REDUX: How Election Fraud Is Conducted By The Democrat/RINO (Uni)Party

You are absolutely trying to revise history, from "Biden was installed through election theft" to "Biden, who couldn't get double-digit turnout at his rallies, somehow garnered a record number of votes."
I'm talking about the events in Fulton county with the magical suitcase. Stop changing topics.

Nope. Neither is what happened. The affidavit that recounts what happened has never been refuted by anyone, which means that you have never refuted it either.
That's a low bar for believing something
There is no conspiracy in that theory. How do you call it a "conspiracy theory"?
A CONSPIRACY theory is exactly what it is. Your entire narrative is literally a theory on a conspiracy to count fraudulent ballots to steal a presidential election.

The instruction to leave was implicit in the instruction to stop working and to return the next morning at 0800. One cannot return if one has not left, and I do not believe there was any expectation that they were to stop working and remain there until 0800 the next morning.
"I do not believe there was any expectation that they were to stop working and remain there until 0800 the next morning."

Well no shit. If you didn't arrange your beliefs so that you can't believe anything but a conspiracy theory, you will forever believe only the conspiracy theory.
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Disregard the last part of the above post. I misread the part I put in quotes.

Nobody is saying anyone was expected to stay all night. You only accept one explanation for the worker saying they were done for the night and it reinforces what you want to believe.
You only accept one explanation for the worker saying they were done for the night
Are you an eyewitness to the events in question? If I were stupid enough to accept your explanation of events, I would be accepting one CRAZY, non-eyewitness explanation of events. Mitchell Harrison is just one of multiple (two) corroborating and unequivocal eyewitness accounts that remain unrefuted.

You, on the other hand, have no eyewitness testimony to support your ZANY assertion, precisely because the only such eyewitnesses who could provide any such testimony were the ballot stuffers themselves, and none of them even want to be identified, much less deposed.

*BUT* ... You would be doing the country a great service by unearthing such an affidavit. I assure you I will read that with great interest.

Get some sworn eyewitness testimony. Until then, you have only what you are pulling out of your azz.
I'm talking about the events in Fulton county with the magical suitcase. Stop changing topics.
This is your invented distract or topic. You have nothing so you invent crap. Enjoy reveling in your distractor and I will continue being not distracted.
Well.....six or more times I tried to get you to answer a simple question.... actually, two simple questions and you chose to tap dance.

I can't force honesty out of you.
So you have no answers to my questions and nothing to refute any eyewitness testimony?

OK, I remain unconvinced. Let me know when something changes.
Are you an eyewitness to the events in question? If I were stupid enough to accept your explanation of events, I would be accepting one CRAZY, non-eyewitness explanation of events. Mitchell Harrison is just one of multiple (two) corroborating and unequivocal eyewitness accounts that remain unrefuted.

You, on the other hand, have no eyewitness testimony to support your ZANY assertion, precisely because the only such eyewitnesses who could provide any such testimony were the ballot stuffers themselves, and none of them even want to be identified, much less deposed.

*BUT* ... You would be doing the country a great service by unearthing such an affidavit. I assure you I will read that with great interest.

Get some sworn eyewitness testimony. Until then, you have only what you are pulling out of your azz.
I wouldn't be doing a great service to any of the conspiracy theorists like you. It doesn't matter how many affidavits, investigations, etc there are. You are going to believe whoever tells you what you want to hear.You are going to believe whoever tells you what you want to hear.
Taking you up on your offer, as you call it, is just openimg the door to more nonsensical conspiracy theories.
No theory. The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
I have an opinion. You have an opinion. Stop trying to be a victim. Right.
He's not trying to be a 'victim'. Pivot fallacy.
Apparently not entertaining "crazy" is not being honest. It's really not. You've made it impossible to ever have to change your mind.
Why should he change his mind?
Anyone and anything that questions the steal is in on it.
He doesn't question the steal. Democrats stole the election. There really is no question about it anymore. You just want to deny the evidence of election fraud by Democrats.
Or not. Maybe they just fear him...a lot. You have fallen victim to confirmation bias.
You are describing yourself again. You can't blame your problems on anybody else. Inversion fallacy.
Regarding the CCTV video of the suitcase of Biden ballots, it has been reported,
Nothing to report. The video speaks for itself.
and I've posted the article, that the FBI GBI and Georgia election officials have all investigated and found nothing illegal or nefarious,
The FBI: equivalent to the SS these days.
The GBI: a local version of the same thing.
The Georgia election officials: who committed the fraud.

NONE of them can cancel the existence of the video, which shows an illegal action by election officials!

Right...they 'found nothing illegal or nefarious'!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

That won't work, dude.
I wouldn't be doing a great service to any of the conspiracy theorists like you. It doesn't matter how many affidavits, investigations, etc there are. You are going to believe whoever tells you what you want to hear.You are going to believe whoever tells you what you want to hear.
So you write off affidavits now???? That's a sworn testimony, dude, made under penalty of perjury!
There are affidavits linked to the magical suitcase of Biden balance, but okay.. You have already claimed, baselessly, that everyone involved was in on it.

So, let's talk about the truck driver who claims that he was told he was transporting ballots, though we have no clue what he was actually transporting, even though he never dropped them off and only return them to where he had picked them up from. He is a convicted felon, known drug addict who has been in and out of rehab. He also has a history of mental health issues. Is that who you are going to believe?

Or do you want to believe Melissa Carone who, with the help of Rudy Giuliani reminded the Michigan Senate that she had signed an affidavit, embarrassed herself so badly in Michigan that Saturday Night live did a skit on her.
You can't make the evidence just disappear, dude.
You'll be waiting a long time. I have been waiting for Into the Night to show one piece of evidence and to name one county with more votes than registered voters. But, he cannot produce what does not exist.
RQAA. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Four years since 2020 and they have not produced any evidence of fraud.
I've already shown some of it to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
But, during that period, several of the accusations have been recanted by those making the claims--Dominion voting machines, the two women in Atlanta Rudy said were cheating as they counted ballots, the 2000 Mules video....
Trivial fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

You can't just make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Dim.
I'm talking about the events in Fulton county with the magical suitcase. Stop changing topics.
There is nothing magical about them. You can't erase the election fraud that occurred.
That's a low bar for believing something
A CONSPIRACY theory is exactly what it is. Your entire narrative is literally a theory on a conspiracy to count fraudulent ballots to steal a presidential election.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
"I do not believe there was any expectation that they were to stop working and remain there until 0800 the next morning."

Well no shit. If you didn't arrange your beliefs so that you can't believe anything but a conspiracy theory, you will forever believe only the conspiracy theory.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
Nothing to report. The video speaks for itself.

The FBI: equivalent to the SS these days.
The GBI: a local version of the same thing.
The Georgia election officials: who committed the fraud.

NONE of them can cancel the existence of the video, which shows an illegal action by election officials!

Right...they 'found nothing illegal or nefarious'!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

That won't work, dude.
Thanks for confirming your level of crazy.
There is nothing magical about them. You can't erase the election fraud that occurred.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
How many fraudulent ballots were found in Georgia, or Arizona or anywhere else?
RQAA. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

I've already shown some of it to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

Trivial fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

You can't just make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Dim.

"You can't just make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Dim."

You can't make fraudulent ballots, that don't exist, appear.
So you write off affidavits now???? That's a sworn testimony, dude, made under penalty of perjury!
One person has retracted his affidavit claims and Melissa Carone was publicly embarrassed by her claims. Anyone who had a affidavit related to AZ has been proven wrong. Can you name ONE person how has been held acct for what they THINK they saw?
"You can't just make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Dim."

You can't make fraudulent ballots, that don't exist, appear.
Won't work, dummy. You can't make the evidence disappear. I've already shown you some of the evidence. Argument of the Stone fallacy.