REDUX: How Election Fraud Is Conducted By The Democrat/RINO (Uni)Party

You should find a therapist to help you with your gullibility. You still haven't identified anyone you were calling "them" or "they."

What is your first language, if I may ask?
Holy shit, you suck at smack talk. Just give it up, you've lost this one, Tiger.
If by "Educated people" you mean people who receive their education through learned texts and scholars as compared to immersing themselves in political websites, they know Nazism is fascism, a far Right ideology.
People who are bent over furniture by their thought-masters and reamed with disinformation are required to believe that fascism are somehow right wing ideologies. Those who are not gullible and not reamed with disinformation know that fascism is a type of socialism and is an extreme leftist ideology. The Nazis were the National Socialist Workers/Labor Party, an extreme leftist political party. Fascism was their brand of socialism.

You are obviously not an educated person, but are instead bent over furniture getting your colon pounded.
Lol ... The guy in Georgia that found the 200 ballots that were scanned twice had actual solid evidence of what he was claiming.
LOL! LOL! Too funny! Your guy only reported 200 ... and failed to report the million others. So much for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Now, you refute the others.
People who are bent over furniture by their thought-masters and reamed with disinformation are required to believe that fascism are somehow right wing ideologies. Those who are not gullible and not reamed with disinformation know that fascism is a type of socialism and is an extreme leftist ideology. The Nazis were the National Socialist Workers/Labor Party, an extreme leftist political party. Fascism was their brand of socialism.

You are obviously not an educated person, but are instead bent over furniture getting your colon pounded.
I suspect your small brain has been sidetracked by the word, "socialism" which the Nazis perverted. You're a waste of time but here it is anyway:

"Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪzəm, ˈnæt-/ NA(H)T-siz-əm; also Naziism /-si.ɪzəm/),[1] the common name in English for National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus, German: [natsi̯oˈnaːlzotsi̯aˌlɪsmʊs] ), is the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.[2][3][4] During Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitlerism (German: Hitlerfaschismus). The later related term "neo-Nazism" is applied to other far-right groups with similar ideas which formed after the Second World War when the Nazi regime collapsed.

Nazism is a form of fascism,[5][6][7][8] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship,[4] fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism,[9] anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism originated in pan-Germanism and the ethno-nationalist Völkisch movement which had been a prominent aspect of German ultranationalism since the late 19th century."


You will find the same thing basically in any text on the subject.
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ok .... clearly trolling.
You backed yourself into a corner and now you have no choice but to tip your king.

I suspect your small brain has been sidetracked by the word, "socialism" which the Nazis perverted.
You can suspect as much as you are ordered to suspect by your slave-masters while you are bent over furniture. Fascism was created by Giovanni Gentile, a huge fan of Karl Marx and of socialism. Gentile felt that Marx's marketing of socialism was a liability because in Gentile's day, nobody was concerned about any "struggle" between the "proletariat" and the "burgeoise." Gentile argued that socialism would be better served by appealing to nationalism. Hence "fascism" was born. Hitler and Mussolini both were keen on it. It was their type of socialism.


Of course, socialism/fascism doesn't fly with conservatives or libertarians.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. You are making shit up. Your desperation to ignore the evidence is obvious. You can't make it disappear, dude.
Right, so I'm providing links to what I'm claiming. Either of us can watch the video and read the details of the guy proving that about 200 ballots were double scanned in Georgia.

Where's your evidence? Where are your numbers?

HINT: This is where you say "You can't make evidence disappear." Then I say "I'm asking you to make it appear.

Then you open the kitchen drawer, take out a big piece of foil, fold it into a little hat and slide it slowly onto you head.

On a side note, have you figured out why Dominion advertises specific software to print ballots for their machines, if there is no software to print ballots for their machines?

Let me guess.... they're also in on the steal?

Speaking of Dominion, when does the trial between Fox News and Dominion start? You know, the trial where Fox presents all their evidence to support their claims against Dominion? Oh, that's right....they paid nearly a billion dollars to settle the case because they had no evidence...just like you.
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Another hallmark of dumbfuck leftists is their inability to spot a RINO.
RINOs create an interesting situation for dumbfuck leftists... On one hand, they MUST hate RINOs because "they are Republicans" (the "enemy team", or so they mistakenly think), but those dumbfuck leftists must also heap mountains of praise their way whenever they "stand up" against the "conspiratorial right-wing nutjobs" (honest hardworking conservatives) within "their own party".

Of course, the truth is that the Republican Party has become a subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party and must play a "controlled opposition" role under strict orders from their Demonkkkrat Party "holding company". Any "dissenters" within the Republican Party (true conservatives who actually wish to restore the republic) are swiftly targeted by the "Intelligence Community" members of the Demonkkkrat Party in the form of election fraud, blackmail, smear campaigns, lawfare, "suicide" ;);) , etc...

Too many "normies" still don't realize the extent of government corruption..... or how "chaotic" 2025 is going to be.
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I suspect your small brain has been sidetracked by the word, "socialism" which the Nazis perverted. You're a waste of time but here it is anyway:

"Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪzəm, ˈnæt-/ NA(H)T-siz-əm; also Naziism /-si.ɪzəm/),[1] the common name in English for National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus, German: [natsi̯oˈnaːlzotsi̯aˌlɪsmʊs] ), is the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.[2][3][4] During Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitlerism (German: Hitlerfaschismus). The later related term "neo-Nazism" is applied to other far-right groups with similar ideas which formed after the Second World War when the Nazi regime collapsed.

Nazism is a form of fascism,[5][6][7][8] with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship,[4] fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism,[9] anti-Romani sentiment, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism originated in pan-Germanism and the ethno-nationalist Völkisch movement which had been a prominent aspect of German ultranationalism since the late 19th century."


You will find the same thing basically in any text on the subject.
Wikipedia is dismissed on sight. You cannot use Wikipedia as a source with me.
Right, so I'm providing links to what I'm claiming. Either of us can watch the video and read the details of the guy proving that about 200 ballots were double scanned in Georgia.

Where's your evidence? Where are your numbers?

HINT: This is where you say "You can't make evidence disappear." Then I say "I'm asking you to make it appear.

Then you open the kitchen drawer, take out a big piece of foil, fold it into a little hat and slide it slowly onto you head.

On a side note, have you figured out why Dominion advertises specific software to print ballots for their machines, if there is no software to print ballots for their machines?

Let me guess.... they're also in on the steal?

Speaking of Dominion, when does the trial between Fox News and Dominion start? You know, the trial where Fox presents all their evidence to support their claims against Dominion? Oh, that's right....they paid nearly a billion dollars to settle the case because they had no evidence...just like you.
OAN settled with Smartec. The amount was kept hidden as part of the agreement. It is easy to see that pro-Trump gnus requires lots of lying. Fox was scrambled by their loss to Dominion. The facts are clear, right wing news is about lies to those who want to be lied to. They seek out stations that will tell them what Trump wants them to hear. After proper programming, it is all they will listen to.
Yep, lots of people keep making claims about voter fraud and a stolen election that all of the non-MAGA are missing, yet they can't provide anything solid, so they resort to conspiracy theories like magical suitcases full of Biden ballots, grand conspiracies related to Covid and, as you referenced, a "Uniparty" that is in on the conspiracy to steal the election because apparently, Republicans are decided that they are giving up and don't want to win any more because MAGA is so bad? (Oh wait, Ted Cruz, who is among the most intelligent, well-spoken and rational Republicans, called for the party to align behind Trump after, what, three primaries? But I'm sure he was in on the steal, right?)

So, you'll have to give me some specifics on what I'm not hearing and seeing.
It is easy to see that pro-Trump gnus requires lots of lying. Fox was scrambled by their loss to Dominion.
Nordberg, why-the-flip do leftists keep referencing Fox News? Why do leftists virtue-signal that they are mentioning Fox News? Why do leftists believe that the mere mention of Fox News is a sort of trump card that automatically wins the current discussion and establishes them as geniuses?

Fox News transformed into a clone of CNN years ago. They weren't scrambled by any loss; they suffered no loss. Fox News was perfectly happy to coordinate their own loss with the DNC just to establish an official narrative of "No Stolen Election" ... and to agree to a huge $750 million fine that they would never have to pay (check their financials). Fox News has fired all of their most effective conservative hosts. Fox News HATES Trump.

So please tell me what leftists believe they are accomplishing by referencing Fox News.
Yep, lots of people keep making claims about voter fraud and a stolen election that all of the non-MAGA are missing, yet they can't provide anything solid,
Continued :seenoevil: :hearnoevil:
so they resort to conspiracy theories
Ahhhhh, those darn "conthpewathee theeweeth"... :rofl2:
like magical suitcases
Not "magical"... they were literal suitcases.
full of Biden ballots,
grand conspiracies related to Covid
What "conthpewatheeth"? The one about ivermectin being nothing more than "livestock dewormer" ('you are not a cow, you are not a horse')... Remember THAT one? Oh wait, that BS was peddled by DEMONKKKRATS. Let's try another one... Remember the one about the flu just magically disappearing for a couple of years? Oh wait, that BS was also peddled by DEMONKKKRATS.
and, as you referenced, a "Uniparty" that is in on the conspiracy to steal the election because apparently, Republicans are decided that they are giving up and don't want to win any more because MAGA is so bad?
Since when have Republicans actually wanted to win? They've looooong since been a subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party. Republicans sell their souls for wads of money, meanwhile Demonkkkrats shoot their wads in a Marxist wet dream. We The People get bent over furniture, meanwhile the Uniparty go to pound town. See how that works?
So, you'll have to give me some specifics on what I'm not hearing and seeing.
Continued :seenoevil::hearnoevil: