and spank every Republican candidate, because Republicans had ceased to care about winning, i.e. representing We the People, and we're simply in obedience mode to the DNC. By exploiting this weakness in the Republican process, Trump bitch-slapped the DNC and their control of the country. Hence the Uniparty HATRED of Trump.

Republicans don't want to win. Republicans wish to OBEY the DNC. Republicans will absolutely try to lose if the DNC so orders it.
A VERY accurate summation of the two one-party system of government in this nation.
When have I said that affidavits don't exist?
Every time you parrot "There's absolutely no evidence the election was stolen" or "Trumpers can never come up with anything tangible" or any other equivalent dishonesty. You have absolutely no intention of being honest on this topic and you will even pretend you never said things that you recently said. I enjoyed this question of yours "When have I said that affidavits don't exist?" You probably denied the existence of any evidence whatsoever five times before I got into affidavits. Given sufficient time, you will revert back to denying all affidavits.

The evidence of the stolen election is voluminous, i.e. enough for us to discuss it to our deaths. Historians will refer to people such as you as those who tried to make the Empire State building invisible.

Regarding the magical bin of Biden ballots, which affidavit claims that the person, who would have had to have been in the room at that time, saw every ballot in that bin and saw that it was a vote for Biden?

You are entirely missing the point in your attempts to go to the extreme. I, as one of We the People, don't need to know what was on every ballot. You are being absurd. It is entirely sufficient for me to see that there even a little cheating. I saw the video of containers of ballots being pulled out from under tables when they should not have been there in the first place, i.e. they were there in violation of Georgia law ... and they were pulled out after all oversight had departed, again in violation of Georgia law.

I don't need to explain anything to anyone and I don't have to answer any of your questions. The people of Georgia were silenced, and in so doing, We the People were silenced. So let's not talk about any particular "bin" and let's talk about how We the People can prevent this upcoming election from being stolen as well.
When have I said that affidavits don't exist?

Regarding the magical bin of Biden ballots, which affidavit claims that the person, who would have had to have been in the room at that time, saw every ballot in that bin and saw that it was a vote for Biden?
The ballots in the bin are part of the Repubs trying to make Americans distrust their country. They told stories about ballots with races of bamboo on them because China was sending boatloads over. Bamboo? Trumpys even bought that one. A pile of ballots cannot be counted. There is a process that includes matching signatures, and locating the name on the ballot in the precinct log books. The whole refrain about boxes of ballots is just wrong and a deliberate lie.
The ballots in the bin are part of the Repubs trying to make Americans distrust their country. They told stories about ballots with races of bamboo on them because China was sending boatloads over. Bamboo? Trumpys even bought that one. A pile of ballots cannot be counted. There is a process that includes matching signatures, and locating the name on the ballot in the precinct log books. The whole refrain about boxes of ballots is just wrong and a deliberate lie.
Absolutely right about the bamboo ballots. Part of Cyber Ninjas' AZ audit was literally checking for ballots with bamboo fibers. That gives you an idea of just how far off the rails some Republicans were.
The ballots in the bin are part of the Repubs trying to make Americans distrust their country.
You STILL trust your government after the COVID nonsense, the election rigging, the kangaroo courts, the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago? How many times must you get abused by your abusers before you finally decide that you're "worth it" and put a stop to the abuse?
Absolutely right about the bamboo ballots. Part of Cyber Ninjas' AZ audit was literally checking for ballots with bamboo fibers. That gives you an idea of just how far off the rails some Republicans were.
Were? Read the posts. There are many here who stayed there. They read such slanted terrible sources, that they still do not understand what they believed then, and still do, is impossible.
:blah: :blah: :blah:

:seenoevil: :hearnoevil:

The former USA was a republic, NOT a democracy.

Define "fascism". How was it "destroyed"? How does it still exist after being "destroyed"?

Because it always (and usually rather quickly) dissolves, usually into anarchy, an oligarchy, or a dictatorship, none of which are any good.

A meaningless statement, as you seem to be clueless about how fascism is defined.

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No it isn't. The former USA's motto was actually "In God We Trust".

What about E. Pluribus Libtard?
Amazing! A Trumpster was able to use a two syllable word like libtard. I’m deeply impressed! LOL
So, I linked to a page on Dominion's site that talks about specific software they provide to print the ballots and you're denying that specific software to print the ballots exists?
Can you understand if a zillion fake ballots were printed, they would not be counted?
Do you vote? Try and remember the process. You ,present your voter registration card or other ID. to the first person at the table. They look up your name to see if you are supposed to vote in that precinct. They find you. or do not find you in the log book. If you are not in the book, you do not vote. Then you sign your name. That is checked against your signature on the book. If it matches, you are given a ballot. You vote and turn your ballot to the table. It is scanned and then you are marked as voted.
Can you figure out what happens if you come back later and try to vote?
Mail in goes through the same process. The precinct is on your ballot and it goes to the proper one. If you forget to sign it, it is tossed out. If you did, it is compared to the one in the same precinct log book. If it passes through the process, it is marked as voted in the log book.
Can you guess what happens to all those phony ballots you are dreaming about?
Your scenario does not work.
Can you understand if a zillion fake ballots were printed, they would not be counted?
Do you vote? Try and remember the process. You ,present your voter registration card or other ID. to the first person at the table. They look up your name to see if you are supposed to vote in that precinct. They find you. or do not find you in the log book. If you are not in the book, you do not vote. Then you sign your name. That is checked against your signature on the book. If it matches, you are given a ballot. You vote and turn your ballot to the table. It is scanned and then you are marked as voted.
Can you figure out what happens if you come back later and try to vote?
Mail in goes through the same process. The precinct is on your ballot and it goes to the proper one. If you forget to sign it, it is tossed out. If you did, it is compared to the one in the same precinct log book. If it passes through the process, it is marked as voted in the log book.
Can you guess what happens to all those phony ballots you are dreaming about?
Your scenario does not work.
"Can you understand if a zillion fake ballots were printed, they would not be counted?"

Can you understand if a zillion fake ballots were printed, they would not be counted?
Do you vote? Try and remember the process. You ,present your voter registration card or other ID. to the first person at the table. They look up your name to see if you are supposed to vote in that precinct. They find you. or do not find you in the log book. If you are not in the book, you do not vote. Then you sign your name. That is checked against your signature on the book. If it matches, you are given a ballot. You vote and turn your ballot to the table. It is scanned and then you are marked as voted.
Can you figure out what happens if you come back later and try to vote?
Mail in goes through the same process. The precinct is on your ballot and it goes to the proper one. If you forget to sign it, it is tossed out. If you did, it is compared to the one in the same precinct log book. If it passes through the process, it is marked as voted in the log book.
Can you guess what happens to all those phony ballots you are dreaming about?
Your scenario does not work.
Are you under the impression that I believe the election was stolen and there were a bunch of fake ballots printed?
Nope. The election fraud is one more reason that We the People do not trust the processes that we once held sacrosanct.

Your feeble declarations of "no fraud" don't seem to be convincing anyone.
You don't trust the processes because a) 2000 Mules was all a lie, b) the full forensic audit in AZ found nothing and c) all of the alleged fraud numbers Trump & Co. put out were lies.

Yep, sounds about right.
Amazing! A Trumpster was able to use a two syllable word like libtard. I’m deeply impressed! LOL
Amazing! A TDS-afflicted denizen of the collective was able to align the cursor with "post reply". Someday, if you ever learn how to make some sort of a point as well, you'll have managed to contribute to a discussion.

When that day arrives, it will be glorious.
This is one weird non sequitur. We'll never get that bandwidth back.
Is it because it's so easy to commit voter fraud because all states use the same equipment and process?

Is it because it's so easy to coordinate a nationwide conspiracy and have nobody say a word about it...ever?
Is it because it's so easy to coordinate a nationwide conspiracy and have nobody say a word about it...ever?
ZenMode Dishonesty: We've been over this. Not only did thousands of people say a word, they filed sworn affidavits.

The election was stolen brazenly, before everyone's eyes. Your imagery of some clandestine operation unseen by anyone is totally absurd.
ZenMode Dishonesty: We've been over this. Not only did thousands of people say a word, they filed sworn affidavits.

The election was stolen brazenly, before everyone's eyes. Your imagery of some clandestine operation unseen by anyone is totally absurd.
So brazen that multiple state investigations, including a forensic audit, found nothing. Not one fake ballot. Not one situation where the hand count was hugely off from the machine count.

Oh, but that's only because Republicans are helping Dems steal the election. The same Republicans that fell in line behind Trump, almost embarrassingly so during. The same Republicans that are apparently fine losing their Congressional jobs, right? They don't really want to win. They're just pretending to campaign and raise money. 🤣

The level of crazy, from someone who CLAIMS to be all about facts and science, is truly baffling.
So brazen that multiple state investigations, including a forensic audit, found nothing.
Did any investigations receive sworn affidavits?

This is where you answer "Yes, all of them did" and I respond "Well, then they didn't find nothing."

Your argument is dismissed. You are incorrigibly dishonest.
Did any investigations receive sworn affidavits?

This is where you answer "Yes, all of them did" and I respond "Well, then they didn't find nothing."

Your argument is dismissed. You are incorrigibly dishonest.
Sworn affidavits mean little more than nothing when compared to actual audits, security processes, etc.

Affidavits are only what people believe they witnessed or your interpretation of what they physically saw. Melissa Carone, looney toon extraordinaire, thought she saw something. Sidney Powell thought she knew something.