This little doozy is at least good enough for you to get a "pawtithipathun twophy" at the end of the month when I hand out June's awards.You TRIMPTARDED assholes wanted a fight, so I am here to bring it MOTHER FUCKER.
If you get your little feelings hurt, the crying towels are in the Bathroom!
Unfortunately you're not doing as well this month as you did last month, where you won a bronze trophy and also won a third place trophy in the consolation bracket. Thankfully, one of your boneheaded comments about the Manhattan lynching of Donald Trump might just eke out another award in the consolation bracket if it can hold on for another 20 days. However, Hume has already decided to make his way into the "winner's bracket" today, after only participating last month.
Commander Dutch has so far been slacking this month after a very strong showing last month, so here's your chance to pass him up in the standings if you can manage to make a "winner's bracket" comment sometime this month.